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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. On 8/12/2021 at 8:45 AM, KeeTua said:

    Maybe Loei.




    Chris Buck
    Has anyone not in Bangkok, who registered through Expatvac, received an appointment yet?


    The Englishman
    Yes I live in Loei and has my first injection last week. My 2nd is scheduled for 26th August. I think just be patient. As an aged priority I waited just 4 days after registration for the call. Good luck.
    7:24 AM · Aug 12, 2021

    Was it Pfizer and promised?

  2. 4 minutes ago, brucegoniners said:

    Oh really? Sounds like wishful thinking from Thai banks, especially since a Thai bank wrote this, lol


    Of course most Thais don't have a million baht in their account. We do.


    My wife and I were talking yesterday about opening a second account at another bank to spread our money around and not be over the one million baht threshold. So whether they know it or not, there will be changes.


    However I doubt it will affect any one bank, since all banks will be affected, losing and gaining from it rather equally.


    If any banks will benefit it's likely to be some of the lesser known banks who will get deposits they wouldn't otherwise have. Just my humble opinion.

    Some of the smaller banks pay a slightly higher interest rate. However some are reluctant to open an account for a foreigner-especially one without a work permit.  One of the smaller banks in a shopping mall refused to open an account for me event though I have PR.. "No sir"..."We need to see a work permit and a visa"

  3. 1 hour ago, Speedo1968 said:

    Had a big stroke with almost total muscle loss 4 years ago.

    Recovered in a month good enough to walk.


    I had a pacemaker fitted at the same hospital as my heart rate was around 30 with high blood pressure.
    Excellent work, no idea how long I was in that almost instant sleep mode and felt fine after the op.
    Stayed overnight.   Have had a 7 day check up, a 3 month and 4 month check, due check up again this month.
    Shame hospitals can't offer decent if any vegan food.

    Back to my normal floor yoga exercises + some new sitting and standing exercises.

    For me, in my 70's its important to not find excuses not to exercise, now I do 3 sessions a day ranging from 30 to 60 minutes, feel good.

    Similarities to me. Looks like 3/4 monthly checks. I don't need special food, but was very pleased not to have the normal kao tom  for breakfast. Sausages, poached eggs and tomatoes were a pleasant surprise, though bread would have been preferable to cream crackers.

  4. I have just returned from the Queen Sirikit Heart Hospital having had an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD)inserted. This is more than just a straightforward pacemaker.

    I was operated on at 4pm, and it took 2.5 hours. I was discharged the following morning, and have to return later this week for a check-up.

    The device + the 3 cables connections which are threaded through veins to the heart chamber cost in excess of 350,000bt, with the op, meds etc costing another 95,000baht

    The devuce was required as my heart rhythm was irregular, and not pumping blood in sufficient quantities resulting in me blacking out.

    Hopefully this device will do its job, monitoring the lower left heart chamber and sending signals to speed up as and when required,


  5. 19 hours ago, Caldera said:


    I actually happen to agree with him. But I do think they need some additional measures, such as restricting interprovincial travel further.

    Restrictions in themselves are useless. People still travel from red and deep red to the provinces, and those in the provinces do nothing. After 2/3 days they retuirn leaving their infections behind!. Strongarm tactics are necesary.  10,000/20,000bt fines and lock the buggers up!

  6. 3 minutes ago, oldcpu said:

    It might stop one from being constantly reminded by one's wife adnausium ????


    It also suffices at times (not all the time) when a laminated copy of one's passport is not accepted - and hence it saves wear and tear on one's passport. For me that alone (in addition to the time saved and keeping my wife happy) makes it worth while. 


    I consider that a real purpose - but of course some may not.

    Have never carried my passport around with me. nor my PR book or Alien registration book and that has never been a problem. And it was my decision to get the Pink card (don't recall why though)


    Despite it not being an ID card and not accepted outside the province of issue, I use it very regularly and countrywide as ID and nobody (other than Air Asia) have ever challenged it.


    Checking into a hotel usually gets me superior service, no problem in the post office when ID required for sending packages, and I recently registered at a hospital using it (out of my province) in the hope I might get Thai prices - that remains to be seen.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, oldcpu said:

    Indeed it does say that.  Further it also says its NOT an ID card.  It also says one must carry it with them at all times !!   Like what ?


    Honestly?  I was with the 'nay sayers' who think such a card (which according to the card is not an ID card) was a waste of time to get.  


    But I already had a 'Yellow Book' and my Thai wife was chatting with a falang girlfriend, who noted she and her falang husband had obtained their Thai pink-ID cards in Phuket.  Well - that was it.  Face saving for my wife was important.   So my wife immediately marched me down to City Hall to get my Thai pink-ID (which is not an ID).   I protested a bit initially, but 20 years of marriage to my Thai wife has taught me that while I might win the argument, I might never still 'hear the end of it'. 


    So I decided an hour or two at City Hall to get (or not get) the card was worth not hearing my wife remind me about a Thai ID card all the time.  ???? ....  So we went to City Hall and obtained the Pink ID card, made relatively easy to get as I already had the Yellow book.


    I have to now confess (but do NOT, I repeat do NOT, under any circumstances tell my wife), that the amount of time I have saved having this Thai card, has more than saved me the time it took to procure it in the less than 6-months in which I have owned the card (in saved trips to get my Passport (because my laminated passport copy not accepted) or to get my Yellow Book) . 


    Further, as noted, it has saved on-going wear and tear on my Passport (due to passport dimensions, not due to passport weight)  - where replacing one's passport while in Thailand is IMHO a PIA. 


    Still, this card is definitely NOT required - but Thailand being Thailand - for me, it has been proven useful.



    If it is not an ID card, does it have any real purpose?

  8. Worth noting that the Pink Card, does apparently say, in Thai, that it can only be used in the province of issue.  That has never been a problem with me, except that Air Asia refused to accept it as proof of identity for a domestic flight from Buriram airport (province of issue)  Used it for the return journey though from Don Meuang!!!!!

  9. 3 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    I would agree with you Nick but history has shown us that too many people have been wrongly convicted and executed.  Would you trust the system in Thailand to always convict the right person?  It would be a good way to get rid of your enemies.

    Very true what you say........but in this case he has admitted to murder. Of course in all cases there must be total and absolute proof. The alternative is of coures LIFE imprisonment, which should mean that in every case. No parole ever for any reason.


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