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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. As I have pointed out, the language this person uses would simply not be accessible for a genuinely autistic individual. Which she (he) claims to be.
  2. Why do you believe her (him?) when you know nothing about her (him?)?
  3. She, if,in fact, this person is a she, is clearly not honest. No way this person is autistic.
  4. Thanks to your use of language, I know enough about you to know that you aren't autistic. As for the rest, I don't need to know your biographical details. It's clear you're not honest.
  5. Actually, thanks for more evidence of your fraudulence. Insults and such aren't what triggers the autistic. In fact, what marks them is their cluelessness to expressions of emotion in others. And they certainly wouldn't even now how to pitch a verbal comeback. What's more, given how much you've dwelt on feelings and sensitivity in your comments, it's clear that the last thing you are is autistic.
  6. That mask of yours seems to be slipping.
  7. Why do you believe this person actually has a medical mask exemption? Seems unlikely.
  8. A hugely disproportionate number of the deaths from covid are of the unvaccinated or those who haven't had a clinical case of covid. What needs to done is to get them vaccinated. Also, it's not yet known what the effect of 3 vaccinations will be. It's not unprecedented for more than 2 vaccinations to be required to acquire long term immunity. The polio vaccine, for example, was given in 4 doses.
  9. Since you see fit to reply with sarcasm let me try a little bit of my own. You make an excellent point. This is why actuaries for insurance companies repeatedly fail and life insurance companies are always going out of business because it's impossible to predict future mortality based on current trends. And the larger the initial numbers the more unlikely it is to be able to predict the future. And of course the extraordinary increase in the capacity of computers to crunch numbers has only made predicting future mortality trends increasingly difficult. .
  10. It's pretty straightforward actually. Statisticians look at debt from previous years and figure how many debts there would be if covid hadn't occurred. Then they compare that projected total to the actual total of deaths.
  11. Please, I went into some detail to refute your comments about the effect of solar installations on agriculture. And your argument that Thailand isn't ready now doesn't acknowledge the fact that in the past societies adjusted to emerging technologies. Like ICE vehicles for instance. As for the SF6 issue, it is now being acknowledged and things are starting to be done about it. As the article says, it's more a matter of sluggishness and laziness on the part of power providers. That's how these things work. Slow at first. Then it speeds up.There's apparently no technological reason why it can't be replaced.
  12. Whether or not I'm missing your point, the evidence and reasoning you provided to support it were highly defective. Get better evidence.
  13. On the day after your license expires, why not have someone drive you to the motor vehicle center. Or get Grab to take you there and back.
  14. Whatever the merits of your comments may be, it does not address the fact that clokwise's critique was based on a faulty premise.
  15. But it's not an agreement to do something in 50 years. It's an agreement to do something in order to achieve a goal that's 50 years in the future.
  16. Funny. Not so long ago expats were complaining if they couldn't get vaccinated here. That the Thai government was discriminating against them.
  17. What exactly do you mean by "To say people should be forced to get vaccinated to protect others is weak."? We had hospital ICU's overflowing with vaccine refuseniks. What's "weak" about putting a stop to that kind of disaster?
  18. And if a financial advisor tells someone to invest all their money in the lottery because they can win millions, is that a lie? Does it matter that, technically speaking, it's true?
  19. So false. Remember not too long ago about how measles was back because of the nonsense propagated by anti-vaxxers? And how they were endangering communities? America’s Measles Crisis Amid the Anti-Vaccine Movement "Fauci best describes strong herd immunity as “even if someone enters into the community who is measles infected, the measles virus will have little opportunity to spread because most of the community is already vaccinated.” In a community, there are certain people with immunodeficiencies who cannot get vaccinated, thus making them highly vulnerable to diseases such as measles. The herd, which is the vaccinated population, protect the vulnerable ones from the spread of the virus." https://pha.berkeley.edu/2019/12/01/americas-measles-crisis-amid-the-anti-vaccine-movement/
  20. Actuallly, your reasons why EV will fail in Thailand could also have been applied with little change to show why automobiles would never replace the horse-and-buggy. It is true that currently most electricity in Thailand is produced by fossil fuels. But that should change as solar and wind continue to decline in cost. As for farmland being used instead for solar energy. Are you aware that most of the gasoline/petrol in use in Thailand is supplemented with alcohol distilled from various crops and diesel is supplemented with bio-diesel? In addition, the amount of land needed for solar power is far less than its opponents would have you believe. If all electric power in the US were provided by solar, that would amount to about 10,000 square miles. https://www.vivintsolar.com/learning-center/how-many-solar-panels-to-power-the-usa Which is roughly 0.3% of the continental US land mass. Also, there is no reason why solar and farming can't share the same space. Agrovoltaics is just in its initial stages but research is promising. And this takes no account of wind power. As for SF6 guess, it is a real problem. But not an unsolvable one. If you get through the BBC article you linked to, you'll not that SF6 is not being used in a huge new wind farm. So the problem is beginning to be addressed.
  21. Actually, the case for warming being due to the fact that we're in an interglacial period is false. It's true that we're in an interglacial period. But warming actually reached its highest level about 7000 years ago. Since then, there's been a very very slow decline in average global temperature until the extraordinary recent spike. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/what’s-hottest-earth-has-been-“lately”
  22. China’s Popular Electric Vehicles Have Put Europe’s Automakers on Notice The name MG used to be synonymous with spirited but finicky sports cars from Britain. Nowadays the iconic octagonal badge serves a different kind of motoring ambition: China’s push to become a big player in the global auto market. SAIC Motor, one of China’s Big Four automakers, bought the MG brand in 2007 and is stamping it on a line of electric sport utility vehicles on sale in Germany and other European markets. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/31/business/electric-cars-china-europe.html The article goes on to say that almost 10% of autos sold in Western Europe are EVs and that MG has 350 dealers in Europe with more on the way.
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