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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. That is your biased view because she did not make any serious mistakes and stayed on message. The Harris campaign has made a strategic decision to go local, and it is doing that by holding rallies and campaigning in local districts. The VP is also meeting media locally. The MAGA collective are the first to complain about the media. When the Harris campaign bypasses the media to go local and to use alternative information outlets, the MAGA collective has a panic attack and disapproves. Know what? The Harris campaign is young, is fresh and it knows its demographic and it is targeting its message. They know they cannot change the voting intentions of 50 year old nasty white men, but they can convince 22 year old people working and studying and struggling with student debt and paying the rent to come out and vote. You keep saying that, but when asked to confirm how many times Trump was fact checked you cannot answer. The reality is that Trump really was not fact always checked on the 30 times he presented incorrect information. He was stopped from spreading incendiary lies like insisting that immigrants were eating people's pets. In the USA, saying crap like that results in nutters going on a shooting spree. Please point out in the transcript where this occurred. The 2025 Plan was created by Trump confidantes,people who are in close contact with the convicted felon. IVF is a problem for Trump and now he argues he says he wants to force insurers or have the government pay for it. Talk about hypocrisy. His abortion bans are in place because he allowed Roe v. Wade to be reversed. Under the state mandates, IVF is under attack. Trump singlehandedly took away a woman's freedom to control her own body and replaced it by government meddling. Trump buggered up the national response to the pandemic with his lack of leadership and inconsistent messaging. You are distressed because Trump failed, bigtime. Now he is in trouble, and it will keep getting worse because Harris has the big MO. She's hitting her stride and the crowds are young, virile, enthusiastic and ready to make a difference. It's active elderly who still engage in life and don't sit on their front stoop shaking their fist at kids playing in the street. It's a contrast from the Lawrence Welk demographics who turn out for Trump and then have to leave early before they soil their undergarments as their bladders leak.
  2. Especially difficult too since the republicans blocked many initiatives. There was a Bipartisan border agreement, but Trump and friends blocked it to ensure they had an issue at election.
  3. The OP was referring to the USA in his/her OP statement. I used the term state in respect to the applicable law. We are all aware that Thailand has 77 provinces (Changwats). However, a state also refers to the grouping of a population into a defined (by borders) territory where the defined area is sovereign, i.e. a nation.
  4. No. I have a long term partner. Anyway, the soaring sex worker STI infection rate, does not support playing STI roulette in Thailand, so no mia noi for me and I suggest no sopheni gay (โสเภณีเกย์) for you.
  5. No. Trump did it all on his own. Blaming the moderators, who moderated is a cop out. Thy were not biased and despite claims to the contrary were not fact checking Trump.
  6. The CIA is world famous and has been setting the standard for excellence in professional culinary education since its founding in 1946. With campuses in New York, California, and Texas, and Singapore, the CIA offers master’s, bachelor’s, and associate degrees; certificate programs; and courses for professionals and enthusiasts. In addition, it is considered as a "think tank" of the food industry. The CIA since 1995 is also featured in its own US PBS show Cooking Secrets of the CIA In the words of the great personality Julia Child - Bon Appetit.
  7. And you have just demonstrated bias in your statements, relying on what you believe is credible. Let's review; 6 Dead Hostages: They were executed, murdered in cold blood. They had been kept in a place without fresh air where they could not stand at least a month. There were no washing facilities and they had to use a bucket for a lavatory. The initial medical exam showed that the deceased hostages had serious bruising, lacerations, contusions and were malnourished. The entrance shaft to the tunnel complex was through a child's bedroom, in a house. The walls of the bedroom were decorated with Disney characters painted on the walls above the 20-meter-deep shaft. School Building bombed: The building was not being used as a school. It stopped being used as a school months ago. Calling it a school conjures up an image of a non militarized structure populated by non combatant children. That was not the case. The location is used as a shelter site, hosting an estimated 12,000 people. Hamas uses locations such as this to conceal munitions storage and as command and control sites. This has occurred in the past and been proven. Israel said that it used a directed missile strike to take out the command and control site. It will have to provide evidence, but it usually does within a few days and the evidence is typically damning. Calling this strike an "atrocity" is hyperbole. A strike on a location such as this is legally allowed so long as the deaths of non combatants is proportional. In a location of 12,000 only 14 were killed. It remains to be seen how many were Hamas personnel. Yes some UNWRA contract workers lost their lives too. It also is to be determined if they were also Hamas affiliated militants. It has already been established that multiple UN workers participated in the attack on Israel of October 7. The names and bios of the deceased have not been provided by Hamas. They typically do not admit to the deaths of their personnel and will substitute other names and/or bodies.
  8. All I can say is I told you so. And yes Thailand did it to itself, and they merit the scorn. Despite all the claims of going upscale and pursuing quality visitors, the opposite happened. The focus was on attracting cheap junket flights and it hasn't delivered the type of visitor that builds sustainable tourism. I know it's going to be a nightmare this high season.
  9. Did you read the rules of the event? Obviously not. How many times did the moderators correct the false statements of Trump? 5X? 10X 20X Trump made 30 false claims so there were plenty of opportunities. For you to claim the moderators took sides with their fact checking, means that there must have been multiple times when they did so. Trump forced the moderators to correct his false claims because they were inflammatory, hateful and grossly incorrect and violated the debate rules about remaining civil, which means not inciting hate against people. Three such occurrences were; 1. Claiming that unauthorized immigrants are eating pets in Springfield, OH despite there being no evidence. 2. Claiming that Democrats support killing babies after they are born, despite there being no evidence. 3. Claiming that “crime is through the roof,” despite the evidence showing a significant decrease in violent crime and event that the property crime rate had fallen. Trump's intentionally false statements were corrected because the moderator's had a duty to do so. Aside from that, the moderators were not fact checking, although Trump made 30 false claims.
  10. It is the moderator's obligation to point out factually incorrect information. The rules were straightforward. The two seated moderators were the only people asking questions. Moderators will ensure a civilized discussion. Insisting that immigrants were eating the cats, dogs, pets of Springfield despite there being no evidence to support the claim was not civilized. It was inflammatory and hateful. That is your subjective opinion. It is not evidence of an intentional lie as was the case with Trump. Your comments are consistently Pro Putin, Pro Trump. The Democrat Party candidate was selected by a vote of the delegates at the Democrat convention. President Biden had not been selected as the Democrat party candidate. Are you denying that there was a vote? Prior to the Biden withdrawal, the 2 people running were office were Biden and Harris. If people were opposed to Harris as the VP, they did not have to support the Biden ticket which included Harris. What is the lie about abortion? That is your subjective opinion which you keep regurgitating. We get it. You are opposed to VP Harris. You are opposed to support for Ukraine.You support Putin. We get it. No need to keep repeating. There was no invasion and there are not 20,000. Springfield is a city, not a town. How many times does it need to be repeated, that the city and county was dying as younger people, and entry workers fled the city and the county. The city, county and state were desperately trying to get people to come. The city once had a population of close to 71,000. Over the past 30 years, it slowly lost people. The city population is now approx 58,000. If the immigrant population is 12,000-15,000 it means that the city would have had a population of 43,000-46,000. Cities that lose populations like this die. Instead, the influx of immigrants provides economic life and a future tax base. More importantly, it doesn't stress housing. One of the biggest problems in the USA is affordable housing and Springfield was filled with vacant residential properties. The influx of immigrants will save the city.
  11. Why is the Korean war irrelevant? China repeated its Korean strategy in India and then Vietnam. The accusations of a US military industrial complex are unfounded when one considers the state of the US military supply chain now. The Putin Collective gleefully points out the low manufacturing output of ordinance in the USA, screaming with delight that unlike Putin's Russia, the USA is not making "enough" artillery shells and other munitions. Today, astronauts are sitting up in the ISS waiting for a ride home because Boeing can't guarantee a safe trip. So much for the great overpowering military industrial complex of the USA. The US military is one of the most significant drivers of medical and technological research in the world. Its infectious disease unit directly impacts the quality of life of everyone in Thailand with its work on HIV, dengue, malaria and other insect borne illnesses. Fat farangs are able to travel to Thailand in comfort on aircraft developed in large part because of US military advances in aviation. It is the US military that has delivered aid to catastrophe stricken regions of the world and it was that US military industrial complex that responded to the first ebola crisis in Africa that prevented the world from succumbing to a plague much worse and far deadlier than Covid. And it was the US military industrial complex that provided the framework for one of the greatest humanitarian efforts in the world, when the administration of President George Bush (the younger) launched its AIDS relief in campaign in Africa saving the lives of millions of people. Russia and China certainly did not help, nor contribute.
  12. Hamas never wanted a peace agreement. They are achieving their goal of creating hate for Israel through extending the war.
  13. In addition to the VP and President, There is a really awesome concept called a Cabinet consisting of 25 members. The military has its chain of command. All of the individual departments will have their managers and leadership groups. The US Congress with its House of Representatives and Senate operates independently of the Executive branch of the government. Do you honestly believe that a President sits in the WH giving out daily instructions on how each and every department in the US government operates? President Biden is still on the job and has been carrying out his duties. What do you think Trump did when he ran for election in 2020?
  14. I don't know. I have it on good authority that it is possible. It's laid out in this documentary. It's an insidious diabolical affliction. Look these kids going savage, fighting, and jumping from buildings!
  15. Tourism is very different than foreign residency. Tourists typically visit for less than 3 weeks. Tourists will not be taxed on their worldwide income.
  16. Question: Did the Thai youth actually pickpocket the person or was he just accused? It is easy to accuse.
  17. Automatic doors are supposed to have a reverse/release mechanism if they encounter resistance. If the mechanism was not working or defective, he could have been trapped between the door and a fixed surface. Although elderly people can and do have brittle bones, anyone can see a bone break if it is leveraged in the right way.
  18. Fractured hips in the elderly are serious, and are often life ending injuries. Aside from the risk of blood clots and their damage, these injuries are slow to heal and often result in sepsis. Even when healed an estimated 1/2 of all elderly patients lose their mobility. It is why slips and falls are so devastating in the elderly. 2 weeks in an ICU, is not unusual if the injury brought on complications. I feel for the gentleman. A stay in a Thai hospital for that type of injury isn't going to be easy either, especially if he is in a lot of pain.
  19. VP Harris did what she had to do. Trump made a fool of himself. He started small with his boasting about the size of his crowds in a childish manner. Then he showed himself to be a racist instigator with the false claim that Haitians were eating people's companion animals. It's pretty bad when a Republican Governor and supporter has to correct you. He then showed how clueless he is when he complained about being fact checked every time he let loose with a lie. He said it wasn't fair that he was constantly being corrected. Well, Donald, if you didn't want to be corrected, you shouldn't have lied and misrepresented as often as you did. The moderators did the responsible thing when they pointed out the actual facts.
  20. Rubbish. You are regurgitating Goebbels propaganda and I am not surprised. There was an event called WWI. The dislike of the Huns grew after WWI and was guaranteed to remain for decades. The tremendous loss of life caused by the war and the walking crippled wounded that had come back served as a painful reminder. Great Britain with its respect for the rule of law and basic freedoms was an obstacle to Germany's expansion desire to impose its will on others.
  21. I consider him a personal hero. A man's man. Never a coward, always bold and fearless. Driven by his sense of duty, he was a man of destiny. He is judged now using the criteria of the 2020's. He was liberal and progressive by the standards of the 1900's. The people came back to him and he served from 1951 to 1955 as PM.
  22. The bias of the Trump collective is on display. In their eyes, Trump can do no wrong. VP Harris' performance produced sighs of relief from her supporters. She held her own. It's down to the few thousand voters in 7 key states and what they will do. Attack the candidates all you want, but it does not matter. Trump's support is baked in. It's rock solid and won't change, no matter what. He has at least 46% of voter's support. He has never exceeded 50% support. The Harris support has 47%-50% and it has at times surpassed 50%. Trump's gaffes and multiple falsehoods won't change his core supporters. They will remain. What it may do, and the immediate interviews with focus groups suggest, is that some undecideds and some wavering Trump supporters will move to Harris and stay there. All she needs is the few thousand voters in the 7 states and more turnout in her core states to ensure a victory. Once people decide, they won't change their votes. It will come down to getting people to vote.
  23. Your statement is not reflective of the data reported by the county. Please provide a source for that claim. Clark County which includes Springfield, reports 12,000- 15,000 immigrants of all national origins. The population of Clark County is approximately 135,000 and according to the US census is 88% white. And before you claim Democratic Party misrepresentation, note that the county votes Republican county. https://springfieldohio.gov/immigration-faqs/
  24. I believe you are missing the point. The route is also intended for logistics. The road is often subject to tailbacks and during rainy season, washouts that can tie up traffic for days. During high season trucks and buses make the route a nightmare. If the cargo and some tourists can be moved by boat is is a win for everyone. And btw Krabi attracts a wealthier and older demographic than Ko Samui. Krabi has daily air service from BKK from 4 airlines. No need to go to DMK. In respect to ko Samui, there are approx. 36 daily flights to BKK, 24 of which are direct. They are often sold out during tourist season. This is one of the reasons why people go to Surat Thani. Taking the bus and ferry is a miserable experience and adds more than an hour or two.
  25. Vaping is just as dangerous and just as imposing on other people. Vapers are ingesting unregulated and unknown chemicals into their lungs. The claims of "safe" alternative come from the purveyors of the products.
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