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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. There is going to be some confusion over the next couple of days, as the police raid some bars that have opened unofficially.
  2. You just made my point for me. Thank you. Unless you think that the 165 deaths in the UK yesterday came from Omicron.
  3. There are plenty of explanations. The UK population is much older than SA. The UK handles data a lot better than SA. The UK has a lot more Delta cases than SA. Most fatalities in the UK are unvaccinated.
  4. The number of fatalities in South Africa now is 50+. The trend is not good, although the numbers are still relatively low.
  5. This is a classic Covid Denier talking point. When new case numbers rise: “cases don’t matter, it’s hospitalizations and deaths that are important “. When hospitalizations rise: “hospitalizations don’t matter, it’s only deaths that count”. When deaths rise: “why didn’t the government do something about this early on?”
  6. There was no social distancing, quarantines, or face masks in 1957. So, the virus spread very easily, although it was not as infectious as Covid. Also, no flu shots. A very different situation than today.
  7. More people will die from Omicron, so your talking point is going to have a limited lifetime.
  8. Who has made the most accurate assessments during the epidemic?
  9. The usual metric is determination of cause of death by a medical examiner, who will ignore the 28 day nothingburger.
  10. None of your assertions are supported by science.
  11. 650 deaths, but not sure if from Omicron. The data is ratty.
  12. So when Omicron deaths in the UK hit 100+, what will you say then?
  13. The UK government does not yet know the implications of Omicron, whether it will be dangerous or not. The people here who are downplaying Omicron don't have to deal with the consequences of being wrong.
  14. It looks like you don’t understand what excess mortality means.
  15. Two vaccine doses won’t protect from Omicron infection, Oxford study finds
  16. Yes. Billions have taken the vaccine, with relatively few adverse reactions.
  17. The politicians have no control over future mutations of the virus. It seems that you believe there is a grand conspiracy of politicians worldwide with scientists to induce people to vaccinate forever, as if they all have something to gain from people vaccinating. The reality is that this epidemic is indeed tiresome, but most adults can handle it.
  18. You could be correct, but it may be the case that the vaccinated are protected, and the unvaccinated are not. In that event, urging vaccination would be prudent.
  19. There are loads of people who commit genocide who would love to have you as their propagandist.
  20. You are forgetting that Delta is still killing people in the UK. Vaccination may be the difference between life and death for many people.
  21. Yeah, it's amusing that a deadly virus can evolve. We are in a race against time, to get as many vaccinated as is needed to stop the epidemic.
  22. It's hard to argue with her. Hopefully, we will know if she is right in the next 2 weeks.
  23. If Omicron is putting people in the hospital in large numbers, you want to lock the barn door after the horses have departed. Good thinking. We will know how bad Omicron is in a couple of weeks. If its bad, then we need to lock down early, not late.
  24. What if vaccinations are not sufficient to stop the hospitals from being swamped?
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