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  1. I think you should read the comment again. It runs exactly counter to what you are claiming: This story has been updated with a correction. It has been corrected to read that Prof. Lichtman’s 13 Keys system predicts the winner of the presidential race, not the outcome of the popular vote.
  2. The fact is the Bush and Trump pardoned people who might have been able to testify against them. Please share with us the cronies and associates that Obama spared. Obama followed the recommended procedure and only pardoned those recommended by the pardoning system. Bush went outside of that system. Trump even more so.
  3. Well, there must be some reason why American University retracted the claim that that's what Lichtman predicted. This was not an after-the-election retraction. And, Victor Morton the Washington Times columnist, makes an assertion but doesn't back it up with evidence.
  4. JD Vance To Join Tucker Carlson After Carlson Hosted Nazi Apologist On His Show The former Fox News host recently platformed Darryl Cooper, a Nazi apologist who said Winston Churchill — not Adolf Hitler — was the "chief villain" of WWII. Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance plans to join former Fox News host Tucker Carlson in a live event following Carlson’s hosting of a Nazi apologist on his program. Vance will be in Hershey, Pennsylvania, on Sept. 21 as part of Carlson’s “Live Tour,” according to PennLive. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jd-vance-to-join-tucker-carlson-on-show_n_66d9cbcce4b00f05eae4c392
  5. Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), the Republican vice-presidential nominee, declined to distance himself from right-wing talk show host Tucker Carlson for hosting a Holocaust distortionist who called Winston Churchill the “chief villain” of World War II, but spoke out against the crackpot guest whom he follows on his X accounts. Carlson has drawn unusually fierce criticism from several elected Republicans over his decision to host Darryl Cooper, a self-proclaimed podcast historian, on his program. Carlson described Cooper as “the best and most honest popular historian in the United States,” and declined to push back on any of the false claims made during their conversation. https://jewishinsider.com/2024/09/j-d-vance-declines-to-criticize-tucker-carlson-over-his-friendly-conversation-with-holocaust-denier/
  6. Republican nominee Donald Trump played up Russian President Vladimir Putin jokingly endorsing his Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, during a campaign stop on Thursday. Donald Trump jabs back after Vladimir Putin jokingly backs Kamala Harris “I don’t know if I’m insulted or he did me a favor," Trump said of Putin while outlining economic proposals to a group of New York City and Wall Street officials. Four years ago, Putin said he preferred then-Democratic nominee Joe Biden over Trump, something he noted when he discussed Harris during an economic conference this week in Vladivostok. "We will support her," Putin said ahead of the 2024 United States elections, according to published reports, adding: "She laughs so expressively and infectiously that it means that everything is fine with her." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/09/05/donald-trump-vladimir-putin-kamala-harris/75064403007/
  7. Also, Lincoln was a politician. I don't know what his private opinions were, or if there is any record of them, but to state that he believed Black people were just as good as white people, or at least deserved the same rights, probably would have doomed him politically. Anyway, his comment was irrelevant to the lack of importance he assigns to the abolition of slavery.
  8. Congress could have ended slavery? Even if the Constitution would have allowed for it, how do you think the South would have reacted? In fact, the reason that the South seceded was that it was clear the as new states were added, slave states would be more and more outnumbered.
  9. Trump and his advisers once envisioned an ambitious electoral map that would take the presidential race through blue-tinted states and provide the Republican nominee more paths to the White House. In May, surrounded by donors at his Mar-a-Lago club, Trump presented his plans to compete for Minnesota and Virginia. His campaign maintained an office in New Hampshire and even held a rally on the Jersey Shore. The final stretch of the race for the White House, though, is setting up to be fought over much more familiar ground. https://www.aol.com/trump-said-expanding-battleground-map-090915366.html
  10. You're repeating yourself. Just an empty assertion. You've got no answer for all the evidence that Biden does love his son. Maybe Biden won't do the honorable thing. Maybe he will succumb to his love for his son. Maybe he will pardon his son. But this is a nation where laws are supposed to be applied equally. Pardoning his son would set a terrible example. We've already had some bad presidential pardon examples set. George H.W. Bush pardoned officials for participating in the Iran Contra fiasco to protect himself. And Donald Trump did the same fur lowlifes like Paul Manafort and Roger Stone, who also were in a position to possibly incriminate him.
  11. Did he? Not according to this story dated sep 26, 2008 which explicitly made this correction: Editor’s Note: This story has been updated with a correction. It has been corrected to read that Prof. Lichtman’s 13 Keys system predicts the winner of the presidential race, not the outcome of the popular vote. https://www.american.edu/media/news/092616-13-keys-prediction.cfm
  12. Repaying a loan by check is definitely suspicious...in Paranoid Land.
  13. It's so weird. We had all these right wingers here condemning Biden on the grounds that he was going to pardon his son. As for your comments about Biden, thanks for the mindreading. It's a common recourse for those who have no facts to back them up. There's plenty of evidence to show that Biden loved his son. Lots of testimony. And, as Devon Archer testified before the Republicans in the House, Joe Biden called his son every day. And making a generalization like like "Democrats are horrible people" based on the acts of 1 personk, is saying that tens of millions of Americans are horrible people. That's the kind of thing that only a horrible person would says.
  14. His excuse was the hanging chads in Florida, But apart from that, in 2016 Pennsylvania and Florida were very close. Had the gone the other way, Clinton would have won the election. So not much reason to respect his method.
  15. I'm not going to debate with you the history that led up to the emancipation. The fact is that slavery was ended. And you condemned the war on the grounds that it cost 600K lives.
  16. Hello citizen of Opposite World. Where honor consists of showing favoritism to your nearest and dearest. I guess to you Banana Republics are the embodiment of civic virtues.
  17. Are you claiming that his nephew said nothing of the sort? That yahoo misreported the story? Got any evidence to back that up? Or is this just another Pavlovian response to information that displeases you?
  18. Even worse, it put an end to slavery...oh wait a minute... Of course, back then, they didn't exactly count as Americans...
  19. Well, he did predict Trump would win. That said, I don't assign much importance to his opinion or method. The funny thing is, though, Fox News was trumpeting news that Lichtman was about to issue his conclusion. But as soon as he did, the topic vanished from the Fox website. I wonder why that was?
  20. False: This is from an article written in 2008 after the conventions and before the election: "For this election, Lichtman says the Republicans have lost Key 1 (the 2006 mid-term election was a huge setback), Key 3 (the incumbent-party candidate is not the current president), Key 6 (long-term economic growth), Key 7 (there were no significant policy changes during this term), Key 10 (the Iraq war is widely regarded as a failure that has cost the United States much support from its allies), Key 11 (there were no major military or foreign-policy successes) and Key 12 (the incumbentparty candidate is not very charismatic or a national hero.) They seem likely to lose Key 5, as well, as many people believe the country is sliding into a recession, and Barack Obama’s charm and appeal could still turn Key 13, although that’s not easy, as only the two Roosevelts, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Reagan have turned it in the past century." https://pubsonline.informs.org/do/10.1287/orms.2008.05.12/full/
  21. Share of U.S. adults who say they are more enthusiastic about voting than in previous presidential elections Americans, driven by a Democratic surge, are the most enthusiastic about the presidential election in 24 years of Gallup polling... Democrats' enthusiasm score is one point shy of the party's high — 79% in February 2008, during the Clinton-Obama primary. The group's score, which includes Democratic-leaning participants, was 55% in March. The score for Republicans and GOP-leaning participants is at 64%, up from 59% in the spring. https://www.axios.com/2024/08/31/voting-enthusiasm-presidential-election
  22. Not great? How about not good? Trump showed mercy? What debate did you watch? .
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