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  1. And what have these achievements got to do with "The USA government couldn't run with out him." You mean if Musk, say, never existed, the US government wouldn't be functioning? How does that work?
  2. This was the ranting portion of your comment: "Scaring the people and scamming Trillions of $ from them isn't going to Fix what they Think is wrong , Who are They? The Greedy monsters that are in Power to do what they want . Brainwashing comes to mind , just like Religion Trying to make people believe in something that Doesn't exit whilst robbing the people of their Money and Power." Lots of heat, little light. Just angry, empty generalizations.
  3. I guess you don't remember when the justice department conducted not 1 but 2 investigations to suss out bias within the ranks of the Justice Dept. against Trump. The second investigation done with the enthusiastic cooperation of William Barr who said he wasn't satisfied the the Inspector General had previously found no bias. And guess what? They found no evidence of that at all.
  4. You think that's bad? How about the way those Leninists have gone after those noted political figures, Bob Rodriqugez, a senator from New Jersey, and Henry Cuellar from Texas. More proof of DOJ bias...against Democrats. Well, then there is the case of the DOJ just winning a huge case against a corporation beloved by right wingers everywhere. Of course, what corporation could I be referring to other than Google (Alphabet, technically) Federal judge rules Google violated antitrust law A federal judge ruled on Monday that Alphabet – the parent company of tech giant Google – broke federal antitrust laws as it reinforced its dominant position over online searches and related advertising. The ruling from U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta in the District of Columbia opens the door to a second trial to determine potential remedies to Google's monopolization of the search market. It marks the Justice Department's first victory over a monopoly in over 20 years. The Justice Department sued Google over its control of roughly 90% of the online search market – an amount that rises to 95% on smartphones. https://www.foxbusiness.com/technology/federal-judge-rules-google-violated-antitrust-law
  5. What you don't seem to understand is that in this context climate states is not synonymous with climate. This is the kind of mischaracterization that is to be found on denialist websites and in tweets and such. Fact check: 2001 climate change statement misrepresented to disparage climate models The word "climate" refers to the range of expected weather conditions, including temperature and precipitation levels. Conversely, "climate states" refers to the presence or absence of relatively discrete weather events like a rainstorm... "What this quotation is about is the limits on weather forecasts and forecasts of other variability, like El Niño," Baylor Fox-Kemper, an associate professor at Brown University and an author on a 2021-22 IPCC report, told USA TODAY. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/05/23/fact-check-climate-models-reliable-ipcc-statement-misrepresented/9618298002/ So while it may not yet or maybe ever be possible to predict how many thunderstorms will occur in a given locale over a period of time, it is entirely possible to predict the rise in global temperature. In fact, most of the models created in the 1960s and 1970 created very accurate algorithms to predict the rise in global temperatures for example. Climate models are often attacked, but most of the time they're remarkably good After years of hearing critics blast the models' accuracy, climate scientist Zeke Hausfather decided to see just how good they have been. He tracked down 17 models used between 1970 and 2007 and found that the majority of them predicted results that were "indistinguishable from what actually occurred." "By and large our models have gotten it right, plus or minus a little bit," said Hausfather, a UC Berkeley scientist who is climate and energy director at the Breakthrough Institute. https://phys.org/news/2019-12-climate-theyre-remarkably-good.html#:~:text=After years of hearing critics,indistinguishable from what actually occurred." The models also predicted that average temperatures at the polar regions would rise faster than elsewhere and that as the lower atmosphere warmed, the stratosphere would actually get cooler as a consequence of the heat trapping power of the rising levels of CO2 and other greenhouse gasses. The latter prediction is especially remarkable and rules out the claims of some that the current rapid rate of climate change is due to solar cycles.
  6. The article got one thing very wrong; namely, "In June, the Supreme Court upheld access to mifepristone, rejecting a challenge from a group of anti-abortion doctors." What it did rule was that the group of doctors who instigated this blatantly ridiculous case had no standing. To put it another way, the court ruled that they had no dog in this fight. But it definitely did not uphold access to mifepristone. As for Trump not directing the FDA to ban or limit access to the drug. Who knows? He actually appointed 2 good FDA commissioners. But that was before Covid struck and the MAGA world went mad. Now conspiracy theories about the FDA abound and attacks on the vaccine approval process has become a red meat issue for them.
  7. Actually, ignorant, angry young males more likely to be found in the ranks of MAGA.
  8. Please. For people who earn little there are automated programs to catch people who either cheat or just make a mistake. In fact, those automated programs can also give refunds to those who make a mistake. The IRS program with new agents was designed to go where the money is - the wealthy. The IRS budgets have been slashed over the years allowing the rich to get away with massive tax evasion. Wealth Tax evasion by millionaires and billionaires tops $150 billion a year, says IRS chief The nation’s millionaires and billionaires are evading more than $150 billion a year in taxes, according to the head of the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS, with billions of dollars in new funding from Congress, has launched a sweeping crackdown on wealthy individuals, partnerships and large companies, Commissioner Danny Werfel told CNBC. “We have to make investments to make sure that whether you’re a complicated filer who can afford to hire an army of lawyers and accountants, or a more simple filer who has one income and takes the standard deduction, the IRS is equally able to determine what’s owed,” he said. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/22/tax-evasion-by-wealthiest-americans-tops-150-billion-a-year-irs.html Your point about tips is a good one. Why should tips be exempt from income tax? It makes no sense. As for eliminating taxes on income earned by SS recipients, it's a little more complicated. Years ago, a provision was made that allowed for income by seniors to be taxed once it reached a certain level. The problem was that the bill didn't provide for inflation adjustments. So the law should be changed to raise the limit to what it would have been were inflation accounted for.
  9. What falsehoods did I make? I didn't state anything about where you stood as a fact, only a probability.
  10. Evidence-free? His company was found to be a criminal enterprise. 17 counts were brought against it and it was convicted on only...wait for it...17 counts. He has been found guilty of a felony by a jury.
  11. What you don't seem to understand is that science isn't about sh*t happens, it's about why and how it happens. Now maybe you're in a hurry to have CO2 levels so high that a few generations from now, humans experience the conditions that existed 10s of millions of years ago. Me, not so much. As for the rest of what you wrote, it's just empty ranting. In the hope against hope the you might see the error of your ways, here is a link to an explanation of why your assertions are wrong. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/whats-hottest-earths-ever-been
  12. So, as far as election results go, it looks like you guiding principle is, heads I win, tails you lose.
  13. Post election, the Trump campaign hired 2 teams of forensic experts to look for evidence of fraud, They found virtually none. Given that Democrats were far more liable to take the threat posed by Covid seriously, and that Trump, weird ignoramus that he is, actually counseled his supporters not to vote by mail, it was inevitable the more mail-in votes would be Democratic than Republican.
  14. I never said that you did say anything about significance. I did ask you why you made that claim. Were you doing it to make some kind of significant point? Or was it just an interesting random factoid - in no way significant - that was in no way meant to suggest that Biden bore at least some responsibility for depressed petroleum output?
  15. I wasn't making a prediction. Just pointing out that Trump supporters don't seem to ever acknowledge that Trump is not regarded favorably by the majority of Americans. As for talking again in November... Maybe you are one of those rare MAGA supporters who acknowledge that Trump was not robbed of his victory by a some sort of conspiracy.? And you acknowledge that Biden actually legitimately won the 2020 election?
  16. I guess in a way people have become inured to Trump's lying. I'm not talking about his confusion about the identity of the passenger. His weird mind has been in decline for some time. it's the fact that instead of acknowledging his mistake, he threatened to sue the NYT. You gotta love the way MAGA supporters rail about free speech but have no problem when billionaires abuse or threaten to abuse the legal system in order to stifle free speech. As for why Harris has become so popular. It's a relative thing. Look who she's running against. Are you laboring under the belief that Donald Trump is regarded favorably by the majority of voters?
  17. I don't think it's just about that. It's also the fact that he's about to be interviewed on X by Elon Musk. What does Trump care about betraying his shareholders? Given the dismal prospects for Truth Social, what choice does Trump have but to go to a social media company that actually has a substantial number of active subscribers.
  18. No.. And even if I were, how does that excuse Trump claiming that he was going to sue the NY Times and that he has evidence to support his story? More evidence of the mental degeneration of America's weirdest ever President.
  19. I guess we all look alike’: Trump accused of mixing up Black politicians in helicopter story Nate Holden, the former Los Angeles city council member and California state senator, said that he was on the helicopter ride with Donald Trump that was forced to make an emergency landing. In an interview with Politico on Friday, Holden, who is now 95, referred to the former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown, who Trump insisted was on the helicopter ride, saying: “Willie is the short Black guy living in San Francisco … I’m a tall Black guy living in Los Angeles.” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/aug/10/trump-helicopter-ride-nate-holden-willie-brown There's actually a later NY Times article that reports that it likely wasn't Willie Brown but Nate Holden. Yes, Trump Was in a Scary Helicopter Ride. But Not With That Politician. There was a helicopter. It did make an emergency landing. But a former California lawmaker says Donald Trump has mixed up one Black lawmaker for another. https://archive.ph/6OLB1
  20. And still you offer no reason why you think such a small difference in production levels is significant. Or even that you believe such differences are significant.
  21. It’s getting worse for JD Vance A half-dozen polls in recent weeks have shown his already-underwhelming image deteriorating. And they suggest his past comments about childless women aren’t helping. https://archive.ph/Sjh6z
  22. Well, it depends on whether or not you think stalking is a plus or minus for a candidate. If it's a plus, then choosing Vance was a brilliant move. ‘Policy attack dog’ or ‘creepy’? Vance’s plane incident with Harris adds to his weird factor The image of Vance approaching Air Force Two with his team of nearly all-male advisers made some feel deeply uncomfortable https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/jd-vance-plane-kamala-harris-b2593545.html
  23. The thing is, back in the 70s most climate models created algorithms that were astonishingly accurate. So why don't you share with us the scientific reasoning that works as well or better? Because right now, basically, the explanation you're offering is sh*t happens.
  24. I just wish he had come to this realization about a year earlier.
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