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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. Ok. What's your point? Is there something factually incorrect with the article? If there is please specify.
  2. You have avoided answering the clearly worded question. You stated that Mr. Thaksin has been accused of multiple allegations. Who made the allegations. If you are going to throw out statements like that, then surely you should be able to name the people and entities who made the allegations. Don't tell me to educate myself, when it is quite obvious that you are making statements that are supportive of a military coup and dictatorship.
  3. Ok. Please elaborate. Your explanation should not ignore the fact Western governments have learnt some lessons from Covid, and one of them is to have supply contracts for emergency need vaccines that fix the purchase price on cost + basis. Ok. Why will you be afraid? The public health recommendation is to use the vaccine only for high risk groups and to discourage general use. Are you in a high risk group? - Are you traveling to the region of the epidemic? - Have you had contact with an infected person? - Will you be attending any high density events (e.g. raves) where you will come in contact with the bodily secretions and/or excretions and/or ejaculates of other people? If not any of the above, then your likelihood of being exposed at this time is remote and you do not need the vaccine.
  4. Yours is a good analysis and there is no denying that Russia's greatest threat comes from its "stanistan" republics on its borders filled with people who despise Russians and their version of Christianity. However, Ukraine is not innocent either. It undertook many actions and measures that were discriminatory against ethnic Russians. It engaged in actions that would be considered unacceptable in the western world. Ukraine was also a center of organized cyber crime that targeted western countries through hacking and extortion. This in no way justifies a Russian invasion and land grab. What Russia has done is wrong and its long standing support of violent militias, including their mass murder of innocents above the Malaysian passenger aircraft was wrong too. Had Russia attempted to correct the Ukrainian injustices through civil and peaceful means it could have obtained western support to right those wrongs. Instead it chose to engage in even worse acts and now it welcomes home its youth as war dead and as mangled and broken people.
  5. Iranian manufactured and Iranian supplied. Iran and Russia worked together to prop up the despot Assad of Syria, 14 million refugees, and 500,000 dead thanks to their efforts.
  6. I expect that Kennedy will deliver the suburban mothers vote to Harris -Walz. His political views are the exact opposite of the views suburban mons have. Watch the polling data. This was the AGGREGATE pre DNC bump result with Kennedy endorsement adjustment Harrris Walz 48.8% v Trump Walz 44.8% Source is the gold standard Nate Silver summary https://www.natesilver.net/p/nate-silver-2024-president-election-polls-model Not looking good for team Trump Walz and the DNC bump will push Trump into lash out temper tantrum mode. Unfortunately for him, the more he insults people and uses rudeness, the more he turns off people. Its all about the big MO now and the Harris team has it. M O M E N T U M. Soon Melania will be able to get her separate private life back.
  7. The comment was based upon polling data references. The news source provided the polling data that was derived from a reputable US polling entity; FiveThirtyEight. Were you unable to otherwise dispute the data and had to criticize the independent data reference?
  8. There is no evidence to support your claim. What we do see is that some people with a political agenda are attempting to use the crisis to promote their own political views and to spread false information. The measures taken to date are to contain and to control spread within high risk groups by offering free vaccination to high risk individuals. There has been no suggestion of a mass vaccination campaign, nor will there be a need if the containment efforts work, There is no evidence to support your claim. The "formula" and technology to manufacture the vaccine already exists. As such, much of the cost to make the vaccine available has already been paid for. At risk groups have been offered the vaccine in an effort to contain the spread. No one else is being offered the vaccine, even if they request it. Although MPox is currently most associated with certain risk groups, we are all at risk if it spreads. Its characteristics can facilitate its spread. The argument can be made that authorities are downplaying the risk to minimize panic and to prevent a mass run on vaccines. As per the US CDC information. Close or Intimate Contact: Regardless of type, mpox virus can spread to anyone through close, personal contact, including: -Direct skin-to-skin contact with mpox rash or scabs from a person with mpox -Contact with saliva, upper respiratory secretions (snot, mucus), and bodily fluids or lesions around the anus, rectum, or vagina from a person with mpox -Pregnant people with mpox can pass the virus to the fetus during pregnancy or to the newborn during and after birth. Direct contact can happen during intimate contact, including: -Oral, anal, or vaginal sex, or touching the genitals (penis, testicles, labia, and vagina) or anus -Hugging, massage, and kissing -Prolonged face-to-face interactions (such as talking or breathing) -Touching Objects -Mpox virus can spread to anyone through contact with objects, fabrics, and surfaces that have not been disinfected after use by someone with mpox. This includes items like clothing, bedding, towels, fetish gear, or sex toys. Infected Animals Mpox can spread from animals to people in a few ways: -Through small wild animals in West and Central Africa, where mpox is endemic (found naturally). -Direct close contact with an infected animal, fluids or waste, or getting bitten or scratched. -During activities like hunting, trapping, or processing infected wild animals in areas where mpox is endemic. The common western take away is that only gays in the "western world" are at risk. This is a simplification. Close contact with the infected and a lack of hygiene are the factor. The vaccination guidelines are to offer the vaccine to contacts of the infected, travelers to risk zones and to the active MSM segment. The disease is spread in Africa because the locals insist on using "bush meat" even when told not to do so. The importation of the products by travelers occurs regularly and almost every time the screeners at arrival intercept. there are cries of racial profiling. Western travelers to Thailand shouldn't be smug either. Every year, Thai authorities intercept fruits, vegetables, meats and cheeses from westerners that are infested with invasive species or contaminated with infectious agents like Listeria.
  9. The man is subject to judicial penalty because of police conduct. The justice system has failed. This illustrates the risk that all foreigners face in Thailand. I am left with the impression that he did not pay off the police and they have retaliated. I hope I am wrong.
  10. You use the language code that the military junta backers have used. You advocate for freedom and democracy, but you use the same legal tricks that the military supporters used. Just who made thee allegations of treason etc.? Based upon their activity, they are not. All that they have done is to adapt their political activities. Like any other political group with a long and established existence, they continue. And yet they managed to win almost 29% of the popular vote and to gain 141 seats, only 10 fewer than the MFP. That is a healthy showing. This is core strength, rock hard loyalists. One of my closest friends still votes PT despite constantly criticizing politicians and corruption. It defies all logic. His father voted Thaksin, as did his grandfather and its like he has some idiotic family tradition to uphold. Meanwhile his inlaws are from the south and I doubt share the same outlook.
  11. I had not considered this perspective. I am still uncomfortable, but understand your good explanation. Forgive me if I use a crude analogy: The appointment strategy is like peeing into a toilet in an attempt to removed caked on solid material.
  12. What is garbage. What is factually incorrect? Did you read the paper? You are confusing a temporary disruption with long term impact. We are less than 2 years out of the crisis, and yet economies are nearly recovered. many of the problems we are facing today are because of idiotic decisions made during the Reagan era that reduced taxes on the super wealthy, and increased national debt with no investment in national infrastructure. Supply chain disruptions were caused when large numbers of logistic workers became ill and others refused to work for low wages in conditions that they deemed dangerous. That is the reality.
  13. Kennedy attracted a diverse group of people. Whether we agree with their views or not, they can and do vote. However, the data indicates that most of them are unlikely to vote. The polling data shows that RFK Jr.'s support tanked when Biden dropped out. An average of national polls showed that support for RFK Jr. nearly slashed in half when Harris entered the presidential race in late July. The Independent gives a good analysis of the impact for Trump, and it will be slightly positive in 4 states. Specifically, he has the strongest support in New Mexico (8 per cent of the vote), Florida (5 per cent), Michigan (5 per cent) and Nevada (5 per cent). The same poll showed Harris leading in New Mexico, tied with Trump in Nevada and Michigan, and a Trump lead in his chosen state of Florida. Though it is unclear directly where RFK Jr. voters will turn, the higher margins could have the capacity to turn the tides in these states and others. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/rfk-jr-trump-harris-polls-endorsement-b2601082.html I think it is reasonable to expect that RFK jr. may help in Nevada, and keep Florida Republican, if his voters turn out to vote. Aside from that, RFK will be more of a nuisance, shooting his mouth off. His move to Trump is seems to be more of a retaliation against his family which has in effect disowned him.
  14. The DNC was an event full of life and energy. It was a reflection of today's USA and included a balanced cross section of Americans. As the weeuns say, it was lit and rizz. The theme was responsible patriotism, one that hadn't been seen since Eisenhower. The focus was on the USA and the Democrat's vision for helping people and in building the nation. In contrast, the RNC event was flat and dull. Sure, they tried to be "hip" but it was like watching the Lawrence Welk show when Bobby and Cissy come out to dance to a muzaked treatment of a top 10 song of the day. It was a geritol fueled event with people who looked like they OD'ed on Botox, especially Matt Gaentz. The theme was Donald Trump and it was all about him. Same old slogans, same old recycled insults and speeches from almost 10 years ago.
  15. Petty crime also occurred at the Republican National Convention. The police blotter showed an increase in opportunistic petty crimes. It happens at every political convention. The activities of closeted homosexuals may have been higher at the RNC though because "over 1,000 users reported a Grindr outage in the Milwaukee area around 4 p.m. on the Tuesday (of the convention), according to Downdetector, a website that collects online service status information. No reports occurred at the DNC. The Grindr app also allegedly experienced problems on Thursday— the fourth and final day of the RNC". Newsweek also interviewed a user who offered this insight; He noticed an influx of anonymous users this week. "On any given day, you'll go on there and see a headless torso or blank profile," The source explained that a headless photo on someone's Grindr profile usually means the person is looking for a fling and not a relationship. On a normal day, the Grindr user said he usually comes across around 10 users who don't show their face, but claimed he stopped counting at 50 anonymous profiles when he checked the app Thursday. The big difference though is that the RNC featured convicted felons in featured positions. Aside from convicted felon Trump, Peter Navarro – fresh out of Florida jail –addressed the convention with Paul Manafort in attendance. No felons were featured at the DNC.
  16. The key to citing academic studies is to actually reading the studies and understanding the subject matter. As per the title A LITERATURE REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTS OF LOCKDOWNS ON COVID-19 MORTALITY Do you see the key word Covid 19 Mortality? It is not a study on economic impact, nor on social impact, ONLY Covid 19 mortality. The shelter in place and reduced activity strategy primary objective was to protect critical components of national infrastructure. It was intended to ensure continuity of critical services and in that regard was a success. Prior to the restrictions, people were falling sick and booking off sick for weeks. The health system was in danger of collapse. Children may not have been at risk, but they carried the infections to their families where parents then imported the infections to their respective workplaces. Had the measures not been in place, health networks would have crashed and first responder capabilities would have been significantly reduced. The restrictions were intended to protect food supplies, the energy grid, national defense, health care and to maintain civil order. They worked.
  17. Not exactly. AAA National Average $3.361 Price as of 8/24/24 2011-2014 Saw unadjusted gas prices range from $3.53 to $3.64 to $3.53. Adjust for the time value function and the cost is higher. I get it. The cost of gasoline has an increase trend through the years. One thing I don't understand is why the Feds get blamed as much as they do for the cost of gas. The individual states are the largest factor in the cost of gas at the pump. Republican Utah adds $0.33 per gal. De Santis Republican Florida adds $0.35 per gal. Tim Walz Democrat adds $0.28 per gal Democrat New Mexico adds $0.19 per gal. And California, the largest economy in the USA and the single largest contributor of tax revenues amongst the states, the state that provides the revenue used to prop up economic backwater states like Republican Louisiana and Mississippi, adds $0.77 per gal. It's also the state that serves as the caregiver for many of the nations destitute internal migrants.
  18. He is not a native born US national. Born in South Africa, a Canadian of convenience and for the benefits until he made it big in the USA. Now he is a US citizen of convenience. He will abandon the USA when it is to his advantage.
  19. Ok so it is the link that I provided and shows the disruption related to Covid. Gas prices are similar to where they were in 2015. If we adjust the $ for time changes, the cost is lower. So, I guess that means that the actual cost of gas for US consumers is now lower than almost a decade ago. Wow. The Biden administration really did well then.
  20. $15 Billion in direct farm subsidies is still $15 billion. Go into more detail and you will see that agricultural subsidies are imbedded in multiple food and nutrition programs. For example, the school lunch programs, are guaranteed purchases of products from various agricultural sectors. Even the Depart of Defense gets in on the act as DoD contractors are used to deliver food supplies. As per the USDA -Purchases about 2 billion pounds of food from American farmers each year - Includes the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), and the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). -USDA Foods are available via one of three methods:1. Direct Delivery 2. Bulk for Processing 3. USDA Department of Defense (DoD) Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program -USDA Supports American Agriculture USDA has a dual mission of providing healthy food to children and supporting American farmers.
  21. Did you watch and listen? I did. Politicians rarely write their own speeches. They contribute their thoughts and stories and a professional weaves them together. This speech was a gem from Adam Frankel. He is considered one of the best in politics and it showed with his ability to hit all the right targets with this speech. Harris wasn't trying to get the votes of the MAGA collective. She was solidifying the support of her key voters, working women, mothers, students, Visible minorities, and youth. And most of all, independent voters. These are the people who can deliver a victory at the polls. Biden won his election because black voters delivered in Georgia, suburbanites and youth delivered in Pennsylvania and Hispanics and women delivered in Arizona. Harris needs to keep that collection of diverse voters and to attract the independents. The polls show she is doing just that. The MAGA collective will be out in full force insulting and dismissing her speech, but it was good. She did what she needed to do and presented as energetic, sharp, responsible and clear thinking. It was a refreshing change from the recycled insults and dullness of the RNC. The DNC delivered a convention full of diverse faces, of energy and full of life. The RNC delivered a monochromatic trip to the seniors living center, where the majority seemed to be clad in polyester leisure wear and over the age of 50. The hookers servicing the delegates probably had to carry viagara and Depends with them.
  22. Gas prices follow cyclical patterns. Every summer in the USA, there is a spike that reflects the shut down of refineries for annual maintenance and increased demand of summer holiday drivers. The costs follow historical trends. Covid distorted the impact of inflation because there was a massive drop in the demand for gas for almost a year during Covid as people worked from home and no one traveled. Once the economy reopened there was a jump in demand and this was reflected in the cost as demand exceeded the supply for a short time. The cost data shows this. https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_gas_price
  23. This is an exaggeration. They can afford basic groceries. Junk food and unhealthy over processed food have increased in cost, but healthier food costs are holding steady or have decreased. Bags of Doritos that have become smaller and now cost USD 5 v $2.50, and junk food like hotdogs that were $7.50 are now $10.00. Eggs and dairy products have come down in costs over the past year. Look at the data. The average price of food in the United States rose by 2.2% in the 12 months ended July 2024. That's not bad considering the fact that labour costs and middleman costs have increased. It boggles the mind that people blame the federal government for food prices. Agricultural management is primarily a state mandated jurisdiction. Local labour management is primarily a state mandate. The federal government indirectly subsidizes food costs through its billions of dollars handed pout to farmers for farming subsidies. Cheap farm labour is also provided by way of the migrants both legal and illegal who enter the USA. The US House of representatives authorizes the spending and the House is Republican controlled. The same people who complain about government spending and migrants are the same ones complaining about food costs. It's all about priorities. Instead of spending on junk food, soda, tobacco and alcohol people can purchase better quality food and healthier products.
  24. If your claim was even remotely true, we would not have seen inflation anywhere else. And yet, inflation exploded all over the world. The USA in contrast performed better or similar to other advanced economies. For example, Hungary is a nation that has the exact opposite of "Bidenomics" and it had an inflation rate of 14.6% in 2022 while the USA had 6.5% Australia had 6.59% with Canada at 6.80%. Your argument is not based in actual fact, but is a statement intended to support your political agenda.
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