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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. After my career as an itinerant guitarist, I founded an aerospace company that is currently building a space station for NASA. Along the way, I invented a rack based science platform for ISS, as well as other spacecraft, including Virgin Galactic. I never was involved in antenna issues, although my newest company is looking at phased array systems for LEO satellites.
  2. Reflective bird tape is quite effective, especially if a breeze moves it around. The only downside is that it also works on some humans.
  3. I have a very small solar system in my condo, sized so the meter won’t run backwards. It’s intended to reduce my electric bill, not eliminate it. But, I do have a battery powerbank set up that charges constantly. If my AC mains fail (which often happens when it rains), I have a manual switch which diverts solar power to my off-grid inverter. I can then manually connected my refrigerator and lights to the off-grid inverter for basic needs.
  4. A standard grid tie inverter requires AC power to operate. If the AC power fails, the inverter shuts down, same as your TV.
  5. Danderman123

    Covid 4th shot?

    I kmow 3 people who have seen Bigfoot.
  6. you can't recharge a dead laptop battery. Typically, the BMS is fried, or one of the cells inside is dead.
  7. i would be happy to buy dead laptop batteries for 100 baht.
  8. I applied again, using a Samsung phone and the Chrome browser, and there were no problems. Except that I applied last week, but my visa is still processing…
  9. The weather in Pattaya turned cool, maybe that means rainy season is over. Very comfortable weather now, but Thai people will soon be wearing ski parkas.
  10. Get a grip. I was specifically referring to ladies who work bar.
  11. A lady friend of mine lost 10,000 baht to these guys.
  12. Obviously, discussions about international relations or space travel are out the window, but the ladies do like to talk about work related stuff. Like how crappy some bars managers are, how crazy some of the ladies are, and course, how poor they are.
  13. You are implying that the ladies are faking it? i am 100% sure that the ladies are squealing in delight when their work is done, and they get paid.
  14. Getting back to the topic, I have already accomplished much more than I ever expected, I made my mark on history, making commercial space launch possible in the US. and along the way, I founded one of the biggest new aerospace companies, I rented the Mir space station, and am starting a new company. I knew Elon Musk when he was just a millionaire. So, if I waste my time enjoying young ladies in Thailand, that’s a just reward. I have done my part.
  15. I ordered some of the 4x250x4 wood as shown above, thinking it was a 4x4 (ie 100 mm X 100 mm). They delivered four 1” beams bundled together. I guess they don’t sell real 4x4s.
  16. To summarize this topic: The Apollo moon landings were fake because a film director who had nothing to do with the moon landings allegedly said they were fake. And, cameras don’t work in space. We are getting closer to the point where people will return to the landing sites. I guess even that won’t convince the die hards.
  17. My opinion is that the recent military UFO reports are the result of sensor glitches in 5th generation fighter jets. Clearly, DoD does not these glitches to be widely known. However, some of the videos present UFOs that are civilian aircraft at great distances, where the sensors report the objects are close. And some of the UFOs are simply artifacts in non-visible wavelengths, that emerge during conversion to visible spectra.
  18. Not much rain in Pattaya yet, as of Friday morning. I hung my laundry out to dry last night, and it’s dry now. Lots of dark clouds this morning….
  19. Why would they come to Thailand? Actually, I know the answer: some telecom companies want to launch satellites into orbits near the Equator. Thailand is close to the Equator.
  20. The government wants to launch satellites? What could possibly go wrong? The US government got out of the satellite launch business in 1990.
  21. Worthless. He doesn’t understand that the Hasselblad was modified for heat protection. More to the point, your thesis seems to be that cameras don’t work in space, which is crazy talk. https://www.hasselblad.com/about/history/hasselblad-in-space/
  22. And here are photos taken outside Gemini 12.
  23. https://www.dpreview.com/news/7831105550/photographer-creates-exact-replicas-of-nasa-apollo-hasselblad-cameras It’s odd how the professionals in photography don’t share your concerns about a camera operating on the Moon.
  24. Again, the lunar surface is hot in daylight. I suppose you believe that such cameras won’t work in Earth orbit, too, because reasons. Does that mean that there are no flights in Earth orbit?
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