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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. Memo to self:Do not stop and help. Either you get blamed for the incident or get attacked.
  2. So much bias and wishful thinking on display. One fact not recognized is that a large number of voters who say that they are supporting a candidate do not show up to vote and others say whatever they feel like saying just to screw with the pollster. Other people don't like to share who they are voting for and intentionally give an inaccurate response.
  3. French maid uniform?
  4. Nope. Describing a worker as illegal, is not correct. There is no such thing as an ‘illegal’ person. People commit illegal acts, or the right to engage in an activity may not be permitted, but in law a person cannot be 'illegal". Objects can be illegal. A person legally authorized to be in a country can undertake illlegal activity. For example, in Thailand it is illegal for foreign tourists to sell opium for fun. It is also illegal for foreign tourists to work as a hairdresser. The tourists are legally in Thailand but are engaged in an illegal activity. An undocumented person is a person who is not legally authorized to be in the country. If that person works, the work in some states can be considered illegal. If the state does not have a law excluding the work, the work may not be not be illegal. The person would not qualify for Federal law benefits. An Undocumented person does not give up protections afforded by state or federal law. For example, it is illegal to murder or to physically assault undocumented people. An "illegal" object does not enjoy those legal rights. For example, a person who had an illegal weapon could not claim compensation if the weapon was destroyed in a criminal act or if confiscated by a legal authority.
  5. Would you be surprised that automated checkin at kiosks is in excess of 85% and that bag tags are 85% self printed too? This is predominately for non premium class passengers. There will always be a manual checkin capability, but the trend is to offer reduced staffing. Where there were once multiple checkin counters with agents to process passengers, particularly on domestic flights, there may be one or two. Some people are okay waiting in line. The trend is to get away from checkin agents on domestic flights. Bangkok Airway has been pushing passengers to use the self checkin lines for years. Domestic checkin at Phuket now has both Air Asia and Thai checkin kiosks and it is a welcome option compared to the ridiculously long lines for manual checkin.
  6. May I draw your attention to the following; Project to improve the A40 in Oxfordshire has been delayed - 30th November 2022 https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/23160536.project-improve-a40-oxfordshire-delayed/#:~:text=In April%2C the council's cabinet,its costs due to inflation. The former Conservative Council had approved the expansion, but local elections changed the composition of the council to a coalition of Lib Dems, Labour and Greens who inherited the project. They realized that they did not have the £106.7 million needed to pay for the project. Can they really be blamed for prudent management of finances?
  7. Sheraton is now at the low end of the Marriott brands. And the Sheratons in Manhattan have been depressing, and poor value for at least the past 25 years. It's been a brand in decay for at least a decade. This thread is a BS exercise. No one offers tuck in service. Who in their right mind even wants to see housekeeping when they are around? There are no luxury hotels in Pattaya. Luxury as in Four Seasons, Hong Kong's Mandarin Oriental, or some of the opulent options in Dubai. At best there is Intercontinental and Dusit Thani. Centara is like a Hilton. I doubt that the OP can afford to spend 60,000 baht a night for a suite at the Intercontinental.
  8. The people you describe have always been reluctant to do manual labour, particularly agriculture field work. The last people you want working on a roof or other construction are the mentally ill or drug addicts. Do you want a mentally ill person at a slaughterhouse, holding sharp knives or an electric saw? In some countries, much of the staff in senior care homes is filled by both legal and undocumented labour. No one wants to work in a laundry handling feces and urine soaked bedsheets and clothes. Many restaurants in the USA would close without undocumented labour. Urban Americans don't like hard work and are not willing to consider communal living in order to make ends meet.
  9. Automatic transmissions were ridiculed too. There was resistance to seatbelts and the auto industry fought until the late 1980's against airbags. Today's fuel economy standards were forced upon the auto industry, but have come to be greatly appreciated as fuel prices spiked. And so it goes.
  10. Because the black market would continue and the tobacco revenues would fuel organized crime.
  11. He was sarcastic. The intent was to attract attention to the selfishness of smokers. It is frustrating for a physician treating heart and lung diseases to be confronted by idiots who smoke inside and near the entrances of hospitals.
  12. The difference is that Judaism allows for and encourages discussion and challenging of the faith. It is how Judaism evolved and why there are enlightened versions of it today. The same holds for Christianity. At one time the Church of Rome claimed to be the only interpretation. Centuries of corruption gave rise to a non christian faith. The Reformation through its own clergy brought the faith back to its roots. Christianity like Judaism has since evolved.
  13. You have no idea whether or not the deceased was a local thief. Nor do you have knowledge of the man's life. You just assume and project.
  14. I have tried a few consumer items from Temu. Cheap price but low quality. The screwdrivers had the oddest pungent chemical odor. One of the items arrived broken. In an order of 5 items, 1 was not included. Customer service was good though. It was a trial purchase to check out merchandise. I won't purchase again. It's rubbish.
  15. He tried to incite a civil war with his irresponsible actions after he lost the election. He benefited from forcing the secret service to rent rooms at his hotels where he stays. You ignore the fact that Trump likes to stay at his golf club hotels in Palm Beach and New jersey. The secret service is forced to rent rooms in these places. Quite a contrast from former Jimmy Carter, who lives modestly. Even former Presidents Bush, Clinton and Obama keep the security expenses restrained. During his presidency, foreign officials from certain countries were lavish spenders at his hotel in Washington DC. And then there is the questionable financing of the Trump real estate debt by Saudi Arabia. You keep writing that as if the January insurrection and attempt to murder VP Pence and Speaker Pelosi did not occur.
  16. It takes time to get responsible parties. How long did it take the US government to get the people responsible for attacking the US mission in Beirut in the 1980's? How long did it take to get Osama bin Laden? It isn't an easy task to get someone when they are hiding out in countries which go to great lengths to protect such people. (Hello Pakistan, Qatar, Turkey, Iran). Much of the world enables terrorism for fear that if they don't kowtow they will be targeted.
  17. The ID the republicans want exceeds requirements that are acceptable now. They act to exclude groups who do not have the identification cards demanded. The state of Arizona requires the following identification in order to vote; List1: -Valid Arizona driver license -Valid Arizona non-operating identification license --Tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification Valid United States federal, state, or local government issued identification Or List 2: 2 of the following identification without a photograph that bear the name and address of the elector -Utility bill of the elector that is dated within 90 days of the date of the election -Bank or credit union statement that is dated within 90 days of the date of the election -Valid Arizona Vehicle Registration -Indian census card -Property tax statement of the elector's residence -Tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification -Arizona vehicle insurance card -Recorder's Certificate -Valid United States federal, state, or local government issued identification, including a voter registration card issued by the County Recorder Or a combination of the following; -Any valid photo identification from List 1 in which the address does not reasonably match the precinct register accompanied by a non-photo identification from List 2 in which the address does reasonably match the precinct register -U.S. Passport without address and one valid item from List 2 Consider the following three people; John Doe. A blind white person, gainfully employed who lives in an adapted living facility. The rent includes utilities as is common for many rentals. Bank statements are sent electronically (does anyone still receive bank statements by post anymore?) This person would not necessarily have any of the ids in list 1 or 2. Jane Doe. A student from small town AZ attending university. She does not drive, has never left the state and lives in student housing. She will not necessarily have any of the identification formats required. She would have a university id card, but this is not acceptable. At best she might have on e of the 2 requirements. X Doe: A transgender person living off the grid. Their driver's license does not show the new gender and has a photo different than how they look now. Living off the grid, there is no likelihood of having any of the documentation required. These are 3 examples of how people would be disenfranchised. It is why previous laws to impose various new rules have been ruled unconstitutional.
  18. No. Nor do I claim that Thai politics are clean. Political life in a country reflects the society as a whole. The same people in this forum who complain about corruption are also the first to laugh about how they offer up tea money or play the visa system. The issue here is one of an accusation without any proof. It is a common tactic in Thailand: The uttering of accusations without evidence, innuendo, smears etc. It is how the MFP was attacked and sidelined. If Thaksin has done wrong, then use the legal system in a fair manner to prosecute him. Every time a false charge is used, it is an obstacle to cleaning up the country. Being honest is a 24/7 activity, not an act of convenience when it suits someone.
  19. You are looking down on other cultures with the view that your "Western" culture is superior. Get real. It wasn't too long ago that mobs were lynching people of colour in the USA, and that blackshirts roamed the streets of Europe beating people that were deemed undesirable. Today we see the mobs on the street with their violent political protests, and often they are middle class white people, and people who look like Jeremy Corbyn. The recent riots in the UK and Ireland were hardly the acts of civilized people. Look at the groups commonly referred to as yobs, chavs, louts, trailer park trash etc. with their poor hygiene, inbreeding and ignorance, and please do not present them as any better than the people you look down on in Thailand. Look at how disrespectful the western tourists are in Japanese cities like Kyoto where they literally harass locals demanding photos. Do you think the mobs who attack tourists in Italy, Spain and Portugal are civilized? Eastern Europeans are still fighting senseless wars as we see in Ukraine. The Thai people have nothing to learn from westerners when it comes to basic civility.
  20. That is a very jaundiced and depressing outlook on life. Your logic holds that Pita Limjaroenrat is guilty of all the "crimes" his opponents claim. The presumption of innocence is a cornerstone of democracy and a society where basic human rights are respected. We all know the Thaksin clan has a history of being dirty. However, an allegation of something does not make a person guilty. Many people consider foreigners who visit or live in Thailand to be child molesters. Is it right that everyone be presumed guilty because of the crimes of a few?
  21. The claims that she is stupid come only from supporters of Trump. Aside from being childish, it is not based on fact. The candidate is not elected nor even close to being elected yet. There hasn't been any event or statement from the candidate that would negatively impact the currency valuation. The Trump campaign insists that Trump is in the lead, so there should be no Harris impact. You can't have it both ways. And really, it is very childish to call the candidate stupid. She did not get where she is by being stupid. She made it through undergraduate and law school, and successfully reached multiple positions of higher office. How far did you get with an education and have you ever managed a large legal team and been held accountable for the results?
  22. One need not go too far back in time to see mobs run wild in Canada. The last Vancouver riot cost approx. $10 million in direct damage and policing/judiciary costs. The mob beat several people bloody. 150+ people were hospitalized, some for lengthy periods with head injuries. 301 people arrested. The Vancouver riot prior to that featured mob fights. and similar brutal injuries. The G20 meetings in Toronto resulted in 100+ arrests, 40+ retail shops vandalized and looted. The police were accused of brutality and it cost $16 million+ to settle the claims. The Summit of the Americas protests in Quebec City featured 20,000 crazed idiots including the attempted use of a catapult to hurl objects at the police. And who can forget the infamous Shawinigan Handshake of former PM Chretien when he greeted a buffoon protester with a chokehold. The man complained that he lost his false teeth after being tossed aside by the street fighter kid from small town Quebec.
  23. And elderly, but is he a leftist? Are long standing Republicans leftists? People like; Jimmy McCain - The late Sen. John McCain’s youngest son, Army 1st Lt. Jimmy McCain Olivia Troye - Worked on national security issues for Vice President Mike Pence during the Trump administration, John Giles - The Republican mayor of Mesa, Arizona Geoff Duncan - Georgia’s former Republican lieutenant governor Stephanie Grisham - Trump’s former White House Press Secretary Adam Kinzinger - The former Illinois congressman Barbara Comstock - The congresswoman from Virginia Ana Navarro - The Republican co-host of ABC’s “The View” and CNN commentator Chuck Hagel - Former secretary of defense and former senator from Nebraska. Denver Riggleman - The former Republican congressman from Virginia Christine Todd Whitman - The former New Jersey governor and administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency during the George W. Bush administration. Rich Logis - The once pro-Trump pundit J. Michael Luttig - The conservative legal scholar and retired federal appeals court judge. Appointed by George H.W. Bush, he also worked as an attorney in the Reagan White House and clerked for the late conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Bill Weld - The former Massachusetts governor Christopher Shays - The former congressman from Connecticut Joe Walsh - Former Illinois Congressman Ray LaHood - Former Transportation Secretary in the Obama administration, Susan Molinari - The former Rep. from New York Jim Edgar - The former governor of Illinois 200+ Former Republican staffers- More than 200 former staffers who worked for former President George H.W. Bush, former President George W. Bush, former Arizona Sen. John McCain, and Utah Sen. Mitt Romney endorsed Harris in an open letter. According to the mass hysteria of the Trump collective, all these patriotic Republicans are "leftists".
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