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  1. No "maybe" about it. The Democrats should pay him to proselytize his don't vote convictions among Trump supporters.
  2. Clearly, you get your ideas from television about how the justice system works. But this isn't some TV show. There's lots of evidence to be examined. And Garland has a reputation for being very careful. Also, there are other far more likely charges possibly in the offing than espionage or treason.
  3. No, you don't understand. The Democrats in the Pennsylvania legislature wanted to change the election law so that the ballots would be counted as they came in precisely in order to avoid what happened on election night. But the Republicans refused They wanted to promote an impression of confusion and fakery. Other states like Iowa did count ballots in advance. So the Democrats there started out ahead. No sore loser complaints from them when Trump pulled ahead on election night.
  4. I just hope lots of Trump fans take your advice. Trump was credited with getting 2 Democratic senators elected in Georgia by attacking the electoral system there. This discouraged his supporters from turning out. Keep up the good work!
  5. Sure. This is the guy who gave massive tax breaks to the rich. And appointed supreme Court Justice is who favored corporations and the welfare. He promised to give Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices with big pharma and reneged. Some threat!
  6. Actually, Russian history provides plenty of lessons in that regard.
  7. Well, actually a big part of the bill is an investment in clean energy. Which is already cheaper than coal and is currently much cheaper than gas. And this is in addition to plenty of smart enterpreneurs who are doing just that. And it's clear that you continue to be unacquainted with the bill. Otherwise, I don't see how it could be characterized as "random".
  8. Nobody can afford a new car? Then why did U.S. auto production zoom in July? Why are the prices of used cars still so high? Corporations can't avoid a minimum tax. And U.S. corporations don't have a monopoly on most markets. So they can't raise prices at will. What don't you understand about the fact that there is more to this bill than expenditures. Health care vosts will be cut thanks to the Medicare finally having the ability to negotiate some prices with Big Pharma. They could have gotten more but Republicans as usual sided with Big Pharma. And increasing taxes will counterbalance that. If there was plenty of time to lower greenhouse gas emissions, you might have something of a point. And another point is how economically unhealthy it is for an economy to depend on fossil fuels. There is no reason to expect that given the nature of the beast, fossil fuel costs won't continue to wildly fluctuate. And there's also a defense aspect to this. The world will be far more stable when despots don't have access to the stream of cash generated by fossil fuels. Another point you may not have considered is pollution. Right now, fossil fuel companies and automobile companies don't pay for the harm that pollution causes to health. That falls on the health care system. The IMF said that fossil fuel harms cost about 6 percent of world GDP. Mostly in health costs shouldered by others. It's Bidenflation is it? Is that what the world is suffering from? More right wing Pavlovian thinking. And that figure of $700 in increases doesnt take into account that household income has risen by 6.8 percent.
  9. And how rapidly are price decreases in oil reflected in the cost of food? Obviously not instantaneously.
  10. Do you understand that taxes were raised in order to pay for expenditures? Do you have any idea of where the expenditures are directed? For one thing, the subsidies for EV's come to a total of 36 billion dollars. What's more, only EV's with a majority of domestically produced components are eligible for subsidies. And new lithium-free battery technologies are already beginning to be used that will slash the cost of batteries. So EV prices will be coming down.
  11. It's easy to count the number of soldiers who evacuated the tank but I think there were nine. Does a tank usually have that big a crew? Were they picking up hitchhikers?
  12. Energy and Food Security: Linkages through Price Volatility "How do oil prices affect the price of food? Energy price (oil price) has a significant impact on food prices. Agricultural food prices respond positively to any shock from oil prices. Results show, 64.17% of food price variance is explained by oil price movement. Inflation in oil price is harmful for energy security and threatening food security." https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421518308486
  13. Well, if you're going to take that tack, why not it call it "Well, At Best Inflation Might Go Lower Act" That's the name it was born with, and if defenders of the privileged hadn't gotten their way at the end, then the name would have been justified.
  14. What makes you think that Sweden took the right approach. Did it perform better economically than its neighbors, Finland and Denmark? "Sweden’s economic performance has been more or less average, too. Its gross domestic product declined at an annualized real pace of 0.1%, better than most of Europe but worse than Denmark and Finland (and worse than the annualized 0.6% gain for the U.S., which I didn’t include in the chart because Eurostat doesn’t calculate U.S. GDP in constant Euros as it does for non-Euro-using Denmark, Norway and Sweden)." https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/so-was-sweden-a-covid-success-or-failure/2021/10/14/fe2747f6-2cb8-11ec-b17d-985c186de338_story.html
  15. UK inflation hits 10.1 percent, highest in 40 years U.K. consumer price inflation hit 10.1 percent in the 12 months to July, jumping from 9.4 percent in June to its highest point since February 1982, according to data released today by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). High food prices were the main driver of the spike, rising at an annual rate of 12.7 percent in July, up from 9.8 percent in June. According to the ONS, the annual rate of inflation for food and non-alcoholic beverages was last higher in August 2008, during the global financial crisis, when it reached 13.2 percent. https://www.politico.eu/article/uk-inflation-escalates-to-double-digits-a-new-40-year-high/ I checked other European European countries with fully developed economies. Only Netherlands had a higher inflation rate in July: 10.3% The UK comes in second. France's rate was 6.1%. Germany's was 7.5%.
  16. Not at all surprised you're a Scientologist. The nonsense they believe.
  17. Well, first off, I'm dismayed to hear that you don't approve of spending money trying to change the weather. And, of course, it's utterly insignificant that the climatological community overwhelmingly disagrees with you. Although, they call it "climate". Yes, right now it's most likely a wash. That's because of the intervention of 1 Democrat who decided it was crucial to defend hedge-fund managers. In that, she agrees with Republicans. But the bill already had a name. And even thought it's not projected to decrease inflation, it's not projected to increase it either. And it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the US a lot. Without increasing inflation.
  18. I don't think Ukraine has any missiles with a long enough range. Anyway, now they're claiming that Ukrainian special forces were responsible. Russia blames ‘sabotage’ as Ukraine special forces strike again in Crimea Ukrainian special forces struck deep inside the Russian-occupied Crimean Peninsula for the second time in less than a week on Tuesday, blowing up an ammunition depot and also possibly an air force base, according to Russian media and Ukrainian government officials. Are you on Telegram? Subscribe to our channel for the latest updates on Russia's war in Ukraine. The Russian Defense Ministry and local media reported a huge explosion at an ammunition storage warehouse in the Dzhankoi area of the Crimean Peninsula, which has been occupied by Russia since 2014 and had been considered safe from Ukrainian attack because it is too far from the front lines to be hit by Ukraine’s most advanced conventional weapons... A senior Ukrainian government official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter, said the explosion was the work of Ukrainian special forces — the same force believed responsible for a powerful attack against a Russian air base in western Crimea last week that signaled a growing role for covert operations in Ukraine’s efforts to battle the Russian invasion. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/08/16/crimea-depot-explosion-ukraine-russia-dzhankoi/
  19. Even if the declassification argument works, a big "if", it still doesn't justify his possession of items that were supposed to be given to NARA. It is a crime to keep these items, Even thought the ignoramus claimed that Obama did the same thing. Which is untrue.
  20. So now people's thoughts are subject to the strictures of the legal system? That it makes belief impossible? Are these the same people who chanted lock her up? Are you going to claim that they believed Hillary Clinton was innocent too?
  21. If the only evidence there is is that someone says so, then that's not valid evidence at all. That's why such decisions by the President have to be memorialized.
  22. Some good news: "U.S. industrial production rose 0.6% in July, the Federal Reserve reported Tuesday. The gain was above Wall Street expectations of a 0.3% increase, according to a survey by The Wall Street Journal. Output of the U.S. industrial sector was at an all-time high, eclipsing the level hit in 2018." https://www.marketwatch.com/story/u-s-industrial-output-up-solidly-in-july-11660656466
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