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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. The Japanese Yen was trading at 1 yen to 0.25 baht last October. It fluctuated over the past year going to 23 yen and rising to 24 yen and now it is back at 0.235 baht to 1 yen. The yen has lost value against the Thai baht.
  2. There are mitigating circumstances. He paid his back taxes some time ago. Usually, the people who are imprisoned are the ones refusing to pay the money owed. Also, it will be argued that he saved the government time and money by agreeing to plead. There is little to be gained in sending him to prison for a long time. He is not a violent offender and jail will not help him or protect the public, two key reasons for imprisoning someone. The plea is part of his recovery process and reduces some of the pain he caused his family by having this trial. He didn't need to keep causing his father grief.
  3. Indeed. You obviously do not understand sarcasm.
  4. No one? She is showing herself. The size of her rallies are consistently large. She is also taking the time to meet with groups of voters. It is called election campaigning. The only people complaining are Trump supporters. It is puzzling why they have such an interest in the way in which the Democrat election campaign is being managed. Concentrate on the train wreck that is the Trump campaign. Your demand for a TV show performance is not relevant since you have no intention of voting for the Democrat candidate. You demand that she do multiple television interviews? Why should she? It is the same questions repeated over and over and does not reach her target voters. Most voters have already decided. What matters now is connecting with voters who may not have intended to vote and these are the young and in visible ethnic communities. They are best reached by personal interaction and presence. In case you missed it, the world has changed since the heyday of television interview shows. 20 years ago they were important. Not so much today. Hundreds of millions of Americans do not watch the big network interviews. Americans are not even watching the alleged debates, which are just political speeches and memorized talking points. The last "debate" had a 30% decrease in viewers over 2020. The Harris Walz campaign strategy success is reflected in the increased strength of their polling numbers.
  5. Please explain when and where Walz gave tampons to boys. This is a fabrication created by malicious people.
  6. Hopefully the individual trip requirement will change to annual and then multi year. Wait until a planeload of Chinese, Arabs, Indians or Russians arrive and don't understand.
  7. Not happy with having screwed up the Philippines with his backward view, he wants to encourage another overpopulated poor nation to make more babies.
  8. And now out on bail. Neighbors are describing him as not sociable. I looked at the images of the 2 teachers and 2 kids killed. Heartbreaking. .
  9. Nice theory, but only one of the factors involved. Almost every currency has dropped in value compared to the baht. The Russian Rouble, Chinese Yuan, Korean Won, Japanese Yen, as well as the Australian $, Canadian $, UK Pound and Euro have all shown a similar drop in value compared to the Thai baht. Canada, the UK have cut their reserve bank rates too and both have shown an increase in value against the USD. Australia's rate has remained steady , but has been below the UK and Canada rate so a rate cut isn't expected because of international forces. Thailand is sitting on a growing current account surplus and its booming tourism industry has brought in foreign money. 2 years ago, there were no tourists and the Thai government cut back on many expenditures to keep a functioning economy. Now those tourism revenues are back. Thailand is sitting on a Scrooge McDuck worthy foreign reserve.
  10. What a depressing way to end up. Middle aged man with dyed hair selling drugs and working as a "masseuse" in some decrepit shop. Not much of a life. The tats are cringe.
  11. She's back from a 50 stop bus tour where she was meeting voters as she travelled the South. She started the week with a Labour day rally then was in New Hampshire for rallies and meeting voters and then back in Pittsburgh for more campaigning. The crowds are quite large and enthusiastic so she has to be doing something right.
  12. Some people say that the Russians have a hold over him.
  13. And yet you are sympathetic to Russia which has violated Ukraine's sovereignty with its invasion and seizure of land.
  14. There is a differentiation: Hamas atrocities are administration/government sanctioned and /or sponsored and include active participation from the general population. Israeli wrongdoings are individual acts that are not state sanctioned and/or sponsored and are condemned by a majority of the general population. The Israeli wrongdoings are investigated and where there is wrong doing proven, responsible parties are dealt with.
  15. delete
  16. I heard that sometimes happens in Pattaya. They come out and rob the "occupied" customer.
  17. At the time it was an accurate and cost effective assessment. Russia became bolder and more aggressive during the Trump isolationist administration, once it saw that Trump was clueless on international power power dynamics.
  18. Putting aside the unreliability of the photo, i.e. it is staged to sell T Shirts, Take a good look at that photo. If accurate, these are older, and white people. More male than female. All voting in a Republican district in a Republican state. Their votes won't make a difference. The Demographics that are needed are young people, black and female and at this time, they are leaning to the Democrats in the swing states.
  19. Perhaps to indicate that he is a disciplined active physically fit gentleman?
  20. Looks like a waste of a drone. Perhaps it had been jammed and veered off course. Or it might have been a wayward Russian drone. It is not clear if this was a Ukrainian drone. Please check with your contacts in Russia and ask if they can provide more details.
  21. Ao Nang, Krabi - Carnivore Steak and Grill: The best steak I have had in Thailand. Excellent imported beer selection. Everyone I know who has eaten there has always had a positive comment. Hua Hin - Big Bull Steakhouse. Arguably, the best in the city and the region. The Churrasco buffet selection ( where chef brings the fresh cooked options to your table) is consistent in quality and my favourite. Less pretentious and of better value and quality than the other place that draws on the European tourists. The salad selections are robust. It is the only restaurant that offers properly grilled vegetables in its salad options.
  22. Perhaps this is how the military will finally be unhitched from the patronage gravy train.
  23. We are both correct. Although, I acknowledge your correction and agree that you are more correct for much of the world. I am accurate for the AN audience of the elderly. (I actually took my answer from the biometric resource page reference for the ETIAS, but as you point out, it is not accurate.) In respect to those who are exempt from paying the 7 Euro fee; Applicants who are under 18 or above 70 years of age are exempt . Also exempt are family members of EU citizens or of non-EU nationals who have the right to move freely throughout the European Union. ( Citizens of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway have the same rights as EU citizens. Swiss citizens also enjoy freedom of movement within the EU.)
  24. Seriously? That was an organized mob attack. It was enabled by Erdogan and his nationalist rhetoric. When was the last time a violent mob descended on US service personnel in Denmark or Canada or Israel or Thailand? One of the thugs put a plastic bag over the head of one of the marines. They could have been killed and would have been seriously injured had some bystanders not delayed these savages. Erdogan and his cronies have been double dealing for too long. They surreptitiously enable Putin, they threaten the EU with sending millions more refugees to them, and they break trade sanctions. Turkey should be treated for what it is, a former colonial power that left a legacy of war in the middle east and that pines for the days when it enslaved the arab world.
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