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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. The Russian supporter is going full tilt now. As usual, he won't let the facts get in the way of attacking President Biden. The reality is that the Biden administration inherited the withdrawal, and there was no way it could reasonably be expected to amend or to delay the withdrawal. Consider the uproar had it done so. The US military was responsible for the withdrawal and as they had warned Trump, they expected that the Afghanis would run away. That was the failure of the Afghanistan mission in a nutshell: The belief that the Afghanis were capable of responsible government and loyalty as known on the western world. Westerners tried to apply western concepts to a culture neither interested nor willing to consider that culture.
  2. This thread should be titled "Tales from the Ghetto - An Alcoholics's Morning Adventure". If someone wants to drink, it's their business, but it shouldn't be justified by the "I work shifts" excuse. Drinking at 07:00 hours, is neither healthy nor normal as this is definitely not a characteristic of shift cycle workers. Passed out in the gutter like this is low class ghetto behavior and is frowned upon by much of Thai society. And as for Bolt drivers in Thailand having university diplomas. Get real. The majority of people who drive for Bolt, Line, Grab have a common socio economic characteristic; Older, unskilled, and poor. Ageism is a reality of Thailand and many service type companies will not hire older workers (age 35+) for unskilled labour positions. The delivery drivers tend to be people who would otherwise be unemployable. The income is low and the working conditions can be unpleasant. No one wants to be a food delivery person. They do it because that's all that there is when you are a 40 year old with no education and no skilled trade.
  3. Return it to its natural state. Demolish it, and replant to give it back to nature from which it was ripped. Sadly, the structure contains some building materials that are hazardous such as asbestos and lead. The Communist regime which built the extensions wasn't much for environmental protection, so lead paint is prevalent as is lead solder in the plumbing. This place cannot be repurposed. It is obsolete and the cost of bring it up to building code is too much.
  4. It is prudent not to rely on only one polling result. Multiple sources should be considered. Rasmussen has a recognized republican bias. (This doesn't mean that the results should be dismissed. just taken in that context.) If you look at the 10 most recent polls, Harris and Trump are nearly tied with Harris given an edge of 1%. And before anyone claims leftist bias, note that the network accused the most of leftwing bias, CNBC has Trump in the lead. pollster date Harris (D) Trump (R) spread RCP Average 7/30 - 8/14 47.9 46.9 Harris+1.0 Emerson 8/12 - 8/14 50 46 Harris+4 Rasmussen Reports 8/8 - 8/14 45 49 Trump+4 FOX News 8/9 - 8/12 49 50 Trump+1 Morning Consult 8/9 - 8/11 47 44 Harris+3 Pew Research 8/5 - 8/11 46 45 Harris+1 Ipsos 8/2 - 8/7 49 47 Harris+2 SurveyUSA 8/2 - 8/4 48 45 Harris+3 NPR/PBS/Marist 8/1 - 8/4 51 48 Harris+3 CNBC 7/31 - 8/4 46 48 Trump+2 I&I/TIPP 7/31 - 8/2 46 45 Harris+1 CBS News 7/30 - 8/2 50 49 Harris+1 The Democrats should soar in the coming week.
  5. I thought the safety harness was supposed to hold the worker when this type of event occurred? Isn't the safety harness fastened to to a hold separate from the work platform? Either he was tethered direct to the platform, or tethered to the same structure that was holding the platform. It will be interesting to hear what experienced people have to say. Poor guy. I dislike heights and this just seals the deal for me.
  6. The concern with EVs is range and the ability to charge it outside of large urban centers. I would be leery trying to drive an EV from Bangkok to Phuket. Are their charging facilities in the mid country? I haven't seen any going from Hua Hin to Chumphon and beyond. Plus with all the rain and road flooding, maybe an EV isn't such a great idea
  7. Yes, he did. He had to deal with the reality. The polling numbers were trending negative. He was only supposed to be a one term president. That was the understanding within the party. He was allowed to run unopposed in the primaries because the democrat party leadership argued that he was a sitting President and had earned the right to be unopposed. The rank and file Democrats were worried and had expressed their concerns for a year. democrat leadership ignored the physical deterioration. In the time since the primaries concluded, it became evident that the man didn't have the physical capability to do 4 more years. Yes, the party leadership told him the truth. Would you have rather that they did not? The Republicans argued that he should go. Well, he did just that. Now they are complaining. Think about what you wrote. It sums up the inability to think and to reason in a rational manner. You write that "Trump received more votes than Obama". And? What's your point? There were more eligible voters in 2020 than in 2008. Also, the voter turnout was greater in 2020 than in 2008. President Biden received more votes than former President Obama. He also received more votes than Trump. So, what's your point? Is your argument that Trump has greater validity because he received more votes? If so, then Hilary Clinton should have been elected President. After all, in the 2016 election, Hilary Clinton obtained more votes than Trump. 65,853,514 compared to 62,984,828. You then make references to an MSM version of events. What part of reality do you not comprehend? The MSM did not alter the vote tallies. You have worked yourself into such a frenzy that you cannot think clearly. Your behavior suggests to me that it is the behavior of someone who has been conned and can't accept that he has been conned.
  8. My comment in respect to qualifications were in respect to her experience and education. not whether or not she met the legal requirements to become PM. Her work experience was restricted to the family owned hotel and golf course investments. Her education was in hotel management. The task ahead requires experience in managing the diverse needs of a nation. She won't have the luxury of hiring and firing on a whim. Delivering social services is very different than delivering a hotel guests somtam order. Understanding the complexities of the Thai constitutional law minefield and government finances requires someone with an understanding of the subject, i.e. experience. She is woefully under prepared and not experienced in public administration. Hence, my comment that she is not qualified for the position. Yes she does, but that doesn't mean she will do a better job. I doubt that she will be given the appropriate respect by the military. She has no personal authority, nor power and has no public accomplishment to support her appointment. Worse is her lack of electoral standing. The MFP had the moral higher ground. I was once a sympathizer of the Thaksin faction, but this man has carried on as if he is the master and ruler of the nation. The only political group that had moral standing to claim the PM office was the MFP. The junta supporters and the Thaksin faction have worked together to deny the people of Thailand access to an honest and clean government. This woman was part of that denial. She is given the office because of her family relation. It is repugnant and I hope that international governments do not facilitate this charade.
  9. The latest 538.com poll delivers Harris 46.3% Trump 43.7%. Turning point was July 28. I expect the Trump booster club to go into full meltdown mode after the Democrat convention bump. The spread will probably hit 5%. If the Dems can keep the momentum and it will be full blown crazy mode for some people.
  10. Good. Too bad it won't stop you from your faulty claims and unsubstantiated arguments in favour of Russia;s war.
  11. Even if that person is unqualified?
  12. You have not addressed the historical reality.? You attempted to justify the Russian initiated war by alluding to Hong Kong. When that did not work, you went to your fall back position of trying to distract with unrelated subject matter. The reality is that you are a defender of Putin and his invasion of Ukraine. You support the abrogation of previously agreed upon borders between Russia and Ukraine.
  13. Bears are opportunistic omnivores. This is why they are at risk of parasites. They eat small rodents like ground squirrels, and groundhogs and marmots. They also eat the sick and young of ungulates (deer, moose, elk, and caribou). However, they also eat carcasses aka carrion. Often the parasitic eggs are picked up from the scat of other animals that contaminates the berries and vegetation that they eat.
  14. Not really. Many regions with a critical shortage of housing have cracked down on BNB and short term rentals by absentee landlords. One example which hit Air BNB hard was Canada where some provinces imposed registration and licensing fees to crack down on operators who did not pay taxes and who forced out long term rentals. I will restrict my comments to the cities I know: Hua Hin - the serviced apartments are priced slightly lower than or similar to the basic studio Air BNBs. The difference is that there is 24 hour service, daily cleaning and frequent linen changes at the service apartments. A big condo complex down the soi from me is quite nice and offers a better gym and bigger pool, but the linen change is only once a stay and there is no daily cleaning. The condo owners really hate the short stay guests since they are disruptive. I didn't want to move there because it's like a cheap motel at times despite it being a nice condo complex. In Patong, I rented a condo from a fellow who also rented other units on Air BNB. The Air BNB cost was comparable to a hotel, except the big condo did not have a gym, and the pool was disgusting. Units had small kitchen with no ovens. My takeaway is that Air BNB isn't so great if you have the time to look around and know a locale.
  15. is it really judicial? Seems to me more like Military puppets. A truly independent judiciary would not agree to such interference.
  16. You assume that the video was made in Sudzha. The creation of false road signs for propaganda purposes is not unusual.
  17. What is factually incorrect in my statement? Putin's psychological state has already been profiled and nothing I wrote is outside those assessments; https://www.realclearscience.com/articles/2022/03/26/a_psychological_analysis_of_vladimir_putin_and_his_destructive_leadership_823868.html - Putin has a “strong man” attitude. He displays an apparent lack of regret or remorse for his unethical decisions and the negative effect they have on innocent people. He also fails to accept responsibility for negative outcomes, and typically blames others when something goes wrong. https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Ukraine-war/Is-Putin-cracking-Voice-analysis-belies-steely-exterior
  18. Because it demonstrated US capabilities and was intended to reassure US allies in the region. In any given week, the US and other militaries will make grand announcements similar to this. Last June, the Russian navy deployed its flotilla to Havana, Cuba for a week and then traveled to South America. The flotilla included the Admiral Gorshkov a guided missile frigate, one of the Russian navy’s most modern stealth models equipped with Zircon hypersonic missiles, which Putin has in the past said can fly nine times faster than the speed of sound at a range of more than 1,000km. It also carried Kalibr and Oniks cruise missiles. The Kazan a nuclear-powered submarine equipped with missiles from the Kalibr and Oniks families was included. Where were you when the Russians did this? Did you accuse them of a provocation? The Russians had made a similar announcement to the USA. The difference is that the Russian presence was intended to prop up dictatorships, while the US presence is to deter violence.
  19. Perhaps he envied the Russian opportunity to loot women's lingerie and home appliances?
  20. Because the Russians have done it previously. The Ukraine forces are well aware of thee claims of Nazisim and measures were taken to prevent such incidents. There will always be stupidity and some idiot may at some point do similar, but under the circumstances, when the whole world is watching for missteps, such an action would be unusual. Your claim of it being Ukrainian has no greater validity than it being a Russian staged event for propaganda purposes.
  21. Your argument is built upon your dismissive defensive response in respect to the example I provided on restaurants. You initially started off with the claim that business failed because of the response to Covid. It was an attempt to blame business failures on the protective public health strategies. Restaurant failure rates were used to illustrate that businesses failed because of bad business decisions, either in location, menu, management and/or operation. 60% of US restaurants typically fail in year 1. That is not because of Covid. You then tried to intimate that the economy was destroyed when it was not. The historical bankruptcy rates do not support your argument. The historical data shows a temporary disruption that is being corrected now. Economies go through periodic economic recessions. These correct the excessive highs when economies expand too fast. In the USA recessions occurred in 1960, 1970, 1973-1975, 1980-1982, 1990, 2001, 2007-2009, and 2020. The 2020 did not fully correct the excess of the prior decade so it is expected that there will be a mild correction to come. You see these cycles of evidence of conspiracies and government negligence. Responsible educated rational people see them for what they are: market cycles. You then go off on a disjointed polemic that makes no sense except to someone who is so certain that their veiw point is correct. "Facts" are fabricated to support nonsensical claims. (Trump does this too.) Of course we all suffered, some more than others because of Covid. And of course there were financial losses incurred. However, when put into the historical context, national governments for the most part did a pretty good job of keeping their nations up and running.
  22. Too late. The patient who was terminal is now in hospice care.
  23. This is nothing. In NYC they have been riding the subway car rooves and getting fried or squashed. In London, Daily Mail had a photo of one idiot riding the back of a bus, holding his machete.
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