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  1. I understand it according to what Trump actually said as I pointed out earlier. But you keep making things up.
  2. And you know this is quality work how? This is the guy who said he could cut at least 2 trillion dollars from the Biden 6.5 trillion budget even though the discretionary part of that is less than 2 billlion. But apparently you believe that even though he's an ignoramus, he has magic powers.
  3. "Genetic studies indicate a genetic affinity between Palestinians and other Levantine populations, as well as other Arab and Semitic groups in the Middle East and North Africa.[8][9]More recent studies since 2017[24][25] have found that Palestinians, and other Levantine people, are primarily descended from ancient Levantines present in what is today Israel and Palestine, dating back at least 3700 years.[26] According to Marc Heber et al, all modern Levantine Arabs descend from Canaanite-like ancestors, whereas later migrations impact on their population ancestry was slight.[27]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_of_the_Palestinians
  4. Somebody call maintenance. The bot is breaking down.
  5. January 2025 has set a new record for the global, average temperature experienced during the month––hitting 13.23 C, surpassing the monthly record that was established in 2024 (13.14 C). To complement the newest record, January was 1.75 C above the pre-industrial level. As well, January 2025 was the 18th in a 19-month period that saw the worldwide, average, surface air temperature exceed 1.5 C above the pre-industrial level. https://www.yahoo.com/news/january-2025-extends-concerning-trend-031604298.html https://abcnews.go.com/US/earth-experienced-warmest-january-record/story?id=118502714
  6. And French food as we know it today drew hugely on Italian cuisine in the Renaissance.
  7. Another lie. https://www.who.int/news-room/spotlight/history-of-vaccination/history-of-measles-vaccination https://historyofvaccines.org/history/measles/timeline
  8. My position is that it's irrelevant whether the increase is due to increased diagnoses or an actual increase in occurrence. What is relevant is that massive studies have shown no correlation between autism and vaccination s.
  9. Most likely if pressed, they'll do what they always do. Take comfort from the polls that support their positions and claim that the ones that don't are fraudulent.
  10. And approximately what year would that have been?
  11. I have made my position very clear. There was no ambiguity in what I said. I'm not here to provide you a course in remedial reading. Whether he blames vaccines for autism or is merely questioning their relation is irrelevant. The fact is that massive studies have shown no correlation. In the face of that, he should be looking elsewhere. Obviously, continuing to cast dispersions or doubts on vaccination and autism is being done either in bad faith or because he suffers from some form of mental disability.
  12. I'm going to say you're making that up. Four children at one school. You can prove me wrong by providing a name for that school and it's location. Something dramatic like that it's got to be a matter of public record
  13. Not a 440% increase in autism. A 440% increase in diagnoses. There's been a concerted effort to make health and education professionals More aware of autism. So naturally there's been an increase. But even if the increase were totally real, there have been massive studies done that show that there is no correlation between vaccines and autism. So why is Kennedy still blaming vaccination for the increase, since, if the increase is real, then the cause or causes should lie elsewhere.
  14. So gullible. No way of telling if the investment will take place. And no way of telling if it would have taken place anyway. It's amazing how paranoid or trusting Trump supporters are depending on whether the news reflects badly on Trump or well.
  15. He's a failed real estate guy who torched the huge and profitable business his father left him. And spare us the cliches about how NY real estate guys talk, The competent businessmen in charge of the successful NY real estate business don't sound like loud ignoramuses when they speak. They are smart, sophisticated business people. We know it will antagonize the Arab world because it will enrage the average Arab citizen of those nations. And given that for Trump's proposal to work, he needs their active cooperation. And there could be nothing secret about that. Trump's proposal isn't about Hamas. It's about displacing 2 million people permanently. And given that Trump wants the Arab regimes public cooperation on other matters, how does this fantasy he's promoting help that?
  16. Case in point: how many billions of dollars did China promise Trump it would buy in US products...was it 200B or so? Did it happen? No. Promises are cheap.
  17. It's funny. People who support the Trump administrations current actions claim that since voters knew what he said, that means that they support what he's doing now. Do you and they have some kind of magic wand to tell when he means it and when he doesn't? As for it being a negotiating position...a position that is sure to antagonize the Arab world? A position that will make it harder to negotiate whatever it is he's looking to gain in the mideast. If it is a negotiating position, and unlike you I don't read Trump's mind, it's a remarkably stupid one. Well, considering the source, maybe not so remarkably.
  18. False: "The U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip," Trump said in a White House press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "We'll own it ... We have an opportunity to do something that could be phenomenal ... the Riviera of the Middle East." https://www.npr.org/2025/02/05/nx-s1-5287576/trump-gaza-takeover
  19. Utterly false. The big enchilada were the lies propagated by Giuliani. Such as that Dominion was founded to fix elections for Hugo Chavez.
  20. Violent speech bad. Violence against police, not so much.
  21. Fox was sued on a lot more grounds than that..
  22. More conspiracy nonsense.
  23. "Trump is not proposing a permanent move. It is temporary, to allow the rapid rebuilding and development of the area." False “I don’t think people should be going back to Gaza,” Mr. Trump said. “I heard that Gaza has been very unlucky for them. They live like hell. They live like they’re living in hell. Gaza is not a place for people to be living, and the only reason they want to go back, and I believe this strongly, is because they have no alternative.” He suggested that nations in the region could finance the resettlement of Gazans to new places — perhaps “a good, fresh, beautiful piece of land” — that would provide better living conditions, either as a single territory or as many as a dozen. “It would be my hope that we could do something really nice, really good, where they wouldn’t want to return,” he said without offering details of what that would entail." https://archive.ph/waJg0
  24. This story was about a drug bust in Canada. No reference made to the USA. Much less to Trump Canada has its own domestic market for fentanyl. Spare us your paranoia. Looks like you're suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
  25. The share of Republicans who say they want tech billionaire Elon Musk to have significant influence in the Trump administration has fallen substantially in the months since President Trump was elected. In The Economist/YouGov poll taken in the days after the November 2024 election, 47 percent of surveyed Republicans said they wanted Musk to have “a lot” of influence in the Trump administration, while 29 percent wanted “a little” and 12 percent wanted him to have “none at all.” Today, however, the share of Republicans who say they want Musk to have “a lot” of influence has fallen substantially to 26 percent. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/5129353-gop-support-for-musk-influence-with-trump-falls-dramatically-poll/ The article goes on to say that 43% of Republicans want him to have a little influence and 17% who want him to have no influence.
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