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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. 4 hours ago, janclaes47 said:


    I don't see anywhere that it declares the nationality of the baby. agree?


    I also don't see that police say the cops have difficulties to find the parents nor that there are many Thais in the building. Agree?


    In fact the investigation just started and other than that they examining the CCTV, no details of the investigation are revealed in the article. Agree?


    Now even if it was a baby of a Thai mother, anyone can have performed this horrible deed.Like the foreign father for instance. Agree?

    Or the Thai father maybe.


  2. To put everything in perspective, number of traffic deaths in the US in the year 2016, one hundred and two (102) PER DAY.

    And rising!

    Now, isn't it high time to do something about that?

    New restrictive traffic laws, tests every three months of mental and bodily health, strict laws handling about buying and possessing cars, trucks and vans, and so on and so forth.

    I always thought the biggest problem should be handled first.

    I do wonder, however, why people don't want to do something about traffic deaths.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 19 minutes ago, Bill Miller said:

    Hmm, not all that many arrests listed.
    Sometimes seems as though there must be hundreds of farang paedophiles here the way some folks talk about it.
    Of course any number is that many too many.

    Fact is, there are probably not.

    Interesting might be the number of Thai arrested.

    Mind, I get the idea most arrests are done after receiving information from other police forces in the west.

    I just wonder how many arrests would be done without this information.

  4. 1 hour ago, LomSak27 said:

    Another shooting and no good guys with guns around, shocking. This is getting to be a broken record.

    Maybe reducing guns in US society is the way forward, unless NRA members can stop talking the talk and actually walk the walk.

    In fact, two guys probably stopped the killer doing more havoc, hunted him down, probably killed him. After some time the police arrived.

    Yes the two guys owned guns and used them.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, mikebike said:

    <deleted>... Why do these idiots think we cannot see a false dichotomy?


    There is a gun problem AND a mental health problem.


    Neither of these will be solved or even contemplated by the current admin.

    Pardon me for bringing this up....

    In my country the gun laws are very,very restrictive, private ownership is only possible under strict rule, and then only for sports hooting and hunting.

    Even so, this year, many people were killed, using guns and other means.

    The guns used in those killings were all illegal!

    The police has not the means to control illegal ownership and use of guns, not at all.

    Nowhere in the world.

    Gun laws can only work if there is a means to not only control legal owned guns.

    If some nutcase goes on skilling spree using guns, the problem is not the guns but the nutcase.

    Something must be done about the right people owning guns while excluding existing or new nutcases.

    Which of course might also do something about illegal use of guns.

    That said, how many people are killed in traffic on a daily basis?

    I think very many more per day as we now see in these awful incidents.

    When are we going to do something about these deaths?

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  6. 3 hours ago, jonclark said:

    If only it were that simple.


    Getting expelled does not mean that association with the school ends and therefore nothing left to fight for.  Many of the younger students are trained / indoctrinated by ex pupils and some of those ex pupils are now middle aged men. They fight for their colours - like football hooligans, same mentality, once they have signed up, they sign up for life and getting expelled or leaving the school is irrelevant. 

    Which exactly is very, very stupid.

  7. 27 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:

    Do you expect tourists to be knowledgeable about current maritime conditions?  Responsibility falls squarely on the tour boat company and Prayuth whose maritime safety program was all talk. 

    That's a strong one.

    Blaming the PM for the stupidity of the skipper not obliging to the safety rules.

    You must be blaming the PM for the weather, waves, wind also?

  8. 8 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    Seems like she would have no problem. She was removed from office in a military coup. :ph34r:

    There are military coups and then there are military coups.

    If a military coup is executed in a time and situation of civil unrest, and said coup is more or less peacefully, there might be a difference with a bloody coup.

    But, seen the money behind the Shinawatra family, it will probably be a very moot point.

  9. 6 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    No. Jack was known bad bugger, no excuses. Users usually have 1 or 2 tabs on them, mules have hundreds or thousands of tabs while pushers have 'only' 20 tabs... and a hut full of guns.

    Bad guy or not, I always get the idea a criminal killed by the police calls for an investigation.

    Certainly Thailand doesn't need a repeat of the Thaksin "war on drugs"

  10. 13 hours ago, Sir Dude said:

    All because Thailand is basically an inward looking country with a local superiority complex and an educational system that is in dire need of reforming due to consistently lagging behind it's local piers. However, dream on for change as too many vested interests and the Chinese-Thai elite will have none of it due to them needing an unquestioning slave class to provide cheap labour. Ironically, although people rightly complain about the education system here, it actually does a very good job regarding what it was really designed to do...which is controversial and archaic, working as intended. 


    Ditch the patronage system, enforce the law, allow critical and free thinking, stop the coups and and hose down the government stables with bleach so as to create a fairer society...and you might have some chance of that and a myriad of other things minister (yeah, right). I could go on, but it would be patronizing to TV members to do so.

    You mention the exact problems in Thailand, and lay the blame there where it belongs.

    The elite is Chinese, think like Chinese do, is inward looking and xenofobic like all Chinese and urges the Thai to learn Chinese.

    Not English, the language of choice of the ASEAN, the international language of trade and communication, but Chinese.

    The real Thai are very different.


  11. 17 hours ago, Ossy said:

    Like everything else in Thailand, since the Junta's invisible and ineffective administration and its cling-on disease swept through Govt. House, employment reform, like law & disorder, education and road-safety, is just so slow, so pitifully  . . . SLOW!

    Was it any better, or worse, in the government before?

    I have the idea it was much slower then, or even nowhere to be seen.

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