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  1. The thing is, they would have to replace Trump with J.D. Vance. I wonder if he eats dogs, too? He certainly has that kind of vibe.
  2. During the debate, Trump stated, "In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs. The people that came in, they’re eating the cats." https://www.fox29.com/news/trump-false-claims-migrants-eating-pets Did Trump mean that the non-immigrants in Springfield were eating dogs and the immigrants were eating cats? Does this mean that Trump thinks it's OK to eat dogs but not cats? I know he likes McDonalds but this dog-eating thing reveals a whole new side to Donald.
  3. Thanks. Here it is with a working link. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/harris-trump-presidential-debate-transcript/story?id=113560542
  4. One particularly bizarre moment was when Trump claimed he saved Obamacare. “I had a choice to make” on Obamacare. “Do I save it and make it as good as it can be? Or do I let it rot? And I saved it. I did the right thing.” https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/09/10/us/harris-trump-debate#i-had-a-choice-to-make-on-obamacare-do-i-save-it-and-make-it-as-good-as-it-can-be-or-do-i-let-it-rot-and-i-saved-it-i-did-the-ri He's the guy who repeatedly and bitterly denounced John McCain for his vote to preserve it when Trump tried to have it repealed.
  5. What I always found curious was the expectation of the right wingers here that Harris wouldn't know how to handle herself in a debate. They believed the caricatures of her. As for Trump, I don't know if a caricature is even possible. He just lived up, or is that down, to the reality of who he is.
  6. *This is from Andrew Roberts, an historian writing on at the freebeacon.com, a very rightwing site: "Cooper's first argument was that Churchill "was primarily responsible for that war becoming what it did, something other than an invasion of Poland." Yet in the moment that Adolf Hitler invaded Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg at dawn on May 10, 1940, Winston Churchill was not even prime minister. Unless Mr. Cooper is arguing that from his position as First Lord of the Admiralty—the head of Britain's navy—Churchill was somehow able to force Hitler to unleash Blitzkrieg in the West, his first argument falls to the ground." https://freebeacon.com/culture/no-churchill-was-not-the-villain/ At best, Darryl Cooper is an ignoramus.
  7. You sure about that? NHS Wales: badly run by Labour or underfunded by Westminster? A number of commentators have expressed concern at the way the Welsh administration has been running the NHS in recent years. But the amount of money Wales gets to spend on healthcare is set in Westminster, and there’s evidence to suggest that the country loses out financially compared to other parts of the UK... The Lords report found that Wales in particular loses out in the absence of a needs-based funding system... This makes sense when we consider that Wales has proportionately more people over the age of 65, when compared with the rest of the UK. https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/nhs-wales-badly-run-by-labour-or-underfunded-by-westminster
  8. They choose to issue them. And the more shares and options that are issued, that lowers the value of what each share otherwise would have been. And while it's usually successful companies that do this, for a failing enterprise like Trump Media to have done it obviously stinks.
  9. Actually, given her lies about the Iraq War she was well suited to being a Republican. She is a loathsome person. She still defends the Iraq War.
  10. As states, it was being implemented. Not on hold until after the war. It was the realities of war that put it on hold after massive and purposeful starvation was inflicted on populations whom the Nazis considered to be subhumans.
  11. Maybe you think that raising taxes to clean up the environment, is greedy? It's true that the rich can get away to less polluted climes. Does that mean that those who can't are greedy for wanting to breathe clean air and clean water? Is it greedy to want to ensure that children have access to decent medical care and have enough food to eat? And so on...
  12. If you're referring to the Russians, I would call their leaders monsters. In that War it boiled down to the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Is that the case with the US and Israel?
  13. If there's any feigned lack of knowledge here, it's your refusal to engage with the fact that Trump changed the tax laws in a way to massively benefit himself.
  14. What about the evidence that starvation was deliberately inflicted by the Nazis on those populations. You don't seem to have an answer for the fact that your claim that because the plan was only partially implemented it really wasn't implemented at all. As noted, there's plenty of evidence that the Germans purposely starved populations as part of their racist plan. And the POWs in Germany weren't fed better because they were in Germany, they were fed better because they were being used as slave labor. And of course it's ridiculous to claim that prisoners whom the Nazis viewed as subhumans, were only being starved because of logistics.
  15. Well, by your reasoning, anyone supporting any legislation that either increases the tax burdens on others that might have a beneficial effect on them or supports decreases that will lower their tax burden is greedy. Your is the kind of argument that resorts to making things personal when they have nothing reasonable to offer in the way of an argument.
  16. You sure about that? In today’s 6–3 decision, the Court held that the plaintiffs failed to demonstrate that they had suffered or likely would suffer harm as a result of the federal government’s communications with social-media platforms. It also ruled any such alleged harm would not be solved by the injunction sought by the plaintiffs. Writing for the majority, Justice Amy Coney Barrett noted that the record in this case indicated that platforms regularly consulted with a variety of outside experts, including federal Executive-Branch officials, about content-moderation decisions, and that platforms “continued to exercise their independent judgment” even after those conversations. https://www.freepress.net/news/press-releases/supreme-court-ruling-murthy-missouri-affirms-first-amendment
  17. Because Israel is an ally which depends on a lot of support from the West particularly the USA. And allies should be subject to harsher scrutiny.
  18. Farms? The rich are already investing massively in farms. Like a guy who is apparently your hero, Bill Gates. Hospitals? Thanks to privatization public hospitals are being taken over and often closed in the pursuit of profits. There are areas of the US that are now hospital deserts where pregnant women can't get health care thanks to those closures. Roads? Toll roads actually make money for governments. Why give that up to private interests?
  19. No, it doesn't. How exactly does proposing to raise taxes on the rich mean someone is greedy?
  20. This appellate ruling comes from the 5th circuit, a court that is too far to the right even for the current Supreme Court Again and again, U.S. Supreme Court slaps down 5th Circuit If the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was a boxer, you’d bet on the other guy. The 5th Circuit, which hears appeals from Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi, had three rulings upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, and eight overturned, more than any other court this term. The conservative circuit court saw its rulings on abortion medication, gun control, administrative power and social media moderation all rejected by the Supreme Court. https://lailluminator.com/2024/07/07/5th-circuit/
  21. What's not surprising that you don't see that rudi49jr's point was that the 2 are mutually exclusive. You can't confess on the one hand that you really lost the election and on the other complain that you lost due to fraud. Well, I guess you can if you're Trump. It doesn't make sense, but when has that ever stopped him?
  22. Thanks for not providing links to any sources credible or otherwise. Even the JFK case, which is ancient history, takes no account of the shenanigans of the downstate Illinois Republican machine. And even if Kennedy had lost Illinois, the fact is that Kennedy had more than enough electoral votes to win the election anyway. https://archive.ph/O1xfX https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2017/08/08/heres-a-voter-fraud-myth-richard-daley-stole-illinois-for-john-kennedy-in-the-1960-election/
  23. Successful tech stocks have something different and better to offer. Truth Social isjust a pale imitation of Twitter. It's always been a meme stock.
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