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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. 3 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    I would agree with you Nick but history has shown us that too many people have been wrongly convicted and executed.  Would you trust the system in Thailand to always convict the right person?  It would be a good way to get rid of your enemies.

    Very true what you say........but in this case he has admitted to murder. Of course in all cases there must be total and absolute proof. The alternative is of coures LIFE imprisonment, which should mean that in every case. No parole ever for any reason.


  2. UK tax is payable on all income (pensions, salaries dividends etc) which emanate from the UK. As a UK citizen, whether resident or not, you are entitled to a tax allowance of £12,750 in the current tax year (6th April 2021-5th April 2022) That means you only pay tax on anything over £12,750, the starting rate being 20%

    • Like 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Normal as in nothing to do no place to go, or as in normal with wide open restaurants, alcohol being served, bars open, massage shops etc... So which normal.?

    Normal inasmuch as locals are still going about theuir normal daily business, yet Buriram is supposedly under a 24 hour curfew!


    No mention from anyone, anywhere whether shopping is allowed, trips to hospital  etc or what just an ALL DAY CURFEW!

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  4. 48 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:


    The Pattaya News

    1tS0ponlsoonlhred  · 

    Final new Chonburi orders. There is not much change from the prior orders and CCSA orders and what we announced this afternoon. We will give a brief overview on tomorrow mornings video and daily Covid19 update but as very little has changed besides the national and prior directions we won't translate it tonight due to the late release. We will talk about checkpoints, beaches, outdoor exercise areas tomorrow morning.


    สำนักงานประชาสัมพันธ์จังหวัดชลบุรี - Chonburi PR

    1tS1ponlsoonlhred  · 

    The order of the Kor Kor. The epidemic of Chonburi province, 20/2564th, dated 30 April 2564

    1. to cancel the order. The epidemic of Chonburi province. The 1/2564th is dated at 4 m. July 64 at 11/2564 dated 29 m. July 64, 18/2564th, dated 16 April. Nov. 64 and 19/2564 dated 17 Apr. Nov. 64

    2. close the following locations

    2.1 Entertainment service, pub, bar, karaoke, business, shower, massage.

    2.2 rooster field. Practicing for boxing chicken everywhere.

    2.3 cinemas, cinema, algae theater.

    2.4 Snooker table, billiard, bowling, roller, blade everywhere.

    2.5 Game shop, internet shop, computer service, game cabinet.

    2.6 swimming pools, water parks, indoor and outdoor amusement parks.

    2.7 Banquet service room, catering site

    2.8. nursery, elderly care facility.

    2.9 Phra market, Buddha statue, Buddha statue, everywhere.

    2.10 Healthy Massage, Reflexology, traditional massage, spa, beauty clinic, weight loss service, tattoo, skin drill or any part of your body.

    3. Set control measures for event venture locations to open under conditions.

    3.1 Restaurant, drink cart, mineral, floating panel, restaurant, food park, cafeteria. Open for sale. Only take back to eat elsewhere. It can be opened until 21.00 pm. Refrain from eating alcoholic beverages and beverages in the shop.

    3.2 Close the stadium, gym, gym, gym, fitness, except the stadium or gym location in the empty area. Open up no later than 21.00 pm. Competition can be held without audience

    3.3 malls, commune malls. Open regular hours until 21.00 pm. Except for the game cabinet, playground, game shop and amusement park. Must stop servicing.

    3.4 convenience stores open 24 hours for service 04.00 until 23.00 pm.

    3.5 convenience stores, supermarkets, flea market, night market, river market, walking street. Open to operate normally but not over 23.00 pm.

    4. Other locations besides No. 3, the owner of the site or responsible for doing the following.

    4.1 Temperature measurement or screening of patients with pathway system.

    4.2 Wear cloth mask or hygienic mask.

    4.3 Distance between people at least 1 meters and limit the number of participants.

    4.4 Make it happen with soap or hand washing alcohol gel.

    4.5 Cleaning the place before the event.

    4.6 Register to get in and out with the government's application.

    5. Prohibited or organised events

    5.1 Let people wear a sanitary mask when outside of Kehstan or in public or into community places all the time.

    5.2 Stop using the seaside area, beach, reservoir, park in Chonburi province. It's a gathering place to eat or eat all kinds of drinks except for exercise and sports.

    5.3 Don't organize events with more than 20 people gathering.

    5.4 For people to stop travelling out of the area unnecessarily. If you need to avoid, inform about the documentation of the necessity at the district, local governance organization. The village's village's adult

    5.5 Let the public stop catering, party, party, except traditional or family events.

    5.6 Do not use the building or location of any school or school to organize the teaching, training, examination or any activity.

    5.7 Government head in Chonburi province is prohibited.

    6. Government sector that needs to serve many people and risk the epidemic. Provincial epidemic to consider orders to fit the situation.

    7. flea marketplace, marketplace that doesn't open every day to have strictly controlled measures to prevent the epidemic.

    8. Let local governing organisations in the area supervise market neatness.

    9. markets in private sector governance for local governance organisations in the area to supervise neatness according to 7

    10. measures to prevent the COVID-19 epidemic in establishments.

    10.1 In case employee comes back from landscape or other provinces and comes back to work. The establishment / employer must take the following measures.

    (1) Employees report travel information to employers. It consists of date, time, place, travel and daily activities.

    (2) Establishment / employer must assess which employee is at risk or suspect that they are infected with COVID-19 because they are close to the infected person or go to crowded places that are risky for diseases like pub barcara. Oke, dense flea market, etc. holds 14 days in accommodation or places employer provides, allowing for sick leave or annual vacations or as agreed to observe symptoms. Employers must report to public health in the area. Too.

    10.2 establishments / employers must provide public relations advice for preventing COVID-19 infections to employees. Provide alcohol gel soap or handwash points and all employees to wear hygienic mask all the time. Temperature and screening all employees before entering into their hands. Works including contact or attendants following public health measures.

    10.3 cases risk of an outbreak in establishments such as many sick employees, consider pausing all or partially manufacturing services.

    10.4 cases of establishments / employers provide accommodation for employees to prevent the COVID-19 epidemic in accordance with strict public health measures.

    10.5 Let establishments consider taking work from home (work from home) accordingly.

    11. Legalized migrant workers to travel across provincial areas under the following conditions.

    11.1 Migrant workers 2 Groups. Business is 1) Cargo and 2) Construction contractor.

    11.2 Before moving, you need to check COVID-19 by employer. Responsible and moving only for non-infected people.

    11.3 Business owners must investigate the provincial provincial measures to move and follow the provincial guidelines.

    12. Let the people, business owners, entrepreneurs take action considering working outside the location.

    13. Let every district sheriff set up the center for Disease Control at district level (Prof. A.D. )

    disobeyed, not following the orders, penalty according to the proposal. The epidemic of 2558 including the guilty of the blessing. Emergency 2548 and other laws involved

    From May 1, 2564 until the order changes.

    Download the order https://www.chonburipr.net/attachments/view/...


    Pretty comprhensive. What is an algae theater.?

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  5. The official wording left something to be desired. The letter started off my advising Covid cases at Suvarnabhumi and the closure of exchanges. It then went on about no international post


    This could be read and interpreted 2 ways


    1) No international post accepted at Suvarnabhumi post office (if there is one)

    2) No international post from anywhere in Thailand.



  6. 2 hours ago, Russell17au said:

    OK, I will try to answer your question in a way that you might understand it. The answer is it has nothing to do with the time that YOU can go to the shop, it is so that the shop has the extra time for cleaning and sanitizing which was never done before Covid. We close our shop an hour earlier now so that we can give it a good clean and sanitize everything properly which there was no need to spend the extra time to sanitize before this virus hit and then we go over the shop again in the morning before we open to the public so that our shop is safe from the virus until the first customer comes through the front door.

    If that were given as the reason for early closing, the public would no doubt understand. But no reason is given. However, whats wrong with a 9pm closing of malls? Why would most normal people want to be walking around shopping Mlls at that time of the evening?

  7. 3 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Too harsh I think close to a months income for many Thais that is like a 100,000 b fine in western countries.

    3,000 b would probably be enough to get their attention.

    No No NO! It is deliberately high to force the Thais to tow the line. Treat it as a warning. Nothing else works with them.  As I said.......Stay within the law and nobody is punished!


  8. My wife received our property tax bill earlier this week. It was the first ever. 3 typed pages resulting  at a payment due of 8 baht!!!!! Must cost far more than that to both process the bill and collect the payment!

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