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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. So true. It's like old men sitting on the front porch yelling at kids playing in the street or passing kids for laughing too loudly. They are the type of people who complain about everything, It's no wonder they attract the miserable people of AN. So much anger. A real need for more fiber in their diet.
  2. What is factually incorrect? Do you disagree that they are his supporters? Do you disagree that the research and polling data shows that educated and older afro americans prefer Harris Walz over Vance Trump? Do you disagree that amongst afro americans that women are massively in favour of Harri Walz and that older women are the demographic most likely to work on election campaigns and turn out to vote?
  3. And yet the voters of the state disagree with you. Despite your claims, he did win a Republican district when he defeated Republican Gil Gutknecht, a six-term incumbent. He was elected multiple times and served from 2007 to 2019. When he ran for Governor he was elected twice defeating his Republican rivals. He can't be that unpopular if he has a consistent winning record.
  4. Mr. Trump enjoys support from some of the B List rappers like; Da Baby - The gentleman has a respectable rap sheet in terms of street cred for a rapper. He is best known for the 2018 incident where he shot and killed a 19-year-old man at a Walmart. And there is Kanye West. The man puts the K in karay-zee. He is known for his anti semitic statements and his parading around of the scantily clad attention seeking Bianca Censori. And there is Kodak Black. He had an extensive criminal record and charges, including sexual assault. Trump, in his last day in office saw fit to commute his sentence. Perhaps, he saw a kindred spirit. Unfortunately, this misunderstood artist has since returned to his criminal ways. He made the headlines when he was shot in the leg in West Hollywood, California, after a fight involving members of his entourage broke out near a restaurant where pop singer Justin Bieber was having an afterparty. His last arrest was in December 2023 when Plantation, FL police claimed they found the rapper passed out in a parked Bentley SUV, blocking traffic in the dead of night. Though charged with possession of cocaine, citing a positive field test, the "white chunky substance" police found turned out to be oxycodone, according to court documents. Kodak had assured fans after the arrest that the substance was not coke, declaring, "I ain't no baser, bitch." Now that's a classy statement keeping in line with Trump's crudeness. And rounding out the upstanding citizen group is Wacka Flacka Flame. He's just a misunderstood fun loving fellow if you put his multiple drug possession and firearm felonies aside. And just like Donald, he can salute too. He looks very patriotic just like General Bonespurs. There are some other prominent supporters, like a certain senator who is alleged to be a closeted homosexual, not that there is anything wrong with being a homosexual, just that it would be nice not to be a hypocrite. Assuredly, not everyone is a convicted felon or accused sex offender like Mr. Trump, but they do seem to identify with a fellow philanderer and felon. It also makes for a sharp difference with VP Harris. Her support in the Afro American community is solidifying and particularly strong with the educated and the older members of the community. In particular, women are more likely to support VP Harris and these are the voters who vote. It was this block which delivered Georgia and to a lesser extent Pennsylvania and Michigan to the Biden side last election. It is probably why the Republicans have spent so much time in trying to disenfranchise the Afro American voter.
  5. The painting was moved, not taken down. As much as I am a respectful admirer of former PM Thatcher, I can understand why PM Starmer would want her portrait removed from a room which he is likely to work from. Would you want to have a portrait of your ex staring down at you in your bedroom? The portrait has been relocated to another room at No. 10. This is not an unusual practice. It is the purview of the sitting PM to select works of art to decorate the PM's workplace and home. The UK Daily Mail is trying to make this an issue, when it is not.
  6. He does not benefit from tax free status and use a designated place of religious freedom to promote his political views. Nor has he ever demanded the death of any particular religious group. Nor has he ever advocated for violence against his nation. A key difference is that the man is watched and sanctioned by the police for even minor infractions. There are many English people who disagree with him and criticize his views. In contrast are known hate preachers like Anjem Choudary who has benefited from the generous benefits of the UK, while actively pursuing violent actions against its citizens, and who has never been rebuked or criticized by the muslim community as a whole.
  7. What? On what basis do you make this claim? How do you know how she paid for her education? Imagining something does not make it true. You do not even know what she studied. Her undergrad was in economics and political science. As an attorney general she was responsible for negotiating several of the largest settlements in US history, settlements that benefited Americans in all states. She was AG for a state with an economy that is bigger than most countries' economies. How would you know how hard it is to be a prosecutor? Have you ever practiced law and litigated a multistate case? You offer a simpleton's assessment of a prosecutor's role. It is your personal opinion that she is clueless to world and local issues. Meanwhile, she had enough understanding of her local issues to ensure being elected as a prosecutor and state attorney general. She has been in the national administration for the past 4 years and is aware of world events. Because you are unaware does not mean your are correct.
  8. It is obvious that you do not. New York has a limited definition of rape, that has yet to be updated. Judge Kaplan in his ruling that dismissed Trump's counterclaim of defamation against his sexual assault victim said that when Carroll repeated her allegation that Trump raped her, she was truthful. Judge Kaplan also set out in detail why it may be said that Trump raped Carroll. “The only issue on which the jury did not find in Ms Carroll’s favour was whether she proved that Mr Trump ‘raped’ her within the narrow, technical meaning of that term in the New York penal law. “The jury … was instructed that it could find that Mr Trump ‘raped’ Ms Carroll only if it found that he forcibly penetrated Ms Carroll’s vagina with his penis. “It could not find that he ‘raped’ her if it determined that Mr Trump forcibly penetrated Ms Carroll’s private sexual parts with his fingers – which commonly is considered ‘rape’ in other contexts – because the New York penal law definition of rape is limited to penile penetration.” The jury found in favour of the victim and that is the key issue. Your argument is of the position that molesting someone is acceptable so long as it does not involve penile penetration.
  9. Rape is specifically defined under New York law. In other jurisdictions his sexual assault would be considered rape. The judge has already addressed the issue. Trump had the benefit of New York's outdated legal definition of rape. Your casual dismissal of the assault says it all. A jury of Trump's peers found the evidence credible and sufficient to deliver its verdict.
  10. Yes, he will do whatever he can to cop a plea deal. He will do it to protect his children, especially Barron. He will string out the cases against him as long as possible, and will likely die before final appeals are heard, thereby vacating the charges. He will most likely manifest dementia as there is a history in his family and this would result in a staying of charges. No, he will not go to prison. The USA will never imprison a former president for the sake of the national image and of the office.
  11. Comrade proton, there is a long history of allegations and litigation. Let's go down memory lane. Please refer to the sexual assault trial of defendant Donald Trump. You know the one where he was found liable for the harm he caused. The two suits resulted in a total of $88.3 million in damages awarded to the plaintiff. Please refer to the 1973 federal lawsuit brought against Donald Trump and his company for alleged racial discrimination at Trump housing developments in New York.
  12. It really isn't China's fault. Every year the Monsoon season brings heavy rains and resultant flooding. Do you really expect China to build a reservoir to hold all of the rain that falls? It is physically impossible. It is up to Thailand to build the flood mitigation system required. Thailand goes through droughts too because there is insufficient water. Maybe, if they put some of the monsoon water into additional reservoirs they could deal with both flooding and drought.
  13. Those were the good old days when the vehicle was reliable. The vehicles now start falling apart at year 5 with the electrical systems having problems by year 2/3. Nothing says a Mercedes like lightbulbs that burn out every few months. Strong bodies with good fit and finish, but cheap unreliable components. I will never purchase a Mercedes again.
  14. An outdated one at that. Police vehicles in USA and Canada have reverted to classic black and white with some color vs. Thai police vehicle in the provinces
  15. Well is the crime rate down, yes or no? If she is correct, then what's your point? Police officers are tragically killed almost every week in the USA. Unfortunately, of the 38 to date who were killed by gunfire, it seems that about 32 were killed in Republican districts/states. Using your logic, there must be a link between Republican dominated states and districts and the death of police officers by gunfire. There isn't one death recorded in states you term leftist, you know like California or Rhode Island or Hawaii. Using your logic, Democrat dominated states must be law abiding and peaceful because no police officers have been killed by gunfire.
  16. Wow. That is powerful. If that is played in districts with military populations, that will hurt Trump.
  17. What "bombshells"? The Democrat nominees stayed on script, were neither controversial, nor charismatic. All in all, it is exactly what was needed: Low key, and calm. The Trump collective are grasping at anything and nothing, because the Democrat nominees gave them nothing. Yes, candidate Harris changed her political positions on some issues like fracking. What's wrong with doing that, you know, listening to the views of others, of the voters and changing to better represent their concerns? The Trump collective is upset because she changed some of her positions. Well, isn't that what a good representative of the people should do?
  18. Question: Where will he serve his sentence when incarcerated in Thailand? There are many prisons in Thailand, not just Bangkok. Question: Will he be allowed out on bail as he appeals his case?
  19. Reality Check: - Arlington National Cemetery does not permit political activity of any sort. - Speaker of House Johnson has confirmed that the cemetery did not want Trump to hold an event at the cemetery because it believed that there would be a violation of the no political events allowed rule. Speaker Johnson intervened to allow Trump's entry, with assurances that it would be non political. - Trump's campaign used the event for political motives and a cemetery official attempted to top their activity. - The Trump campaign has denied their political activities and has blamed the cemetery official, calling her mentally disturbed. - The US Army has been obliged to confirm that the Trump campaign staged a political event and that the authorized representative of the cemetery was disrespected and her instructions to stop politicking were ignored. -Trump's campaign violated their obligation of respect for the cemetery. -Trump disrespected the rule of no politics at a national cemetery -Speaker Johnson enabled Trump's wrongdoing. Conclusion: Trump was being Trump. Speaker Johnson has demonstrated that he will not be a check and balance on Trump's wrong doing.
  20. What was he doing prior to being a "resistance" fighter? Russia and Germany were formally aligned starting with the Treaty of Rapallo 1922 until the falling out between the two in 1941. It was Russia which used the alliance to invade and plunder the 3 Baltic Republics, and to start a war with Finland and to attack Poland. In effect it was Russia that facilitated the star of WWII. Many Allied personnel died because of Russian greed and expansionism. It is clear why you are a devout supporter of Trump, as he is seen as a Russian expansionist enabler and under the thumb of Putin.
  21. Context is missed. The Anglican Church does not object its former properties being repurposed for community benefit through occupancies such as social housing , or the provision of public services like libraries or social service centers, with emphasis on "public". The reality of recent muslim based acquisitions is that the properties eventually become centers of exclusivity where non muslims are unwelcome or made to feel uncomfortable. Please look at who the Zamir Foundation is. It is Pakistani focused and has operations in Afghanistan. No organization is allowed to operate in Afghanistan now unless it follows Taliban requirements. There is a reason why most western NGOs have left Afghanistan. The Anglican Church seeks to maintain its policies of respect for all people without discriminating on the basis of gender, religion, or sexual orientation. The proposed facilities would require strict adherence to Islamic cultural practices. This is contrary to the current Church policy. Reference is made to a former Church being transformed into a bar. This is the reason why new redevelopment restrictions are more robust. Also lost in the criticism is the historical significance of the building. The Church wishes to respect local history and to preserve as much as the history as is physically possible. Perhaps. However, that is a subject unrelated to this redevelopment. I suggest you look at who the developrs are and what their current practices are. Understood. The In the UK, many mosques are hubs of hate radicalizing the vulnerable and preaching views that are contrary to national social policy. Hate preaching is not infrequent. Yes. Ever hear of Anjem Choudhary?
  22. Yes Trump made serious errors in Afghanistan and yes, Biden in his haste to extricate from an expanding quagmire of death and destruction added to Trump's errors, but the reality is that it just doesn't matter anymore. Afghanistan has reverted to the stone age mentality of the Taliban. It was inevitable and obvious years ago. Lost in the western biased analysis is that much of the disarray in Afghanistan was caused by the competition of Iran, India and Pakistan and the refusal of westerners to understand that as long as the 3 neighbors were involved, Afghanis could not be "modernized". All 3 had been surreptitiously meddling and undermining the efforts of the western coalition. Their goal was to install a regime favourable to their respective interests, focused on Afghanistan's mineral wealth and potential to align with perceived hostile forces. This week Pakistan experienced another catastrophic incident with 100's killed and injured in its Baluchistan region. The responsible parties can be tied back to the 3 neighbors jostling in Afghanistan. Neither of the 3 can be trusted and will eventually be at war. The withdrawal from Afghanistan was a clusterf**K and a mess, but it was inevitable and could never have been net and clean. What it did achieve is to distance the west from a the likely conflict that will occur in that region.
  23. As per references to dehydration, in the absence of testing, that's the go to issue. Another cause my be a drop in blood sugar and/or fatigue. An added benefit of proper hydration is the reduction of risk of blood clotting. not a big factor, but as we age, every little bit of positive reinforcement helps. As an aside, reduce it. If you are on BP meds your physician will have already told you to restrict the sodium intake. Every little bit helps. Thailand is the land of hidden sodium source and so many people are walking around with high BP without knowing it. The tangent is dental health. It's a no brainer we don't consider much. I gave up the "diet" and flavoured beverages in favour of the carbonated Singha soda water. My dentist told me to stop or to rinse my mouth with regular water after drinking it. The magic pH level is 5.5 and beverages that have a pH lower than this damage the teeth. Soda water pH is usually below this level. It can also contain minerals that exacerbate enamel erosion. It is obvious if you think about it, but I just thought, I was being healthier.
  24. I suggest you have a good look at the vehicle recordings from Russia, Canada, South Africa, Iraq and you will see similar behavior. Oh, and don't forget Thailand.
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