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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. Again, not true. You are repeating a fabrication that a Republican state legislature member had circulated. On the contrary, the order since replaced by a law enacted by the state legislature, protected parental rights to seek treatment. Have you read the actual Executive Order? Please cite the section of the order that supports your claim. To help you out, since it does not appear you have read the instruction, it is Executive order 23-03 and is found here https://mn.gov/governor/assets/EO 23-03 Signed and filed_tcm1055-568332.pdf Please show me where the Order says what you claim it says and I will gladly acknowledge your point.
  2. No he was not. Trump inherited a strong economy and then promptly mismanaged the Covid crisis which then resulted in catastrophic economic damage. The Unemployment rate under the Biden administration, excluding the 2020 Covid crisis is actually as good if not better than the Trump period. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNU04000024 The historic inflation data does not support your claim. Obama: 2013 - 0.50%, 2014 - 0.80%, 2015-0.70%, 2016 - 2.10% Trump: 2017 - 2.10%, 2018- 1.90%, 2019 2.30%, 2020 - 1.40% Biden: 2021 - 7.00%, 2022 - 6.50%, 2023 - 3.40% 2024 year on year - 3% If we use your logic, the Obama was a period of economic brilliance because inflation was so low. The first year of Covid saw a near shutdown of the world's economy which resulted in deflationary pressures. As the economy rebounded when it opened up again, it was reflected by the inflation rate. The Biden administration tamed those pressures and provided one of the world's most robust economies. The US inflation rate today is better than it was under the Reagan administration. You forget that 1979 and 1980 had inflation rates of 12-13.5. Inflation was up and down during the big financial boom times of the Reagan era. The reality is that with the exception of running up deficits under the Trump administration because of high income earner tax cuts, the financial policies of the USA under both Biden and Trump were standard restrained policy.
  3. Singapore is reliable. It is reliable enough that Canada has its South Asian supply military warehouse in Singapore. UK has a naval presence in Singapore and can quickly ramp up should the need arise. Singapore is a developed advanced nation with a well trained and equipped defense capability and that has quality infrastructure and an educated population. Sure, Philippines have lots of people, but it also turned on the USA when it was convenient. Remember the demands for the USA to leave prior to the Chinese expansionism?
  4. Why? She does look quite young. The tramp stamp on her ankle does suggest that she is a woman of experience.
  5. You repudiated yourself. You are trying to use an immoral and technically illegal agreement to support an untenable position. The ceding of Hong Kong came about as a result of the first opium war when Great Britain waged war against China in its campaign to force the Chinese to allow foreigners to sell opium to the Chinese and to create a nation of drug addicts. The Kowloon peninsula was obtained after the 2nd Opium War. A treaty that originates from coercion and violence is not the most easy of agreements to defend. However, the Chinese did respect the Hong Kong treaties. Yes, the new territories were technically the only areas that had a lease ending, however, Hong Kong could not exist without the new territories including the islands that had been leased. Water, electricity and food came from the new territories. Much of the population who supported the "city" lived in the New territories. Hong Kong without the new territories was not viable. It is astounding that you are using an unjust colonial construct to defend your position. The presence of Great Britain in China was an immoral and wrongful presence. Great Britain did the right thing when it withdrew. it had neither the legal nor moral right to occupy a foreign nation in the manner it did, particularly when it was based on trying to addict people to opium. You are arguing in defense of that. It does shed light on why why you are a defender of the Putin colonialist expansionism. Overall your position is patronizing and condescending to the Chinese. I have the impression that it is a whitey knows all mindset, common to the the purveyors of bankrupt political positions of the 1970's.
  6. It is not a lie to state that you have not provided a compelling case (to support Putin's invasion of Ukraine) and instead have thrown out weak excuses for the Russian expansionist policy. Your comments oppose the provision of aid to Ukraine. As a result I have asked why you just not come clean and make clear that you support the war initiated by Putin, and as a result support all of the knock on results that I have listed. Are you now saying that you do not support the Russian position and that it is acceptable for Russia to have started a war with Ukraine and to have supplied and directed militias that have attacked Ukraine?
  7. There is a common saying "don't feed the troll". I believe that it is appropriate here.
  8. You made unsubstantiated allegations. When you were confronted with the the truth you attempted to deflect. All that you do is toss out nonsensical claims alleging electoral fraud. NONE of your claims is supported in fact, nor has ever been proven in a court of law. What are you trying to accomplish?
  9. What is your obsession with tampons? You obviously do not understand how the Minnesota legislature is set up, nor do you appear to have even read the law that you claim did this. Governor Walz did not have a "tampons for boys policy", nor did he ever advocate that boys should use tampons. The state legislature passed a broad education bill that included a provision to provide menstrual products to students. He respected the will of the state legislature which passed the bill with a majority. The Minnesota law DID NOT specify in which bathrooms the menstrual supplies must be located. It left the decision in the hands of local school districts. The school districts developed the plans to ensure that all students who menstruate could access the products. Their availability in some "boys" bathrooms was to accommodate transgender students. What you are in effect arguing for is that Walz should have ignored a democratic decision made by the elected legislature and should have not allowed the parents through their local school districts to decide. Yours is an argument for dictatorship and a suspension of individual rights.
  10. What exactly is wrong with the US position? The position is a reflection of the sentiments off the US nation, or at least those who know what a Thailand is. Issuing statements like this is what foreign affairs departments are expected to do.
  11. That would result in a retaliation against EU visitors. Are you ready for the outcome?
  12. Sentencing takes into account prior offences and likelihood to reoffend, and extent of damage/injuries. Some defence counsels are more effective than others at sentencing too.
  13. The exchange of neo nazi labeling is annoying. There is no denying that neo nazis have existed and still do exist in both countries. The integral difference is that Russia still engages in some of the more vile aspects of neo nazisim, such as state sanctioned anti semitism and discrimination against some ethnic groups. That region of the world has always suckled from the bosom of hate. Killing jews in their community organized pogroms was sport. The ethnic hatreds are particularly strong in the communities near the Russian-Ukraine border. However, the claim of Russians that they are denazifying are a farce since they are no better with their mass murders, torture, looting and rape.
  14. Ducolax type products are what is prescribed when preparing for a colonoscopy. Think about that. If you need help, consume more fiber.
  15. I used your own data to show that your claim is unsupported. There is no evidence of any significant presidential election voter fraud. There are some isolated cases that have had no impact on election outcome. Now that you cannot provide any evidence to support your claim of voting irregularities, your fall back excuse is that it is difficult to to "verify". Foreign nations with a poor history of fair elections like Iran, China and Russia promote conspiracy claims of election fraud and wrongdoing. This is intended to sabotage the USA , sow discord and to buttress their claims of integrity when their fixed election results are questioned. The management and conduct of elections is a state right and activity. You are now deflecting by bringing up the SAVE Act, which was a duplication of existing legislation and that added expense and bureaucracy to voter registration. There are almost no documented instances of foreign voter misconduct in US presidential elections. Surely with all the questionable people in Republican controlled states, the eagle eyed defenders of the electoral system would have caught someone by now? The management of elections is a state responsibility. Attempting to impose a federal law on the states to direct their management of a state designated right would raise the issue of whether or not it was even allowed by the US constitution. Considering the Trump camp argument that state rights must be respected, this Bill should not have been championed.
  16. Thank you for your inquiry. There have been surveys such as this from the PEW Research Org. that you can look up. Unfortunately the most recent data released last month did not include Belgium, perhaps because it is not a particularly important or influential nation when it comes to international affairs.. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2024/07/02/confidence-in-zelenskyy-and-support-for-ukraine/ The decline in support was documented earlier this year https://www.brusselstimes.com/925956/two-years-into-the-war-belgian-support-for-ukrainian-aid-wavers and broadened to include allegations of support for Russia from two Belgian political parties; the NVA party and the PVDA party. The allegations follow on from the study released last March by The European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS) an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, based in Brussels, for research on and analysis of challenges posed by increasing political populism which documented The impact of the Russia–Ukraine War on ties between the Vlaams Belang in Belgium and the Putin regime. You may find the term capitulation too strong. Perhaps it is. However, I find the word most appropriate for the Belgian state and its history since its conduct in WWII and then in colonial Africa. The evil it did in the Congo in 1960 following what is described as its "capitulation" combined with its legacy in Rwanda and Burundi serve as an indication of what Belgium is capable of doing when public opinion shifts.
  17. Because FOX has a bias in favour of Trump. You do mean Fox don't you? Are you aware that Fox is an entertainment company and includes; FOX News Media a 24-hour news service FOX Business Network a financial news channel, covering Main Street and Wall Street. FOX Sports an industry leader in live events, FOX Entertainment FOX Television owns and operates 29 full power broadcast television stations in the U.S. Tubi - Digital entertainment Credible - a tool to compare personalized loan offers from lenders OutKick a multimedia platform for of sports news, sports culture and pop culture. Blockchain Creative Labs a Web3 media company That is not occurred and not what the judge stated. Trump's legal team did not submit "evidence". Evidence of the kind you intimate is not presented at this type of hearing. The court decision was sound and based upon New York law. US District Judge Cecilia Altonaga, noted that the definition of rape differences between the specific New York law definition of rape and the common definition of rape, were different enough to let the case move forward. The judge noted that “New York has opted to separate out a crime of rape. Stephanopoulos’s statements dealt not with the public’s usage of that term, but the jury’s consideration of it during a formal legal proceeding, and “whether or not it is substantially true to say a jury (or juries) found (Trump) liable for rape by a jury despite the jury’s verdict expressly finding he was not liable for rape.” Judge Altonga is also quoted as stating “Judge Kaplan was reviewing a jury’s damages award. His analysis necessarily focused on what Carroll had and had not proved at trial, as well as the harm Carroll experienced from (Trump’s) abuse. There was no discussion of how to accurately report on the jury’s findings.” The judge made clear in her ruling that she was NOT deciding on the merits of Trump’s claim that he was defamed by ABC News, and wasn’t trying to suggest that he’ll win the case.
  18. Your arguments are similar to those used to prevent afro americans from voting. Perhaps some people did sign up for voting, what you do not state is whether or not any of them were deemed eligible to vote and whether or not that they actually voted. Based upon state filings, the answer is Zero. In respect to the Heritage Foundation data, it presents ALL election incidents in its numbers. This includes county and state elections. Almost everyone of the cases relates to local elections and not presidential elections. Here is a typical example; Sherrye Jackson, of Tompkinsville, KY was charged by the state with one felony count of engaging in organized crime and one felony count of first degree perjury after her participation in a conspiracy by the Jackson family to bribe voters or obtain blank ballots from registered voters to help elect James "Darrell" Jackson, a Monroe County Constable, to the position of Monroe County Jailor, during the 2022 Republican primary election. The fraud was uncovered after a tip was submitted to the Attorney General's Election Fraud Hotline. Jackson, who had prior felony convictions on her record, pleaded guilty to her felony charges and entered a pretrial diversion program for 5 years. A common problem is the registration of convicted felons. Many people are unaware that as a felon they do not have the right to vote although some states have reinstated the right to some felons (e.g. Florida). The takeaway is that there is NO evidence of electoral fraud in the 2020 or 2024 presidential election process.
  19. I believe your conclusion is incorrect. The EU will not agree to the use of nuclear weapons unless its own security is at risk. Nor will western nations with nuclear weapon capability put their own nation at risk of nuclear war to retaliate on behalf of Ukraine. The populations of Germany, USA, UK and France would rise up in violent protest if their countries did this. Some EU countries like Belgium, are ready to capitulate to Russian demands now.
  20. Thank you for taking the time to offer an explanation. Technically then, he is not the father. He was just a caregiver who acted as a father figure for 1 year. Admirable and all that, but in the absence of an adoption he is not the father, nor should he be called a father.
  21. I genuinely do not understand. How is he the father? Terry, met Kanjana Milkewicz's mother, Supaporn, now 73 years old Supaporn was pregnant by another American soldier who refused to acknowledge the child. Terry, took care of Supaporn during her pregnancy and continued to support her and Kanjana until she was one year old. Terry then returned to his home country, and Kanjana and her mother lost contact with him. Now 48 years later he shows up. Reads to me like Mr. Milkewicz is the father not Terry.
  22. You make a lot of unfounded childish claims in your statement. Ok, so Trump is filing a defamation claim against ABC. Trump also brought 62 legal cases alleging election fraud and every single case at trial was either summarily dismissed for lack of evidence or lost on fact. Trump alleges that Stephanopoulos and the ABC network defamed him when Stephanopoulos said during an interview with Rep. Nancy Mace that a New York jury found Trump had “raped” Jean Carroll, a writer whose own cases against Trump resulted in Trump being found liable for sexual abuse. Stephanopoulos was relying on the court transcript from another Trump case where Trump had tried to countersue Jean Carroll, and the judge had ruled against Trump. The presiding judge stated that Jean Carroll's statement of claim that Trump had raped her was “substantially true,” and agreed that Trump had raped her in the broader sense of that word, as people generally understand the term. The technicality was that the actual act did not fit the narrow definition of rape as set out in New York law. There is no evidence of bias at ABC in this matter, as you claim. George Stephanopoulos would not have been involved in any "debate" and the moderators would have not been able to impose any personal bias as the format would follow the first debate. Trump wants to move the proceedings to Fox because they will have an audience that will be allowed to bray and shout. Fox would screen the audience and if it is like previous Fox events, the audience would not be neutral. The reality is that Trump wants his supporters present. He needs them to provide cover for his unfounded claims and allegations. Harris won't play that game. Harris is Vice President of the USA. Trump is a convicted felon and a serial bankrupt. To claim that Trump would elevate her is nonsensical and delusional.
  23. They also make up what you call the left.
  24. No, it is not alright for Russia to target Zelenskyy. I believe that western intelligence and security forces have intervened multiple times to warn and to protect Zelenskyy in the past, so the western actions are not unusual. The western position is common sense because as I wrote, the Russians would retaliate with a barrage so intense that nothing would be left of Ukraine. Ukrainians might dream of a western reprisal but Western nations would not go to war with Russia over it because the Ukraine is not worth the risk and the cost at this time. The Ukrainians should be grateful for the massive injections of aid to date and not push their luck. The aid has been based upon the preservation of Ukraine's sovereignty and more importantly the defense of Europe, not an attack on Russia itself. As the USA has not denied the report, I believe it has some substance. There is nothing to be gained for either the USA or Russia from the report, save for the fact that it presents the USA as a responsible nation that will do the right thing and to see the big picture.
  25. If accurate, then the USA helped avoid the absolute destruction of Ukraine and a spiral in the war. Had there been an attack on Russia and Putin injured or killed, Russia would have retaliated with overwhelming force, even including tactical nuclear weapons. There would have been a missile barrage that turned much of the nation to dust and debris. The USA has helped protect the interests of the western world and saved the Ukrainian nation.
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