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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. On 16/01/2017 at 11:35 AM, ezflip said:

    5 hours? Really? I mean, really???


    Most Thais that I know can't even sit still for 2 hours in front of the local monks while blessing a new home... Let alone stop playing on their phone as if Facebook updates are way more important then any driving video. Especially if the video does not contain car chases, guns and crashes.


    Ok -- end of sarcasms for the day --


    • Like 1
  2. It is all very true, pricewise, that is.

    There are cheaper ones available.

    However, what about the certification of the laser guns?

    Are they indeed registering the real speed within agreed margins?

    Don't leave any room for legal and judicial doubt.

    Those ones are rather more pricey, although 700,000 each is quite over the top.

    I thought prices around €3500 each in Europe.


  3. 18 hours ago, EricTh said:

    Thailand should thank the Chinese for shedding its sex capital image which the Americans and Europeans gave them.

    I wonder if it isn't Thailand that gave itself that image.

    Don't blame the visitors for taking up what is on offer, not blame the suppliers to react to a demand.

    But, if you read the article well, it is now a happy few that get business and many unhappy that get nothing any more.

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, wgdanson said:

    NINE stations in what, 150 kilometers? Hardly enough time to speed up before it has to slow down again.

    That is exactly why high speed trains are not really necessary.

    Upgrading the existing rail system to high standards is much cheaper, to build and to run.

    Two different rail systems in a country will devour any chance to break even or make a profit.

  5. 6 hours ago, Dexlowe said:

    The floods will ease if rains stop? Nah, that defies normal Thai logic.

    It is perfectly logical.

    It also implies, like it or not, humans can not control nature in whatever way.

    Even in the Netherlands, a country renowned for its water management, be it sea or rivers, nature defies all things built by humans to control water.

    What Thailand needs, upstream, is millions of trees to hold the rainwater, wide riverbeds and overflow areas, and Bangkok to be made a huge polder and, yes, the river needs much more room and huge dikes.

    It might be advisable to dig stream channels to lead river water around Bangkok polder......

  6. 9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    Victims should file another lawsuit, as follows:   Sue US's ATF (Dept of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) and the NRA for enabling the shooter to have pump stock upgrades which essentially transformed the 20 guns (found in the hotel room) into illegal automatic weapons.   I recommend they sue for $10 million for each death, $5 million for each serious injury, and $1 million for each minor injury.   ATF is a federal agency - they are backed by a trillion dollars.   NRA is also very wealthy.   Both are working to increase danger to Americans.

    And while doing that, why not sue the manufacturers of cars and trucks.

    They are very wealthy, can easily pay a few million to each victim of car related mayhem.

    Thousands of victims cry out for justice from these criminally inclined manufacturers.

    Of course, related federal offices must also be sued.

    All state governments must be sued for admission of these motorised death traps on their roads and issuing driving (killing) licenses to anybody.

    I guess the number of dead and injured by cars/trucks is hugely greater as deaths by guns.

    Then, when busy sueing the car industry, why not start sueing medicine companies for obvious reasons?

    Or maybe manufacturers of electric appliances, swimming pool makers, house designers, facilitators of illegal immigration (oops), builders of roads, etc etc etc.

    People kill!

    Things used in a normal, diligent way, usually don't kill.

    Although I do know manufactured things that do kill.

    Millions of human beings.

  7. 2 hours ago, Crossy said:

    One assumes that the "academics" majored in The Bleeding Obvious.


    Well, in fact they state the obviously wrong remedy.

    If it rains up north, there is nothing to hold the water in check.

    What is needed is millions of trees!

    All over the country to hold the rainwater.

    The riverbeds, all the way, need to be widened, overflow areas need to be created.

    Then, Bangkok needs to be made a polder, huge dikes around the city and along the river.

    Pumping stations and stream canals to release the rain fallen in Bangkok into the sea must be constructed.

    The trouble in Bangkok is not only the rain fallng in Bangkok but also the rain fallng up country.

    You don't need academics to tell that, ask any Dutchman.

  8. 5 minutes ago, jgarbo said:

    Right. I've tried to tell them. A gold crucifix, blessed by a priest who hasn't buggered more than ten boys,  will turn back floods, tsunamis, charging rhinos. But will they listen?

    Of course, it is all to blame on the government, they control the weather, yes?

    Control nature also, don't they

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