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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. Seems to me we were being warned of such things pre-Covid when the emphasis was on attracting Chinese tourists. There must be multiple threads in AN on the topic. In fairness to the Thais, they are not going around harassing and threatening tourists as is now the case in Spain. The Thais are still saying please come, while Spanish locals are protesting en masse and being rather nasty to tourists.
  2. I believe the description was accurate. Regulators consider the Cessna Caravan a small aircraft. For reference sake, the aircraft specs are; Cessna Caravan - Empty weight: 4,730 lb (2,145 kg), Gross weight: 8,000 lb (3,629 kg) Capacity: 2 Crew and 9 passengers. 1. ICAO defines a "Large aeroplane." as an aeroplane of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 5 700 kg Therefore, a small aeroplane would be of lower weight. 2. US FAA definition Small Airplanes, Commuter Category Maximum takeoff weight of 19,000 lbs (8,618 kg) Maximum passenger seating capacity of 19 3. Australia civil aviation regulations define a 'Smaller aeroplane' as: -a maximum operational passenger seating capacity of nine -a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of 8,618 kg or less. It will be interesting to see if this was an aircraft purchased from the USA, or if it was one of the kits assembled in China. Determining the cause of crash is going to be difficult if the aircraft cannot be recovered for examination
  3. You are being too rational. This is no place for common sense. What's next, telling us that nasty people are nasty drunks? Petty thieves are opportunistic? 😊
  4. Unless you are certain tenant has left, there is potential for a legit reason tenant is gone: in hospital, in detention, dead or otherwise incapacitated. If you have reported the absence, undertake a formal eviction. The lease will set out the terms like 5 days grace period to pay, eviction after 15 days past rent due date. You are still obliged by law to give notice to the tenant's contact location. In the meantime, you are usually allowed to cut the electricity and the water.
  5. I disagree. I invite you to watch the definitive documentary on the subject. I found it an eyeopener!!!!!!! Marijuana, the burning weed with its roots in he11. In the startling film you will see dopesters lure children to destruction. Debauchery, violence, murder, suicide and the ultimate end of the marijuana addict - hopeless insanity. The evidence is there in black and white.
  6. Another thread with origins in a gutter.
  7. Let's ask Melania. She seems to be a very caring and involved wife. ☺️
  8. Looks to me like Ukraine is giving up territory that it knows it would have lost anyway. In return, Ukraine gets quality personnel to use to humiliate Putin. It is causing Russians to become aware that they are at war with the Ukraine and that Russians will suffer. Russia has had logistics issues since day 1 of its invasion. Going further into Ukraine lengthens the supply lines and makes Russian forces more vulnerable to Ukraine's new air capabilities. The Ukraine of today is different than the Ukraine of 6 months ago. It has newer and more advanced ordinance with which to defend itself. Putin is using Russian conscripts to defend against the Ukraine attacks, and Russian 18, 19 year teenagers olds do not want to die for a place they care nothing about, other than to look at the pornography that was churned out of Kiev pre war.
  9. Churchill had to deal with his days in the dark, but came back to save his nation. Mandela was incarcerated, but, came back to transform his nation. Washington led a revolution and is celebrated as one of the USA's greatest. If he is leaving, it is good because he will be safe from a group of despotic totalitarian thugs. However, Pita will one day return to he rightful place in Thailand.
  10. If the polls showed Trump building a lead, you would be in high snuff, cackling with joy and beating the war drums of the Trump collective. The polls are a strong indicator of voting trends. By the end of the week, I expect that the Democrats will have enjoyed a convention bump and hit a comfortable lead of 5%. This was a well crafted convention, targeting women, working mothers, afro americans and young people. These are the people who will make the difference if they come out to vote. The polls show trends and will be used to fine tune the Democrat messaging. The Republicans also rely on these polls to modify their messaging. The difference is that Trump isn't listening to his experts, who really do know what they are doing and who can read polls just as well as Democrat strategists.
  11. You have not disputed the facts. Posting a political cartoon showing inaccuracy is not a rebuttal of the facts. It is intentional disinformation. Frequent international travelers know that it is difficult to cross the border via air routes. It is probably the most difficult option. If a traveler requires a Visa to enter the USA and does not have one, the airline will not board the passenger. Even if the passenger somehow obtains a visa, the passenger can be detained upon arrival. Very few countries have visa free entry into the USA and those that do, are considered safe countries which means sending their denied entry nationals back on the aircraft they flew in on. For reference sake these are the countries that are Visa free. Citizens of the EU members, United Kingdom, Andorra, Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Monaco, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, San Marino, Singapore, Switzerland and Taiwan. Some countries do not even have nationals who are arrested for immigration issues (Singapore, Japan). Not exactly. Central America is not as big a source of unauthorized immigrants as you indicate. Yes, the United Fruit Company events impacted Costa Rica, Honduras, and Guatemala. However, it was over 60 years ago when the remnants of US interference had any impact. Costa Rica is no longer a source of unauthorized entrants. On the contrary, it has transformed into an eco-tourism destination with an economy that retain its people. The majority of Latin American and Caribbean unauthorized entrants are fleeing Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and the failed state of Haiti. With the exception of long term dysfunctional Haiti, all are totalitarian leftist regimes that have quashed basic rights and liberties. The USA is not implicated. The actual data speaks for itself. Mexicans go to the USA for economic opportunity and to escape the corruption and the cartels of their nation, not because of the UFC legacy.
  12. Happens with me too. It is server related, especially if you use a VPN.
  13. You confuse individual wrongdoing with state sanctioned terrorism. If there was state sponsored terrorism as you insist, then there would not be Israeli media reports, nor Israeli initiated investigations, and certainly not Israeli judicial inquiries and punishment and compensation where necessary. Your logic is no different than the Trump collective claims that VP Harris is anti Israel because of her measured support or the claims of the extremist groups, many who are funded by third party foreign entities, that VP Harris is an Israeli stooge because she has condemned terrorism including Hamas and Hezbollah.
  14. South Devon is where the English Riviera is located. 😁 I suggest you visit this website for suggestions on how to visit the picturesque South Devon region. https://www.visitsouthdevon.co.uk/ I doubt they have machete waving thugs running about like they do in London and the north west. The only machetes I see now are in Thailand are at the market. They know how to slice their melons with gusto. If you miss the SRT, visit the Babbacombe Cliff Railway. 🙂
  15. You are fortunate if he is. I do hope he knows that he is held in high regard by his foreign peer group and that his sacrifice on behalf of his people puts many of us to shame . I still marvel at his success with Agrifood. It is a Netflix drama in real life. Imagine being 25 years old and flying back for a father's funeral, being told that the family company was about to collapse , and putting your life on hold to turn the company around, and then quietly going back to school after saving the family business and restoring family honour. He is a living business case study.
  16. The publicly available ICE data supports my statement. Trump took credit for killing the Bipartisan border Bill. Your argument requires that we all ignore the statements of the great and glorious Donald Trump: “I think we killed it. I think it’s dead! https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4459861-trump-praises-collapse-of-bipartisan-border-deal/ Former President Trump praised the demise of the bipartisan border deal Friday, taking credit helping to tank the legislation that took months to negotiate. Trump urged Republicans to vote against the bill before it was unveiled last Sunday, arguing its passage would be a political victory for President Biden in the election-year matchup that is likely to feature both men as their respective party nominees. The former president took pleasure in contributing to the bill’s failure Friday in remarks to members of the National Rifle Association in Harrisburg, Pa. The bipartisan Bill was co-written by the Republicans and backed by Senate leader Mitch McConnell. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/republicans-kill-border-bill-sign-trumps-strength-mcconnells-waning-in-rcna137477 Trump’s hammering of the deal, while he uses immigration as a campaign issue, and his demands that Republicans reject it won the day.
  17. I am not a fan of armchair diagnostics. What uneducated people call dementia is often wrong. It was annoying when the Trump collective did this to Biden and it is annoying when the Trump opponents do it now. Trump has always been self important and given to exaggerated statements. In previous years, he had checks and balances that kept him from going overboard. Once he became President, the checks and balances were wiped away and he was surrounded by enablers and minions who encouraged the poor behavior. No one says no to him now. Ivanka used to, but Donald Jr. pushed her aside. The smart one has been replaced by the dumb one. Trump is obese and so his gait reflects that. The oversized clothes with 1980 styling now make him look like a waddling Humpty Dumpty. What worked when he was 58 won't work now that he is 78. He is wearing his pants up around his belly and that just gives off the seniors home resident vibe.
  18. It is not unusual in western democracies. It is sometimes temporary or when there are political constraints. In Australia 2021, PM Morrison took on additional portfolios including Finance, Health and Resources. This is done when the needs of the state as a whole require a combined and focused strategy, In Thailand Defence is a critical cabinet position and often implicated in the overthrow of an elected government. By retaining the Defence portfolio it is hoped that the military can be better overseen and perhaps thwarted or delayed when there are efforts to influence government policy. If the Thai military respected the concept of a separation of state and military and that the military was subject to civilian oversight there would be no need for the joint position. Some countries are able to do it: The militaries of Canada and the UK have King Charles (or his representative the Governor General in Canada ) as commander in chief. However, the military answers to the elected government.
  19. Pita Limjaroenrat represents everything good about Thailand and what Thailand can become. Intelligent, educated and transparent. He is a positive role model for young people. Unlike so many others who were elected to political office, he had experience in running a business, and more importantly in taking a failing business and turning it profitable again through good management practices. best of all he was an honest politician, in it for love of his country and of genuinely to effect positive change. The ruling cabal banned him for a decade in a selfish attempt to protect themselves, but there will be more like Pita in the future. They are trying to hold back progress. The longer they hold it back, the greater the force for change. Pita is the future and a man of great courage and resolve.
  20. And yet the same data shows that the Biden administration has delivered excellent results since January 2024. The number of people crossing the border has been significantly reduced and if the trend continues, should be better than when Trump was in office , excluding the period when the borders were closed because of Covid. The numbers could have been reduced even further if Trump had not blocked the bipartisan funding Bill from passing. Trump wanted the border crisis so that he could have an issue for the election campaign.
  21. Israel's acts are not "terrorist" in nature. You have relied on information, particularly a narrative that has been crafted by Hamas and its supporters. For example, Israel targets a former school and civilians are killed or injured. What is not mentioned, is that the location is used as a missile firing site and that prior to the attack had fired multiple missiles into Israel. What is not mentioned is that the jihadis firing the missile intentionally located in the former school which had also served as a munitions storage site and that no longer had any educational function months ago. The civilian population were either invited to stay there by the jihadis or knowingly located to present as martyrs to their cause knowing that the IDF would act to neutralize the location. President Biden understands this. Other responsible members of both political parties understand this. This same strategy was used in Afghanistan and in Iraq. Ambushes were often carried out by the Taliban from civilian villages. They wanted civilans to die because it allowed public opinion in the west to be manipulated. ISIL intentionally used human shields in Iraq and most every time the US defended itself from attack, civilians were inevitably harmed.
  22. There was no mention of Nazis in my comment, nor did I even reference them. The question was "Will Kamala Denounce the Pro Terrorist Demonstrators" I provided both the WH statement and a recorded incident where VP Harris told them off. What exactly was factually incorrect with my response and what do you not comprehend with the words? I condemn any individuals associating with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and kill Jews. Pro-Hamas graffiti and rhetoric is abhorrent and we must not tolerate it in our nation. I condemn the burning of the American flag. What's funny is that the jew hater collective will trot out the Trump supposed support for Israel when they need to attack political opponents. I find it admirable that the US jewish community is mostly secular and puts a priority on national issues. They are like many other socially assimilated US voters who put their country first. Examples are the US Catholics who do that, and North Asian heritage people who do that. There is one religious block currently holding their rallies, some foreign initiated and surreptitiously fund, who support an Iran/Russian allied terrorist group. Currently, they are targeting the Democrat Party Convention. These are the same people who come out to riot and protest when an opportunity arises for political disruption. In the past, they also had support from the people who had participated in the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA. The far right's previous ties to extremist foreign groups has been well documented. Chaos and instability serve both their political interests.
  23. You are not paying them. They are employees of the Condominium and responsible only to the designated juristic entity designated to oversee them. You pay a condominium fee. A small portion of the fee is used to cover the cost of having the security guards. In effect, you contribute.
  24. They were ladies. Looked to me in their 30's with some in their 40's. One was the assistant branch manager of my bank branch. She was single and a university graduate. A fit, late 30 ish. She was always well turned out. She was looking for stability and a bit of fun. Another was a mid 40's widow with her own inherited money, and the last one I believe was early 40's and had never married because she had cared for her parents. She was a municipal bureaucrat. The man was in his 70's. That's an age difference of 30- 35 years, and impressive, at least it was to me. He wanted to be able to have a conversation with them beyond "You want to make boom boom, and then we go eating"? I hope I can be as cool as that when I get to that stage of my life. The guy wore proper shoes and long pants when he went to immigration or the bank branch. No flip flops for him that exposed long yellow toenails. Women notice details like that. I remember his lessons well. Regular Thais turn themselves neatly. Their clothes are clean and usually ironed. They take pride in their appearance and it is a form of respect to others to dress neatly. It's subtle cues like this that make a difference.
  25. Not exactly. And no I am not nitpicking, but there is a difference between the Pardon (the action) and the Certificate (the result). They are two separate things. Yes, the Pardon in itself is considered an act of forgiveness that "eliminates" the sentence attached to it. Thaksin WAS a convicted criminal, The Certificate of Innocence is the result of receiving a Pardon; a discharge of the penalty. The Certificate is issued because of the Pardon. In effect. The criminal charge is wiped out, such that the conviction does not matter going forward. This is why the Certificate allows him to travel. The charge goes away as does the penalty, even though he was in custody and then on probation. He can carry on as if there was never a criminal charge and a conviction of that charge.
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