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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 1 hour ago, simoh1490 said:

    Just to add:


    I know that RAM, Maharaj/Suandok and Sirphat have cardiac catheter labs., I suspect Bangkok Hosptial does also, smaller hospitals and some state hospitals will probably not. The cath. Lab. is essential in performing angioplasty to unblock cardiac artery blockages.

    Why do you assume state hospitals don't have the necessary machines and the private hospitals have?

    I assure you a good doctor is a better thing as a lot of machines and no cardio specialist.

    I dare to say the medical staff in the bigger state hospitals are very well versed in many kinds of emergencies simply because the number of cases is much greater bringing much more experience to the ER staff.

    One of the things is working under pressure.

  2. 4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Asia wide problem, that exploits kids, organised by adults and where the kids involved see next to none of the proceeds. People who buy from these kids are not doing the child a favour, they are simply prolonging and exacerbating the problem. With halfway decent policing, it could be stamped out rapidly, but the very same cops are probably profiting from it too.

    Not only in Asia, same in Europe.


    And many wondered if the children were Thai............

  3. 14 hours ago, GarryP said:

    I despise the company too. But it is so hard to avoid using their goods or services. Don't forget that True is in that conglomerate.

    Hard to avoid 7/11?

    In 12.5 years in Thailand, I am happy to say, entered one of their premises once.

    There are many other possibilities to buy things or pay things.

    Awful business, 7/11


    The big issue, however, is the growing grip on consumer related business by CP.


  4. 2 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

    "everyone was too scared to do anything for fear of a backlash from the teacher"

    Weak, useless parents/guardians of children!......

    This teacher would be minus 2 important items of manhood, if it were my kids!

    There we have another well-meaning but highly useless if it was my child shouter, threatening with death, maiming, whatever.

    What about letting justice, flawed or not, do it's work?

  5. 10 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    Some will say why allot land for policing or bureaucratic issues, by the beach or in areas that obviously will attract the real estate jackals ?


    Others may consider to allot land space inside the territory in a more neutral space, that would be a bit more centralized for all parts of  the island....


    On a personal note, if the land was lying idle since 1989 when obviously it had no real estate value, why are the cops suddenly claiming on it now that the value seems to have gained x times it's initial worth ?

    Value or not, fact is the land has been taken by people that are not the owners in a shady way, probably with help from civil servants.

  6. 5 hours ago, al007 said:

    Wow there must be a lot of gouging of customers


    How about the govt cutting fuel prices

    Yes, indeed, some of the profit margins on merchandise in shops can be called obsceen, while some other margins are minimal.

    The tax and excise on fuel, actually, is not too high.

    It would be nice if those prices could be lowered, but tax income has to be found somewhere.

  7. 2 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Most Thais, probably the older generation still revered the military. They seem to forget that the military is there to serve the people and not the people serving the military. Ask any family for what they wish their kids to be and most will say soldier or police officers. Guess it years of brainwashing and propanganda by the military. They don’t see the damages that the military has done to the country over the last 80 years. Soon Vietnam and Philippine economy will be larger than Thailand. The students were spot on with their banner. 

    You seem to forget what, in the case of the Phillipines, is slowly eroding that country?

    The rampant "black economy", even worse as you can imagine, the shocking eroding of the rule of law by the murderous "war on drugs", and the remnants of former governments still, behind the scenes, are the real puppeteers.

    In the case of Vietnam, the same can be said of the "black economy", the centrally led communist government, the remnants of the Vietnam war and the great differences between various parts of the country.

    I think, seen the growth of the foreign funds, the still very strong export, the general state of the economy, it doesn't really looks bleak for Thailand, at all.

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