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  1. Actually, it's more like the left is having a shooting party. And the targets are fish in a barrel.
  2. And if they get it wrong, we can expect others to call them out on it with specific counter-evidence. You know, like the folks at Fox news who have plenty of motivation to bag a few legitimate gotchas at the expense of the NY Times. And enough with your nonsense about it being my responsibility to link to the interview. You must have a very low opinion of the capabilities of the members here if you think that they can't figure that out for themselves.
  3. What don't you understand about the fact that Nancy Pelosi is no longer the Speaker of the House? That means she doesn't have the authority to even bring up such a bill for authorization. And what makes your comment even worse is that the VP can't go around the President to advocate for a bill. Even if Pelosi was still the Speaker, the first thing that would be checked was if the President was behind it. And, of course, no rational VP would even try to pull such a stunt. But an irrational person who clearly not only doesn't understand the American political system, but doesn't understand that they don't understand it, might thin that this was a feasible plan. Lerner did not apologize for personally targeting anybody. And as noted, it wasn't only conservatives who were targeted. It was also progressives. In fact, the only groups to have their exemptions taken away were progressive groups. So where exactly is the evidence of political persecution.
  4. Sure. Technical issues. Thursday 25 January 2024 09:50 GMT Trump appears to slur words while speaking about drug death penalty https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/trump-slurs-drug-death-penalty-speech-b2484531.html Donald Trump Mocked for Slurring Words in Rally Speech Published May 12, 2024 at 12:27 PM EDT https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-mocked-slurring-words-rally-speech-1899638
  5. I guess we can all celebrate! Inflation rises 2.9% in July, less than expected https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/cpi-inflation-july-2024
  6. Fact checking pieces are not opinion pieces. If you or others think the fact checking is incorrect, then link to a source the contradicts those facts instead of labeling them opinions. But when someone claims that rising seas are actually going to create more beachfront land, it doesn't seem unreasonable to question their grasp of reality. And our people really so clueless here that they can't find a link to the interview? Or are members of aseannow.com so new to the internet that they don't understand how search engines work?
  7. No. There are plenty of other venues. But the New York times has a lot at stake when it makes such claims. Because it knows that right wingers will jump at the chance to prove it wrong. Can you prove their claims wrong? You got a credible source that says differently? I think that what you've really got is nothing.
  8. There was substance? Trump Regales Elon Musk With Familiar Falsehoods Fact-checking Donald Trump’s claims about immigration, Vice President Kamala Harris, President Biden and more. https://archive.ph/4ZGKd
  9. Right. The Republicans in the House labored for months to come up with something and came up empty. Biden didn't have to avoid anything. Evidence is needed to justify an investigation. Remember when the Republicans put great hopes on Archer's testimony? He said over and over again that Hunter Biden told him that he had no influence over his father but he was playing to the belief of the Burisma execs that he did. He also testified that Burisma executives told him that the prosecutor who Biden removed at the request of Obama and the State Dept was actually an ally of Burisma.
  10. Why do you insist on demonstrating your lack of knowledge about the system. Nancy Pelosi is no longer the Speaker of the House. That honor now belongs to Mike Johnson. He's a Republican. And the reason that a Republican holds the speakership is because a majority of the members of the House belong to the Republican Party. "On May 10, 2013, in a conference call with reporters, Lerner apologized that Tea Party groups and other groups had been targeted for audits of their applications for tax-exemption. Both conservative and liberal groups were scrutinized.[1] Only three groups—all branches of the Democratic group Emerge America—had tax exemptions revoked.[2] Lerner resigned over the controversy." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lois_Lerner Apparently, she was a persecutor of Democrats.
  11. I'm not sure if this is an acknowledgement that the photos were taken 15 years apart minus 1 day.
  12. Even if so, less of a dud than Trump. Although "dud" might not be the best word for someone who explodes many times daily.
  13. One poll is hardly evidence enough. Fivethirtyeight compiled all the polls, weighted them according to their quality and gave Trump about a 30% chance of winning. And who did the polls predict was going to win in 2020? It wasn't Trump. Surprise me and don't claim that the 2020 election was stolen.
  14. Was stronger than what exactly? And when the "55555"s start flying, you know that the party launching them has no rational response to offer. Just empty taunts.
  15. Actually, I think I may not have gotten it quite right. Harris' strategy is even smarter than I gave it credit for. While Biden was a candidate, the focus was on him and his unpopularity. But what MAGA supporters forget, or more likely, blank out on, is that Trump was never popular either. Recall that performed a truly amazing feat. Despite the fact that the economy was doing well in 2018, he led the Republicans to a huge electoral defeat. Now that Biden is out of the picture what better way to get Trump riled up than for Harris not to do press conferences. Clearly, that enrages Trump. And Trump is not one to keep his rage to himself. If anything it's worse now., So people will be reminded all over again why they disliked Trump. Smart move, Harris.
  16. Because it takes 2 to tango. And the deal was the work of Iran's relative moderates. Once Trump cancelled the agreement, the conservatives triumphed. They don't want a deal with the US. They never did.
  17. So far, it seems to be working for her. Why run a risk when your opponent is slitting his wrists?
  18. The only "tough" interview that I recall Trump participated in was the 60 minute interview. He cut that short after 5 minutes on the alleged grounds that Biden didn't get such tough questions.
  19. Another right wing myth distortion. "Now, in the third audit of how the tax-exempt application process went off the rails, the Treasury Department's inspector general overseeing the IRS has found the agency targeted not just conservatives but also scores of groups with words like "progressive" in their names. The Treasury inspector general for tax administration, or TIGTA, did the report at the request of a bipartisan group of senators. "The far right has been beating a drum for years now that there was a partisan attack on them," said Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., one of the requestors. He said the new report shows "that's just not true." https://www.npr.org/2017/10/05/555975207/as-irs-targeted-tea-party-groups-it-went-after-progressives-too
  20. Do you understand that we're talking about Kamila Harris, not Joe Biden? Is there any evidence that Biden wanted to exempt tips from taxes? Given your propensity for making obvious errors, you might want to think twice before gratuitously insulting the intellect of others.
  21. Please. The difference is that Harris couldn't offer falsehoods on a scale and a rate that could rival Trump's. Who can? So there would be a lot less to challenge.
  22. Since you haven't told us where you come from or where you are, it's not possible to evaluate your statement. But on a global scale we've had record warm temperatures for 15 months which means winters were encompassed everywhere.
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