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  1. Can they walk on water? It's sailors who will be conveying them there.
  2. I should have added that a 3 or 4 hours on the open sea is a pretty scare prospect when you're being targeted by a major military power.
  3. Lucky for China there's no chance that a major superpower might intervene on Taiwans side...oh wait a minute.
  4. Actually, I think most beef raised in Thailand is grass fed. That's one reason it tends to be kind of tough and low in fat. You can usually tell if cattle are grass fed because the fat tends to be yellow because of the carotene in the grass. Feeding cattle grain or soybean is expensive. Prohibitively so for most Thais who generally don't have muich use for beef anyway. The beef rimping offers is raised to American standards. It's called KU because the way it's raised has something to do with an agricultural school called K********* University. Which should mean that these cattle spend some of their lives in feedlots where they eat grain and/or soybeans. The beef tastes like American beef that is available in American supermarkets.
  5. russia can't properly equip the troops currently in the warzone. Where is the materiel going to come from for these additional 100000?
  6. Yes. And that opinion isn't mine alone. A Chinese invasion of Taiwan: Too costly to countenance? Amphibious assaults are exceedingly difficult and if China was to invade Taiwan — and crucially hold it — Beijing would need to move hundreds of thousands of troops as well as equipment across the Taiwan Strait. Even at its narrowest point the strait is 130 kilometers (80 miles) and weather conditions are notoriously unforgiving with two monsoon seasons. That leaves just two brief “windows of attack” — May to July and October — for such a large-scale operation, according to a U.S. Naval War College report. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/06/17/asia-pacific/china-taiwan-invasion-cost/ How difficult would it be for China to invade Taiwan? First, the distance an invasion fleet would need to travel before it even gets to the island is daunting. The Taiwan Strait is 128km (79.5 miles) at its narrowest point between mainland China and Taiwan and much wider if embarkation ports where an invasion force would gather are to be considered. While airlifts and vast fleets of planes can move a few thousand troops and keep them supplied, the sheer number of soldiers and vast quantities of supplies – armoured vehicles, artillery, ammunition, food, medical supplies and fuel – needed for a successful invasion could only move by sea. https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2022/4/4/how-difficult-would-it-be-for-china-to-invade-taiwan
  7. Taiwan has 100 miles of ocean between it and China. Atmuch of the border between Ukraine and Russia there was no barrier.
  8. Maybe back then. But now? https://www.statista.com/statistics/987347/brexit-opinion-poll/
  9. And just to make it clear. When first time undocumented aliens are taken into custody, if they are charged, they're going to be charged with a misdemeanor. You really believe that those who commit misdemeanors are commonly incarcerated until trial? Stop spreading falsehoods.
  10. Putin says he's going to use "Weapons of Destruction"? As opposed to the kind that blow kisses?
  11. Can anybody recommend a good dentist for children? Somewhere in the city or around the city. We used to go to a first rate dental service but they seem to have jacked up their prices suddenly and out of line with what other first rate dentists were charging.
  12. I had no idea that zoning laws and anti-pollution laws made America a socialist nation. It is truly doomed!
  13. Really? The law says that those accused of misdemeanors are held in custody until their case is adjudicated? This is massively, massively false. The opposite is overwhelmingly the case. It's even false for many felonies. Ever heard of bail? Stop making things up.
  14. From the article: "In a video flagged by Russian Media Monitor Julia Davis, Skabeyeva said with a smirk: "We should have done it today, all the best people are there for the funeral." Gurulyov had told state channel Russia-1: "Why would we bomb Ukraine or Germany, when there is Britain, the root of evil?" Maybe this is an improvement? In the past, prominent Russians would have been blaming the Jews.
  15. Especially because they tend to be better educated and wealthier and would have more to lose under communism?
  16. It looks like Judge Dearie has exposed how ludicrous is the claim from the Trump team that those were "unclassified docs marked classified".
  17. Given the slap in the face that Dearie has just bestowed on Trump's lawyers, it does look increasingly likely that justice will be served.
  18. I see you're still touting those B.S. numbers from FAIR. What those numbers don't include is the percentage of those who sent back across the border when they were apprehended. As for your definition of immigration. It seems to be yours alone. Can you share with us a dictionary definition that supports your? As for your housebreaking analogy. I know you don't hold with communism, but are you asserting that the whole of the United States is private property?
  19. Are you contending the liberals or progressives are advocating for the abolition of private property and private businesses? I'm sure you wouldn't make such a claim without having sound evidence to back that up. Care to share it with the rest of us?
  20. Here's a link to an article showing just how bizarrelly incompetent Trump's legal team is both generally and specifically in the case of the Special Master. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/09/trump-judge-dearie-mar-a-lago-special-master-fail.html
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