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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. Russia was a strategic and voluntary ally of Nazi Germany. It was Russia that enabled Hitler's expansionism and WWII. How quickly you forget that Russia worked in unison with Germany to attack and to invade Poland. It was Russia with German assistance that expanded its expansionist movement towards the west. Had Hitler not turned on Russia, Stalin and his henchmen would have been happy to see the Nazis march into London. Much is made of the casualties sustained by Russia in WWII. The cruel reality is that much of it was self inflicted. Stalin did not care how many people died in his human waves of attacks. The Russians had a two tier system. Certain ethnic groups were sent to the front and were denied firearms. Two groups that have documented their treatment were Protestants (Baptists and Lutherans) and Jews. Stalin and his enablers did not care if Russian women and children died, as they were deemed expendable. And therein lies a key difference with Churchill. He valued the life of his people. When his nation's cities were bombed the plight of the nation's children's was a priority. Great Britain had a program to remove the vulnerable from harm's way, Russia did not.
  2. No it will not. Learn from the catastrophic mistake of Canada. The business groups pushed to let in temporary workers. The for profit "educational" businesses pushed to let in foreign students. Canada now has 5 million "temporary" residents. Its population is 39 million. It is not sustainable. The foreigners have created cultural ghettos, and created an affordable housing shortage and jammed up the healthcare system. Thailand does not have the financial resources of Canada to absorb the millions of foreigners some people say it should bring in.
  3. When has the White House ever issued a media release calling VP Harris a border czar? When has President Biden ever referred to VP Harris as being in charge of the border?
  4. Ok. And as per the article, she was dealing with the root causes of why people leave their countries. This is a long term strategy and not a quick fix. VP Harris initiated investments that would create economic opportunities that would keep people where they were. When people have a decent job, they are not going to undertake a high risk journey to a place where they know they will be exploited. VP Harris also helped initiate the counter crime measures that have seen countries. The containment of gangs reduces the need of people to flee violent crime. I have repeatedly explained this activity. If you wish to ignore the explanation and continue to post idiotic claims of of a non existent position and one without any legal standing, do so, but be honest and describe it as your imagining.
  5. Maybe so, but it is true. Do we really want to see Ukraine reduced to rubble and hundreds of thousands, homeless before another brutal eastern european winter? Do the Ukrainians have the will and strength to sustain such damage? They would need a good reason to do so, such as the destruction of large areas of Moscow or St. Petersburg.
  6. The Clintons did not divorce and Mr. Clinton, admitted his wrongdoings and apologized to his family. Former President George H.W. Bush, took Mr. Clinton under his wing and reformed him. It was a remarkable story and journey and shows the importance both placed upon restorative actions. In all the years of Trump's affairs, he has never once shown remorse, or changed his behaviour. Another important aspect is that Monica never sued Clinton, never asked for, nor accepted hush money and nor did Clinton engage in fraud in paying hush money and trying to pass it off as a tax deduction. Trump was recently convicted of doing this with the pornography actress and good time companion for hire, Stormy Daniels. Clinton's actions were a failure of control of his libido. Mr. Trump engaged in a methodical and planned out illegal action.
  7. Locals don't live like that. Male, the capital is over crowded and has a serious problem with its slums. Maldive beaches are more like this photo of a Maldive beach.
  8. What? The SCOTUS cannot pardon Trump.
  9. And that is how tax fraud and tax avoidance would be facilitated.
  10. She was not a border czar. Because some media outlets like FOX called her a border czar did not give her any authority over the border. You do know that she had no legal authority on border security or law enforcement don't you?
  11. Unlikely. Trump went too far when he facilitated an insurrection and undermined the integrity of the USA's electoral system. He must take responsibility. However, no US president will be sent to prison and it is unlikely he will ever see a prison cell. His sentence would most likely be commuted and/or he be subject to parole or house arrest. You give the impression that you are not emotionally stable. You can hold your opinion, just be sure to take responsibility for it in November.
  12. His poor judgement is demonstrated. He wants to be POTUS and this is the type of adviser he will use. Genius.
  13. What is factually incorrect? Why is Trump the serial philanderer and consumer of good time girl services cavorting about with a woman younger than his daughter and old enough to be his grand daughter? Why is is he all over her? It looks like he is doing the beer bar worker grab. If Melania dumps him, and he takes up with this new woman, will Trump's kids call her mommy?
  14. I am correct and you cannot show anything that supports your claim.
  15. No she was not. You cannot show that she was ever given this "task'. VP Harris was never the “border czar,” or put in charge of border security or halting illegal border crossings, as former President Donald Trump, Republicans and even the occasional media outlet have claimed. Instead, she was tasked in March 2021 with tackling the “root causes” of migration from the Northern Triangle and pushing its leaders — along with Mexico’s — to enforce immigration laws. She used her position as VP to win investments that might curb migration years down the road. “She felt — and I think she was right — that what she could do the most was help basically lead the effort to draw in investment, using the confidence that a relationship with the White House would give to investors,” said Ricardo Zúniga, a former State Department official who specialized in the Northern Triangle and who traveled with Harris to the region.
  16. People say that Loomer is using botox. What do you think?
  17. the only people describing VP Harris as a borderczar are Republicans with a vested interest in creating a crisis. Because Republicans call her a border czar for their political purposes does not mean she is or was. BTW, CZAR is a Russian term. Your a re betraying your activity on behalf of the Russian state saboteurs.
  18. President Biden did not appoint a border czar. There is no position in the US administration of "border czar". VP Harris had no legal authority to enforce or to apply US border or immigration laws. The only ignorance demonstrated is in those who keep insisting that the Vice President was responsible for the enactment of laws (Congress is) or the enforcement of laws (Department of Homeland Security and CBP is).
  19. Mr. Falau was taking money subject to conditions. One of the conditions was not to make statements that would harm people or offend the people who were paying him. He was not asked to do anything illegal or immoral. In what world do you expect anyone to be obliged to pay someone who is expressing views contrary to the best interests of the business enterprise paying the person? Mr. Falau was not stopped from expressing his sentiments. He was however, not going to be paid for stating things that went against his employer. Your logic holds that you expect a burger seller to sponsor a person who says that meat is murder. Mr. Falau can say whatever he wants, but it is unreasonable to expect people who do not share his social views to be forced to pay him for expressing views that alienate the customer base, the same base that generates the funds that paid his large salary.
  20. And Louisiana, Alabama, texas, Kentucky have dog fighting. It has been going on for 100+ years. All of it is sickening. They also have redneck brawling where mostly white people of limited intellectual capacity fight. What's your point?
  21. By now most observers of the Trump election campaign have heard about Laura Loomer. There are multiple reports that describer her has "Loony Loomer" because of her claims of convoluted conspiracies that not even die hard Trump supporters like Marjorie Taylor Green agree with. Some of Loomer's comments and claims include; - VP Harris “a drug using prostitute,” - saying that the White House would smell like curry if Harris is elected. - Claiming that Harris is childless because "she’s had so many abortions that she damaged her uterus,” All of the above have been reported on and documented in multiple sources. e.g. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/09/12/trump-presidential-campaign-laura-loomer/ This has led to most every Trump campaign member condemning her statements and distancing themselves. However, when Mr. Trump was asked about it, he said he would read the statements she made and get back to journalists. Trump's response begs the question, just what hold does she have over this elderly man? Is he smitten, are they having a romantic fling or is she playing to his ego? It seems that you can find more photos of Trump showing public displays of affection with Laura Loomer than with his own wife or family. Loomer is 31 years old, while , Trump is 78, and Melania 51. You be the judge. Why is trump cavorting about with this woman, and why is he always holding her? Is it fair to Melania? Think of the pain such stories must inflict upon his supportive family. She looks like she is pregnant. Hopefully, it is not with another Trump. What do you think this relationship with Loomer is and why do you think she holds so much influence over Trump?
  22. You are using the Israel Falau case as an example of impugning free speech and again, I offer that you misunderstand the core issues. Mr. Falau had agreed to a code of conduct. Included in the code of conduct was to not make incendiary comments about people so long as he was paid by his Rugby team and was benefiting from sponsorship money. Rugby Australia's failure was to not have explicitly included every scenario in its code of conduct that Mr.Falau had signed. Nevertheless he was found to have committed a high-level breach of Rugby Australia’s code of conduct for posting religiously-inspired, anti-gay comments on social media. He was warned not to do it and that there would be consequences. Mr. Falau who was raised as a mormon, became a pentecostal, which is a fundamentalist faction, that includes such associated sects where followers speak in tongues or pray and handle snakes. He is also an ordained pentacostal minister. Mr. Falau in one of his sermons blamed the catastrophic Australian bushfires on Australians lack of morality, and that Australians needed to “repent” for their sins. Was it really necessary to blame the innocent victims of the fires? Former Wallabies player Dan Palmer summed it up succinctly, The religious freedom angle in the Folau controversy was a red herring. Israel was free and is free to say whatever he likes. He didn’t lose any fundamental rights for doing so - he lost his job, as any of us would if we break contractual obligations. Mr Falau raised $2 million+ from fundamentalist christians to bring an unjust dismissal case. An out of court settlement was reached saving Rugby Australia millions in legal fees.
  23. Desperate much? Self Reported data includes the Karen contingent who consider the presence of black kids on a suburban street as a "crime". Carry on grabbing on to whateve ryou can. You should be more concerned with what people are saying about that Loomer woman and Trump. Oooolala
  24. I believe that the position, to quote Chris Rock, was that of House N****.
  25. Only the bigots and ignorant easily manipulated by hateful lies. If the USA's ethnic minorities wanted evidence of how racist the MAGA collective are, the Springfield "Willie Horton" lie seals the deal.
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