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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 6 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


    Unfortunately, I am not surprised by this news, and I suspect that few others are surprised either; when the poor lose their representation, it follows that they lose their influence as well


    The truly sad news is that the trend is likely to continue until there is a government that focus' on the poor, and that is likely a ways into the future...


    Sad times..

    It is a fact the downward movement of the poors' lives and the upwards movement of the richs' lives has been going on for much longer, even 10-15 years ago this was the case.

    It is quite cheap to blame 2-3 years change into the last 19-15 years.

    And wherever did you get the idea the poor, anywhere in the world, have any say in what goes on in a country.

    You surely don't want to say the former Thaksin governments did do something worthwile for the poor.

    Get it through your head, everywhere in the world the poor are getting poorer, nearly all politicos are crooked and mostly taking care of their "clan' and nobody gives a damn about the poor, just their votes are needed.

  2. 2 hours ago, Get Real said:

    As usual, there is another comment from somebody that just wants to tell everybody that thai people don´t want to do work, and that they think in the wrong way. 
    Why in the world are you at all interested in the country. Signing out!


    Quite so.

    The fact is, like everywhere in the world, guest workers are hired because they are cheaper, and the local workforce doesn't want to do those jobs for the lousy pay offered.

    Not something peculiar to Thailand.

  3. 2 minutes ago, blackcab said:


    I've been thinking about this, and I'm wondering how many of these people are actually employable.


    If they have nothing to offer the labour market then nobody is going to employ them. The government isn't going to subsidise them to any great extent, so they will remain in the same situation.


    In the future, as technology progresses and basic level jobs become harder to find, what is the solution for the unskilled, uneducated and unwilling?


    In another post it was mentioned that the top 1 per cent of Thailand's population owns about 56 per cent of the country's wealth.


    I'm not defending the elites at all, but equally the lower classes need a bit of get up and go aswell.


    Innovation, perseverance, sound financial planning and hard work are not assets that are only owned by the elite.

    Well, the solution to your up & go ideas is education, jobs suitable for those unable to get better educated, and so on.

    And financial planning will only work if you have financials to start with.

    And the poor, as you call the lower classes, have hardly any possibilities to get out of the poverty


  4. Does the learned professor live in lala land maybe?

    Doesn't the learned professor know that nearly everywhere in the world the poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer?

    Doesn't the learned professor look at WHO and UN reports warning for this?

    Doesn't the learned professor know when the government floated the idea of raising the minimum pay there followed a round of price raising followed by another hike when the minimum legal wage actually went up, resulting in less buying power, while the legal minimum wage is largely ignored?

    Doesn't the learned professor know that the reason for all this is the unbridled and unchecked capitalism and the growing anti-democratic power of the big companies.

    Doesn't the learned professor understands if you lay your finger on a problem it is not enough to just mention a (possible) problem, but also offer a few possible solutions?



  5. 10 minutes ago, DD13 said:

    I've seen this type of vehicle loaded with youngsters, 4 standing on the tail step, music blaring from oversized speakers, traveling at speed on the 7 motorway.  Unbelievable, 

    Also more than once seen terrible driving of minivans from the allegedly top school in the area

    If you want your kids to have a chance of longevity......transport them yourself


    And run a very good chance the longevity will be destroyed by some other idiot driving into you.

  6. 20 minutes ago, jaltsc said:
    "...32% of adult respondents thought the road carnage was just their fate."
    And 100% had no idea that learning How To Drive was an option to Mai Pen Rai.  

    Where could one learn how to drive?


    To put things a little bit in the right proportions, in 2016 in the USA, 102 persons were killed in traffic, every day.

    Nobody in the US makes a problem of that, it seems.

    But other causes of violent deaths.....

  7. We have in our group of friends several people that have lived abroad very long, mostly 20 years or more, returning to Thailand for various reasons.

    Most of them had a lot of problems adjusting to Thailand, most of them could not get used to life in Thailand, were not accepted by Thai, and two were able to go back to the country they left.

    Nearly all spoke Thai, but the language of 20 years before.

    All agree that coming back was not the nice thing they thought it would be and nearly all were made to feel outsiders.



  8. 4 hours ago, leeneeds said:

    Very good, more money spent on infrastructure ,the less their will be in the pot for military spending on unnecessary hardware, that are a waste of tax money, (air ship, sub, ) and I am sure many more examples of wastage, Another journey by train I look forward to  making.

    Seen the ongoing misery in the south, threatening situations in the west, old and unfit material, not all military spendings are unnecessary and very much defendable.

    I do agree with you that after many years of standstill, this government moves.

    Although high speed rail competing with the existing system that is being upgraded at the moment, will probably mean operating at a loss of both systems.

  9. 1 hour ago, spermwhale said:

    With so many serious criminals in this country -- murderers, kidnappers, people traffickers, hit and run drivers, serious embezzlers and thieves -- once again the useless Thai cops go for the low-hanging fruit. This country never changes. 


    Well, that might be the easiest way to score, don't you think.

    But never mind, police forces all over the world like easy pickings.

    And of course arresting small fry, end users.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Ricardo said:

    This month's delay, from last month's report, as to when work on the test-track will start  ...




    I wonder how many years late this 3.5km test-track now is ? :tongue:


    Not late enough.

    The upgrading of the existing system should be finished first.

    It certainly does not need a Chinese competition.

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  11. 13 hours ago, nev said:

    Well underway in Khonkaen, new station going in and raised tracks through the city, And lots of new drive over bridges being built..

    Not saying the fast train will be here anytime soon, but what they are doing and the speed it is being constructed is very admirable.

    And all that work is just for the double track metre gauge railway.

    The whole line from Khon Kaen to Korat is one big building project.

    May the Chinese strategic railway stay away for a very, very long time.

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