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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. We are both correct. Although, I acknowledge your correction and agree that you are more correct for much of the world. I am accurate for the AN audience of the elderly. (I actually took my answer from the biometric resource page reference for the ETIAS, but as you point out, it is not accurate.) In respect to those who are exempt from paying the 7 Euro fee; Applicants who are under 18 or above 70 years of age are exempt . Also exempt are family members of EU citizens or of non-EU nationals who have the right to move freely throughout the European Union. ( Citizens of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway have the same rights as EU citizens. Swiss citizens also enjoy freedom of movement within the EU.)
  2. Seriously? That was an organized mob attack. It was enabled by Erdogan and his nationalist rhetoric. When was the last time a violent mob descended on US service personnel in Denmark or Canada or Israel or Thailand? One of the thugs put a plastic bag over the head of one of the marines. They could have been killed and would have been seriously injured had some bystanders not delayed these savages. Erdogan and his cronies have been double dealing for too long. They surreptitiously enable Putin, they threaten the EU with sending millions more refugees to them, and they break trade sanctions. Turkey should be treated for what it is, a former colonial power that left a legacy of war in the middle east and that pines for the days when it enslaved the arab world.
  3. To date it is Israel expected to make all of the compromises. Also lost in the demand is that Gaza has multiple factions. Some of the groups who were implicated in the October 7 breach of peace and who still attack Israel from Gaza are; -Palestinian Islamic Jihad ( a branch of Egyptian Islamic jihad), -Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - Al Aqsa Martys Brigade (affiliated with Fatah) - Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, -Jaljalat (affiliated with both Jund Ansar Allah and al-Qaeda), -Jahafil Al-Tawhid Wal-Jihad fi Filastin (al-Qaeda-affiliated group) - Army of Islam (Jaysh al-Islam) (al-Qaeda-affiliated group) - Abdullah Azzam Brigades - Jund Ansar Allah In addition are criminal clans who have affiliated with terrorist groups for protection. The largest is Doghmush (affiliated with al-Qaeda and Abu Qatada) And then there are the direct Iran linked Shia muslim groups, the Sabireen, who are sponsored by Hezbollah and Iran. Each has its own political agenda and its own goals. How is Israel expected to negotoiate with violent groups who at times also violently feud with each other?
  4. Which Israel? Do you mean the current state of Israel? If so, it was initiated with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and withdrawal of the centuries long colonial occupation of much of the Arab world and Israel. As part of that withdrawal, French and British colonial powers gained control The agreements that laid the foundation for the creation of Israel also laid out the creation of the current Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the delineation of the Syrian borders and the recognition of the carve out of Lebanon from Syria. To deny the right of Israel to exists requires that the arab countries which emerged from the same agreement can no longer exist and that they must all revert back to a state of foreign occupation
  5. Your opinion of Israel will not change no matter what israel does. Yours is a very specific double standard. Nothing I, or anyone can say will change your position. The only thing that might influence your position is when you become a victim of arab violence. The victims of the Lockerbie Pan Am mass murder were targeted by Libyan government agents. The motivation of the Libyan government was to avenge its loss after it attempted to engage and menace the USN. This is the mentality of much of the arab world. May you one day have the arab experience.
  6. You are never too old to be frisky. Big bosomed Anna Nicole Smith found wedded bliss with J. Howard Marshall. Isn't this special? And let's not forget Ulf and Joop. They still find time to sashay at a local event. They would be right at home in Pattaya.
  7. The EU will implement its ETIAS system by May 2025. The USA and Canada already have a shared data system. Passenger data is shared to the respective border security agencies at online or counter checkin. The airline industry is moving to Biometrics. At some point the airline biometrics will be linked to the immigration screening systems of countries. For example; Star Alliance member airline participants (Lufthansa Group, Air Canada) biometric facial recognition system allows the passenger to make their way through security, into the lounge and through the boarding gate quickly and with almost no contact. In the future, all it will take is a single scan - without a boarding pass or smartphone. This is now being rolled at multiple airports. Back to Thailand, the e-visas are brilliant. They will help avoid minimize the entry of known criminals and deviants. They will effectively track entry and departure of visitors by type of visa. As mentioned above, the border hoppers will no longer be able to easily bounce back and forth and will need to secure the correct visa. More importantly, it will speed the process at the border. No more delays while the computer search is done.
  8. I offer that it is intentional. The French often stand by while the refugees make for the UK. Under international law and the various conventions that the UK was a party of and even co-sponsor, the UK is obligated to allow entry of the migrants presenting as refugees. The French have been dumping their problem into the UK for years, with the UK unable to put pressure on the French, even when the UK was a member of the EU. The French response has always been, fine, we can cut off the channel, but that means no easy entry for UK ferries or commercial traffic. The French have done it before and the UK public response is to cry and to complain, open the borders they demand and then the UK government of the day backs down because some punters can't make it to Calais to buy cheap plonk, and commerce traffic is delayed upset the business community. Even when the UK government has taken action against the migrants, tens of thousands of UK citizens come out to protest. It's wrong they say. Jeremy Corbyn et al, , militant unions, social activists and professional rioters all come out to protest. Multiple deportations have been blocked by people on airliners who decide they will make a political statement. It is an easy excuse to blame the "government". The reality is that the migrants flow into the UK and abuse the welfare system because the UK population is weak and bullied by a vocal minority who dictate the response. Anytime a government responds forcefully, the public complains.
  9. Did you miss the comment about the field hospital? Did you look at the size of the compound and the building layouts? The buildings hit were not pinpoint hits. When NATO targets a building, it is a direct hit. The damaged Ukraine buildings demonstrated side blasts as opposed to a direct strike. This suggests an inaccurate targeting system. It follows current Russian strategy of shoot in the general direction of something and if non combatants are obliterated, so be it. It is irresponsible. I mentioned the intentional targeting of the Ukraine Children's hospital to demonstrate that targeting hospitals is not unusual for Russia. You can keep trying to find excuses for your Russian "friends", but it is obvious that the Russians use a shotgun approach, which results in multiple loss of life and injury to non combatants.
  10. I am not aware of the incident. Did the event occur?
  11. You are accepting his story about a cat. I suggest that there was no cat poop. Cats bury their turds.
  12. At dusk, I am in long pants. Mosquitoes feed at this hour. Shorts are not appropriate for gentlemen in the work place or at service outlets (e.g. bank, government offices, hospitals etc.) I wish more farangs wore long pants as the site of their varicose veins and crepe paper skin is unsettling.
  13. How would US special forces be any more successful than the IDF who have a better knowledge of Gaza?It won't work. If one US soldier is killed, there would be all sorts of complaints about putting them in harm's way for a foreign nation. It didn't work in Libya, Iraq or Afghanistan. The US doesn't need more suicide bombers or an uprising within its borders. There are 4.5 million muslims in the USA. You can bet that at least 1 million of them would go to protest and they would be joined by the violent mobs who vandalized universities and attacked anyone who did not share their views. The US must not get involved, especially with an election in 60 days. The reality is that the captives are considered as good as dead, and have been for several months. Hamas are violent savages and there cannot be a ceasefire since Hamas doesn't want one. The IDF can start shooting Hamas dead on sight since they are not declaring as a combat force and instead still present in "civilian" disguise. 80% of the tunnel network connecting to Egypt has been destroyed. 20% more to go. Once that occurs, the pressure will really be on Hamas. In the meantime, the Egyptians have been shown to be lying duplicitous enablers for allowing Hamas to maintain its tunnel network into Egypt.
  14. Give it time. Give it time. After the election, it's no holds barred time.
  15. Pathetic. A reinforcement of the Thailand stereotype of elderly white trash. How depressing if this is really a concern for anyone.
  16. As this occurred in French territory, there is nothing the UK government could do. It's France's problem which it refuses to address.
  17. Could have been you. Do you have an alibi?
  18. Look at the video above and then compare it to the address of the training school that was targeted. Telegram has been publishing the GPS coordinates. I have provided the civic address. In proximity the damaged location are two medical facilities. One is a small private clinic and the other is a rehabilitation facility. Also, there was reportedly a field hospital set up in the adjacent building. Take your pick. Perhaps too, the intent was not to target medical facilities and they suffered indirect damage from shrapnel. Unfortunately, one never knows with the Russians. The most recent direct targeting of a hospital was only 2 months ago. Do you recall the intentional missile strikes on the Okhmatdyt children’s hospital in Kyiv, the country’s largest children’s hospital? It reportedly killed at least 42 civilians, including five children, and injured at least 190. The attacks caused significant damage the hospital including the intensive care units and oncology and surgical wings, and completely destroyed the toxicology and traumatology departments. A decade ago, no self respecting Russian military officer would have agreed to target a hospital. The Russian involvement in Syria changed that. Russians at the behest of Putin, helped Assad barrel bomb civilians, and enabled Assad's use of poison gas on non combatants. Russia slipped into a moral morass with that decision. Then the Wagner units with the support and encouragement of the Putin cadre, actively supported the horrors in Sudan and Niger.There has been no looking back. Putin has been a cancer on the morality of Russians, promising them the allure of greatness, but at the expense of their dignity and humanity.
  19. I agree. We went for 2 nights/3 days for a function. My spending was on hotels, restaurants and shopping at malls. There was no time for hookers. Our best shopping results were at the Mike mall and we did better than in Bangkok.
  20. There are several ways to deal with this and there is information at the CBSA website. 1. You have an $800 exemption. If you can show that your bike is below the exemption, then no problem. 2. If you exceed the exemption and can show that the bicycle is not being brought back to Canada, then you can ask to be exempt. 3. If the bicycle is not yours and is borrowed or leased, and will be removed from Canada when you leave, you can ask to be exempt. 4. CBSA is on the lookout for currency, jewellery, precious metals, agricultural products, tobacco, trade tools, alcohol and drugs. It is very unlikely that you will be questioned on the bicycle. It might be searched, but if it looks Canadian enough, it will pass. Most bicycles in Canada are imported now, and components are all foreign sourced. If you are taking the bike with you when you leave Canada again, then you are technically not returning with a purchase. However, at some point, if you do bring back the bicycle it would have to be declared, so if you do pay anything keep the receipt so you don't have to pay next time you come back with it. As a side note, remember that anything that is not declared above exemption is considered to be an "uninsurable" item. If it gets stolen and you try to claim, there is no coverage under Canadian insurance because it would be an "illegal item". You would have to claim under your Thai insurance.
  21. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 86 seconds  
  22. Seems that the Russian high command had its excuses ready to go.
  23. Only in your imagination is there a western media conspiracy. NBC News which is as mainstream as they come also used the description military educational facility. Also struck was the nearby hospital, Will you have an excuse for the hospital being hit too? And if you wish to double down on your justification for the Russian targeting, unless the facility was being used for direct military purposes such as planning and control, a munitions dump or a place from which missiles were launched, then it was not a legitimate target during daytime hours when occupied. It was a multi purpose educational facility. Ostensibly the primary tenant was the 179th Training Center of Signal Forces for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Typically, when these structures are targeted, it is done when there are the fewest occupants. This is how the NATO military treats such targets, but then preservation of non combatant life is a priority of western militaries.
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