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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. Oh something with the name of Galt, I think. Wasn't there a lawsuit? Was it really that long ago? I feel so old now. Then again, I remember when Patong had 2 way traffic, and the Ocean Plaza on Bangla.
  2. A false scenario promoted by people who are envious of the older gentlemen who have the ability to elicit the interest of attractive women. If someone has a solid personality, and social skills, the only obstacle is self doubt. It's the losers who dress shabbily with their soiled clothes and poor grooming and an inability to converse effectively with women, who trot out the money excuse for their inability to attract anything other than flies. They need to stop offering excuses and to look in the mirror and at their comportment. I had a elderly neighbor in my condo. Always turned out sharply, a man's man, but blessed with a genuine warm smile and good sense of humor. Even at the age of 75, he was never bereft of companionship. He didn't have to pay for sex, but he was generous, inviting a lady out for a meal or sunset cocktail. They would reciprocate by cooking for him, taking him to appointments and even sewing buttons on his shirts.
  3. No he's not. That's a beach outfit consisting of shirt and short pants. According to the prostitution excuse thread, this sort of outfit is considered to be well dressed.
  4. And wounding 2 others. Reckless weapons use in shooting up the bar.
  5. No he's not. That's a beach outfit consisting of shirt and short pants. According to the prostitution excuse thread, this sort of outfit is considered to be well dressed.
  6. There are a lot of false and reprehensible items posted to youtube. Some of the items promoting violence and hate are sometimes removed. Is that a bad thing? I used to watch Russian vehicle collision videos. They were abundant because the Russians have a fondness for dashcams. The Russians aren't uploading the entertainment anymore because they cannot collect the revenue from their monetization of the videos.
  7. Russia is isolated. Where did Russians go for affordable and interesting holidays, do business and launder their money prior to the Ukraine invasion? They romped about the UK, Europe and the USA especially California and Florida. They vacationed in the Caribbean too. Now they only visit a small number of countries. Sure they could always visit North Korea, or Congo, but the Russians want holidays, not hassles or an exotic disease. The numbers don't lie. Day trips to Finland were 1.2 million. Trips to southern Spain 1.3 million. The Baltic countries also exceeded 1 million and so on. Yes, the Russians still go on holiday, but they are going to 2nd choice destinations, with Turkey their number 1 destination, followed by Thailand, the Maldives, Egypt and UAE. 6 million Russians in total visited Turkey in the past year. That and Thailand is their affordable tourist destination. It is sort of slim pickings. A Dutch kid can travel the world. Japanese travelers can go anywhere they want, but Russians are somewhat limited because of cost constraints too. And as for Brics, give it a rest. China and India can't stand each other. The reality is that the USD will be around for many more years. The trend will not be to a Brics currency, but a basket of currencies that all share a common characteristic: Financial systems integrity, stability and transparency. That means USD, UK Pound, Euro, CAD, AUD, NZD, SIND with Japanese Yen and Korean Won and some Gulf state currencies eventually being included. No one really trusts the Chinese or Indians when it comes to financial integrity and Brazil and South Africa are corrupt.
  8. Pettiness. They thought they could smear the President during the election. This will come back to haunt the GOP. People are fed up of the grandstanding and want their Reps to work on solving the country's problems.
  9. For historical relevance. this paper based on surveys from 1988-1989. Texting was first introduced to the world in 1999 and took off in 2000 in the western/Japanese influenced societies. SMS is what made texting easy, and this required a 2G network. Unfortunately, there was no option for group chat or emojis and messages had to be 160 characters or less. 3G was only fully rolled out in Bangkok 2010 and it took some time to get the national network established. In December 2011, ToT released 3G on HSPA+ technology which allowed the start of texting as we know it today. It took another year for the network to have broader service in Thailand. This means the culture truly changed in 2012 because 3G allowed the internet access needed for everything we see people socializing on today. Line Thailand only started in 2011 and didn't get a foothold in Thailand until 2012. Facebook started in Thailand in 2015, The two most popular popular social platforms in Thailand are Line and Facebook. This is when social culture truly changed. Thais did not rely on social media like they do today, prior to 2012-2014.
  10. You asked to "unpack" your observations, so let's give it a go; 1. Whenever I see a post from somebody (here on AN) talking about going short-time, or taking part in the nightlife in Thailand there will inevitably be some other posters on here who will then comment something to the effect of "sad" or "shallow", but I never understood why. Why not just use the correct term of prostitute? As soon as the euphemisms are used, it indicates that the user is reluctant to admit to the use of a prostitute and is in a defacto state of denial. Shallow is used, because the people who must rely on the sex trade typically have unpleasant unattractive personalities And yes, the use of a sex worker is "sad". Some older men, and even rotund guys, are capable of pulling in sexual partners, doing so regularly. They do it because of their innate qualities. Charm, personality, manners, style, good looks and self comportment all are factors. The assumption that someone "old" can't attract partners is unfounded. The retired brigadier in my condo had a large number of women companions. He was a dashing, fit and impeccably turned out. A man's man with a big heart and outgoing personality and big smile. He was 75 years old and still charming the ladies. In Thailand farangs who do not smile, alienate Thais. It's a red flag. First off, why is it anyone's right or business to say something condescending about another person's lifestyle, especially someone else whom they personally know nothing about? Well, let's start with some basic facts about Thai sex trade workers. In most cases they are working the trade because of a financial need. Usually from dysfunctional families, of limited education, poor and often with a gambling or drug addiction, they need the money. Many have emotion or mental health problems. Others are trafficked in from other countries. A large number have cognitive limitations i.e. have low intelligence and are tricked into the trade with promises of easy money and the option of picking who they service. In effect, a large amount are exploited. How can one respect a person who exploits a person with a low IQ and in debt? University graduates and skilled tradespeople do not typically work in the Thai sex trade. Poor and dumb do. Next, what is actually sad or shallow about it? Some men simply may not want to share their life with a partner full-time, but they also don't want to be forced to be celibate. So short-time works really well for them. Nothing wrong with that. Already answered above. Then are there any real moral issues? No. Are they helping to put some much needed money into the lower end of the local economy? Yes. You do not see a moral issue because you do not want to see it. You are looking for validation for a personal choice. So somebody explain to me how it's sad or shallow. And furthermore, explain to me how it isn't the perfect thing for someone who still has biological needs and/or carnal desires, but feels happier being alone. If you are unable to understand how much of a loser a person is who must rely on a Thai prostitute no amount of explaining can help. You know the answer, but again what you are seeking is validation for the use of sex workers. I suspect many of the posters making these condescending comments are ones who are in longtime monogamous relationships, and who can't envision or understand how someone else could possibly live a happy life in any other way. Maybe you are correct. Or maybe, the people you condemn just have an inherent understanding of the concept of right and wrong and firmly believe in not intentionally harming those less fortunate than them. After all, who really wants to have sex with these johns. The poor hygiene, the overbearing ugliness, the lack of personality and the general unpleasantness of not being able to have an emotional connection with someone is not particularly alluring. But truth be told, the guy living the short-time lifestyle might be a lot happier than the guy judging him and who feels stuck in a married position. And perhaps it's the guy who is not living the short-time lifestyle who is actually the one who's feeling sad. Maybe. It doesn't matter. All you are doing now is trying to justify the use of a prostitute. Whenever, someone who uses a Thai sex hooker is exposed publicly, it can become a journey of public humiliation. Most everyone will laugh at the john because invariably they are the embodiment of a loser. Unlikeable and almost always unattractive. Good looking men with positive personalities do not need prostitutes.
  11. For all supermarket chains, I have had good luck when buying seasonal citrus from Australia (June to October). The Australian citrus around Christmas is ok too. US organic and Japanese apples are reliable. Thai Pomelos win hands down for year round quality and reliability. They are also my favourite. Mango is sometimes tasteless. Bananas and Grapes are another constant reliable fruit. Of all imports, Australia, Japanese and US produce is my go to produce. They have pesticide standards. The Chinese imports, especially the winter citrus look sus. Unfortunately, the local Lotus doesn't have the best quality produce. Villa is often a disappointment too. Tops is hit and miss, but offers consistent quality and a good selection. Hands down for quality is the market at Bluport, but the prices are out of this world. The cold and fresh food supply chain for retailers needs some investment. My wish list for Thailand is Bell peppers. The green and multicoloured peppers are expensive and in short supply. Mexico, Canada and USA are all able to grow affordable hot house as well as field peppers . Never underst0od why Thailand doesn't do similar.
  12. The hypocrisy is spread thick on this thread. So many grubby stubby sanctimonious fingers pointing in disapproval at VP Harris. They belong to the same people who found excuses for Trump when white supremacists marched in support of Trump at the Unite the Right Rally & Protest in Charlottesville, VA and where he used the term "very fine people on both sides". The Chicago protestors are voicing their disagreement with VP Harris and the Democrat party. If they were in agreement, they would not be protesting the administration policy. They are trying to disrupt the political convention. And yet, the nabobs of negativity, blame VP Harris for the protests. They would be the first to complain if the protestors' right to protest was interfered with. Yes, VP Harris and the Democrats respect the US Constitution and yes, that means they have to tolerate the protests of some very evil and repugnant people. It is the price of freedom and liberty. The repeated false claims that VP Harris is soft on the protestors is not only incorrect, it is maliciously deceitful. VP Harris has denounced violence and Hamas. Kamala Harris condemns pro-Hamas protesters who burned American flag in D.C. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kamala-harris-american-flag-burning-union-station-dc-hamas-israel/ VP Harris has made clear her position months ago . Yesterday, at Union Station in Washington, D.C. we saw despicable acts by unpatriotic protestors and dangerous hate-fueled rhetoric. I condemn any individuals associating with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and kill Jews. Pro-Hamas graffiti and rhetoric is abhorrent and we must not tolerate it in our nation. I condemn the burning of the American flag. That flag is a symbol of our highest ideals as a nation and represents the promise of America. It should never be desecrated in that way. I support the right to peacefully protest, but let’s be clear: Antisemitism, hate and violence of any kind have no place in our nation. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/07/25/statement-by-vice-president-kamala-harris-3/
  13. They are Thailand's hope. These are people with integrity and honesty who want to make Thailand a better place for everyone.
  14. I believe that he is a concern for anyone who believes in responsible government, integrity and democracy.
  15. VP Harris has already made herself clear. She did it in a firm and responsible manner.
  16. I don't believe that it is relevant today for anything other than an historical reference point. I am not dismissing the conclusions, but am putting them in perspective. Thailand has undergone significant social changes, The most visible has been the impact of social media. Back in 1990, Thais like other societies socialized very differently than they do today. There was no mobile phone culture, and no social media. Social mores and customs have changed significantly and social media has been a powerful driver. This article was first published in the International Journal of Psychology as CULTURE AND WORK-RELATED VALUES IN THAI ORGANIZATIONS (Suntaree Komin, June-December 1990). The data was collected via two nation-wide surveys prior to 1990 and participants were over the age of 21. The participants would now be in their late 50's to 80's, if they are still alive. Their culture and belief system is different than that of today's 15-35+ year olds . The paper makes reference to face and ego. Well, the old constructs might be in use by 75 year olds today, but a 25 year old behaves differently now. They text and there are social norms that apply to texts such as the time taken to respond and the types of emojis deemed acceptable or rude. No one texted back in 1990. There was no Tinder or Grindr. No one sexted. All of these activities have their own social norms and acceptable behaviors. For example, back in 1985, sexual harassment was more common and tolerated. Try that today and the subject will not accept the behavior. The concept of loss of face and ego has therefore adapted accordingly.
  17. Is police commissioner Jakkrit Worawongphanitkul suspended or on paid leave?
  18. He is not morbidly obese, and his cholesterol is managed by statins. He does not smoke and he does not drink alcohol. These are two important factors in maintaining health. If he was going to have had a heart attack due to lifestyle it would have been in his 50's. The actuarial tables are in his favour.
  19. You reveal an ignorant bias when you describe CNN as a "communist news network". CNN is not a communist entity, and anyone with a basic understanding of what communism is, will know that. CNN is a part of a publicly traded for profit organization. You didn't even watch the item did you, because if you had you would have been quoting its commentary that some voters believe that a Trump administration would better manage the economy. Are you aware that Trump is a supporter of Putin and considers him a "friend"? It is the US Democrat party which is standing up to the Russians and the evils of communism. In respect to your false claims on interest rates, inflation etc. Back it up with facts. It has been shown multiple times that the current US inflation rate of 2.89% is lower than the historical inflation rate of 3.28%. US Republican administrations ran up massive deficits because of indiscriminate tax reductions combined with a refusal to cut their preferred earmark spending programs. This means that a massive deficit now has to be serviced. The US Fed interest rate is still well below the historical high. You ignore the fact that they reached 20% in 1980, 10.75% in 1984, 9.75% in 1989, 6.5% in 1991, 5.25% in 2007. Successive governments have kept the Fed rate too low in part because it facilitated debt service. Well, the Covid correction changed that. Even at 5.5%, the Fed rate isn't that high. It is only high because multiple vested interests keep chanting the mantra. Consumers have been encouraged to borrow for far too long and who benefits for when consumers are paying high interest rates for over priced consumer goods? You reference VP Harris record in California. What exactly did she do so wrong? The economic results of California speak for themselves. If it wasn't for the tax revenues Californians deliver to the US federal government GOP backwater states like Alabama a, Louisiana, Mississippi would fall apart. California is the largest economy in the USA and provides much of the money for US government spending. What exactly are they doing so wrong? You are all over the place. Trump was convicted by a NY jury of his peers, based upon overwhelming evidence of his fraud. What is false about it? He could not rebut the evidence and the burden of proof was on the prosecution. It was Trump who failed to convince a fair court that he did not sexually assault Miss Carroll. Again the evidence was sufficent to show liability for a wrongful act. Mr. Trump used these same courts to sue people. Why is that the courts are not acceptable now, but were when he was harassing people and refusing to pay contractors?
  20. There is always something exciting going on upcountry. If there isn't , rest assured that someone will make drama. So many nosey relatives and neighbors. Perhaps, they probably think they are making merit by being kind to the old man standing on the street waving at anyone who goes by?
  21. Please identify what is nonsense. So what if Trump received more votes than Obama did. Trump also received more votes than Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Look at the data. There were significantly more eligible voters. Even if voter participation had remained static, the total number of votes would have increased. The Trump chant of received more votes proves what? Biden received more votes too, so what? Hilary Clinton received more votes than Trump, and yet Trump won the election. The Trump collective always ignores this embarrassing fact. I did not write that voting was compulsory. And I did point out that voter turnout was high in the last election. The reality is that Trump receiving more votes than previous candidates in an election as evidence of greatness or popularity, is an idiotic and unfounded claim.
  22. You state that there are "thousands of charging stations out there. There are thousands of charging units, but not thousands of charging stations. A charging station will have multiple charging units. Most are not fast charging appropriate for travelers. The stretch from Hua Hin to Phuket does not have thousands of charging stations available to travelers. For example, between Kui Buri and Chumphon there are 5 charging stations. FIVE. They are all proximate to Highway 4. Live anywhere off that lifeline and you are SOL. You are approaching this with the zeal of a former addict/new convert to a religion. I am not an apostate, nor do I deny that EVs are a viable option, but it is weighed against the ability to service and to charge the vehicles. An EV is fine for a large metropolitan region, but in Thailand it is going to be a source of frustration and stress outside the urban zones. The person was asking about a vehicle in respect to driving from Bangkok to Phuket. In respect to vehicle range, I take the promises of the EV manufacturers in the same way I take gas fuel efficiencies: Knowing that there is bloat. The range promises for EV vehicles do not take into consideration Thailand's heat. It is not a slur to acknowledge that EVs are ideal for moderate climate zones. Thailand's hot temperatures impact charging. It is not unusual for the ambient temperature at some charging stations to be near the 40C. We just went through a heat wave where temperatures were regularly 35C-40C . It is a reality that EV regenerative braking efficiency and charging times are significantly impacted. Tailbacks and road delays are a fact of life in this region Taking an hour or more to go 20 km is a reality. I have had to wait out road closures due to crashes and debris on highway 4 several times over the years. You are pushing the Chinese Seal models. Like any other new vehicle model it is best to wait some time for the reliability data to be gathered.
  23. Reality 1. President Biden did not "step down" as a NOMINATED presidential nominee candidate Reality 2: President Biden withdrew his name from consideration as the Democrat Party candidate for the US presidential election, and pledged his support to VP Harris. In so doing he released any pledged delegates to the national nominating convention. Reality 3: At the time of the withdrawal from consideration, the Democrat Party had not yet selected a representative candidate for President. The party will select its candidate next week. Therefore, the attempt to frame the withdrawal as "stepping down" as a candidate is a gross misrepresentation, since there was no presidential candidate selected. He chose not to participate in the nominating convention as was his right. There is overwhelming proof to this event. President Biden provided both written and verbal confirmation. The polling results. Every time the Trump campaign lets loose a childish name calling episode, more independent and more previously undecided voters have indicated a preference for anyone other than Trump. The man is fixated on insulting people and alienates rational polite people. Trump is the USA's Berlusconi, Zaire's Mobuto Sese Seko, Thailand's Prayuth.
  24. Yes, disrespectful and arrogant. The man is still consumed by his self importance. He deserves the ridicule.
  25. No need to argue. Just correcting multiple inaccuracies.
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