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  1. Before a grand jury is convened, there should be some basis in evidence. Otherwise it's just a fishing expedition which is something no ethical prosecutor would undertake. In Trump's case there was an abundance of evidence.
  2. You admire the writing of a perfect Democrat? You're making progress.
  3. Once again, you've got nothing but personal conference. Which is just another way of saying you've got nothing.
  4. You need to read what you write. Preferably, before posting it.
  5. Right. Because it was only those informants who were chanting and Mike Spence?
  6. Some of us consider the merits of a case regardless of the stance of any media. Others, apparently, depend on the slant of external sources to judge those merits.
  7. What are the first two words in the subject line of this topic?
  8. You know that saying that the government can get a jury to convict even a ham sandwich? A case the government's tried to buildagainst the vaccine manufacturers was so bad that Desantis' bright idea utterly failed.
  9. A statewide grand jury didn’t find evidence that COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers broke federal or state laws when making and distributing the shots, according to a report published Tuesday. The publication of the grand jury’s final report comes more than two years after Gov. Ron DeSantis asked the Supreme Court to assemble it to investigate wrongdoing related to the COVID-19 vaccines. At the time, DeSantis eyed his unsuccessful bid for the presidency and explained his petition by saying that misrepresenting the efficacy of a drug was against Florida law. https://floridaphoenix.com/2025/01/07/statewide-grand-jury-investigating-covid-19-vaccines-finds-no-evidence-of-crimes/
  10. So those are the only 2 options? Either Hanson or socialist mumbo-jumbo?
  11. And what's even better, is that he's going to commit aggression against a NATO Ally. If the Danish government wants to forestall this from happening, they might want to follow the example of North Korea: become a dictatorship and acquire nuclear weapons. They had just better make sure that their dictator is male, so Trump can swoon into another man crush.
  12. House Speaker Mike Johnson sparked an unusual religion controversy last week when he recited a prayer in front of Congress after being reelected as speaker of the House. The problem, at least according to some scholars, wasn’t that he prayed in the U.S. Capitol. It was that he claimed to be quoting former President Thomas Jefferson. https://www.deseret.com/faith/2025/01/06/house-speaker-mike-johnson-jefferson-prayer/ Not only did Johnson attribute the prayer to Jefferson, but if you read the quote from Jefferson in the article, you'll see that, most likely, he would have disapproved of offering prayers in such a venue. In fact, James Madison, who's commonly known as the father of the Constitution, thought that it was unconstitutional for Congress to have chaplains.
  13. Belarusans
  14. Before the war and in it's early days. But, like Liz Cheney, Davis has never retracted his enthusiastic endorsement of it or acknowledged it was a mistake.
  15. President-elect Donald Trump will have trouble meeting his pledges to massively increase oil production — even if he manages to overturn President Joe Biden’s sweeping new ban on offshore drilling. Reluctance by economically skittish petroleum producers, the rise in fuel-efficient cars and Trump’s own threatened trade wars will make it difficult for the United States to produce significantly more oil than it already does, energy analysts told POLITICO on Monday. The fact that the U.S. is already the world’s biggest oil producer and biggest gas exporter will also make sharp increases hard to achieve, despite Trump’s campaign pledges of energy “dominance.” https://www.politico.com/news/2025/01/07/trump-oil-promises-biden-drilling-ban-00196740
  16. What exactly does being pardoned have to do with the question of whether or not Mike Flynn was innocent of the charges he was convicted for?
  17. But somehow their shared DNA will promote a harmonious relationship with China?
  18. Thanks for providing so much reasoning to back up your characterization. Oh wait a minute.. I'm afraid you've still got nothing.
  19. I feel so ashamed of the way I've treated the polite, respectful, and low key points raised by right wingers. I kind of feel like I've been stomping on hobbits.
  20. So you weren't writing about history?
  21. Their DNA is Asian? Really? Is their language related to Chinese? Do they share a religion? Eat the same foods? What you'rr positing is just mystical argle bargle of a type that has historically been used as an excuse for bad behavior on the part of the more powerful.
  22. Why is it only my post that you object to on is the subject and not that a strong supporter of Israel. Why are you posting about the history?
  23. The Constitution of the United States that an official will be removed from office w"if impeached for and convicted of". If there's no conviction, there's no finding of death. That's the legal tradition the founding fathers were drawing on. Presumption of innocence is a crucial part of that tradition.
  24. Odd how you were incited by my comment, but the comment I was replying tot made the original assertion that Palestinians aren't originally from Israel excited no ire on your part. Why is that?
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