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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. Too busy at the voting station? It's said the dead don't often vote, but when they do it's for the democrats😅. Same same for welfare?
  2. Im guessing if there was even a speck of dirt existing on DJT the exhaustive all hands on deck full DOJ 8 year investigation including rifling through his wifes lingerie drawers they would have found it? So no need to concoct hoax after hoax after hoax. Id like to see a corrupt dirtbag like Biden survive such brown shirt tactics. V strange why ending corruption triggers democrats so much? Hmmmm i wonder😅
  3. He wasn't "diverse" enough, unlike that transgender basketball player that was swapped for the God of War weapons dealer. So glad the days where decisions made on woke merit are over.
  4. Everyone involved in the collusion hoax needs to be brought to account and severely punished. Politicians, tech censors, media. They perpetrated a giant many years long hoax for political gain, and caused incredible damage. That many forum users STILL refuse to accept it was a hoax tells that real accountability and punishment is neccessary. Looking fwd to seeing more of Tulsi, and yes, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth from team disinformation.
  5. It was a reference to HRC calling for reeducation for Trump supporters when they claimed Russia collusion hoax was a hoax. Were you angry about the call for camps then? Rhetorical Q🤣
  6. Proves to me re education camps desperately needed for liberals that swallowed the ridiculous msm hoaxes and democrat narratives. Bring them back down to earth gently.
  7. If USAID is on the up and up, why is the liberal hivemind wigging out so bad when it's being auditted? 😆
  8. It was an expired misdemeanor. It was jacked up to a felony by being linked to an unknown and unproven crime. The jury got a multiple choice for whst the unknown and unproven crime was. Trump could not defend himself. Never happened in US legal history before. Allowing a cults irrational hatred of their opponent to reach such delusional pitch they destroy democracy to try locking him up for an expired misdemeanor is disgusting. As is lying to try justifying it. Wise up.
  9. The 3rd time little Pedro yelled Lobo!! Lobo!! Nobody listened, and he got eaten. Had you and the left not lied and hoaxed and censored fact for years for political gain(collusion hoax, laptop, v fine people, lableak, vax etc etc) maybe somebody would listen. But when you lied for years and have zero credibility, nobody will listen.
  10. It's going to be a looooooooong 4 (or 8) years for you!😅
  11. It was. But Musk bought it, remember? There was much wailing here, fainting couches were required en masse. It would go bust in a few weeks we learned. Content unfavorable to democrats is no longer censored. Leftist guff gets quickly corrected or community noted, unlike before. All round a massive improvement. Disney and other woke companies agree and all crawled back with their tails between their legs. Nice.
  12. Don't forget he(and Rogan) were liberals until the hivemind turned on them and the rest, as they say, is history. Hows that working out for the liberals? Som num blinking naa
  13. Hard to believe anyone taking Snopes seriously. They operate like this. Actual claim. Chelsea and the Clinton foundation received $84m from USAID. Snopes fact check claim. Is it true Chelsea and the Clinton foundation receives $84m from USAID for the purpose of self enrichment. Snopes verdict. Mixed. There is no evidence any funds were given to the Clintons for self enrichment purposes. Then low IQ leftists run around screeching Seeee its Deboooooonked!! Orange man fascist Hitler small hands bla bla All. Day. Long.
  14. How is dragging Europe into essentially direct war with Russia by blasting UK and USA missiles deep inside Russia be "benefitting members of the alliance"?? Illegitimate and insecure Presidency is a clear danger to life on earth. We need much more electoral integrity to ensure highjinks like in 2020 can never happen again(see my avatar, fake news and intel claiming the biden corruption laptop was a Russian plant, mules mass harvesting ballots, dems saying voter id is racist, no proper recounts etc etc). Not knowing of the above explains why uninformed rest of worlders cant understand why Trump was desperately needed, and has such massive support.
  15. Indeed. Backed up by links that were paid tax money by USAID(much like Russia today and the BBC) and mysteriously got positive coverage for the dems, and bleating on about hoaxes Trump was supposed to have done . Still, you're a pretty clean dude if the entire DOJ obsesses over catching you for something and after 8 years the worst they have is a Law and Order plotline and feeding fish too fast in Japan. Not like he was selling classified docs to the Chinese or raping his 11yr old daughter in the shower. Real crime🤣😅
  16. The usual response by the left when their false accusations collapse. Mock his physical features and disabilities. Way to go team tolerance!!
  17. Really have no idea how Obama & Bidens weakness & foreign policy failures have relevance to this topic.
  18. I would humbly suggest weaponizing the judicial system to attack an innocent contender you know your senile(or cackling DEI) candidate cant beat in a free and fair election is worse for democracy than bringing in an era of transparency and accountability. You know this deep down. Dont you?
  19. Just the perfect nickname to trigger deranged msm anchors, and boy it's working. Coverage is even more unhinged than usual pretty much back up there with the breathless 4 year Russia collusion hoax misinformation. Must not be any poker players in msm. Isnt it like lesson no1, don't go on tilt and expect to play a good game😅
  20. Im going to make a wild guess if Putin was paying $8m a year to "subscribe" to the Mar A Lago members newsletter, you would have a different take on it🤣 Credibility guys. Keep it real.
  21. That, my friend, was a long expired misdemeanor. BBC should have done their homework instead of trotting out a silly democrat narrative. Truth is, nobody knows what his felony conviction was for. And due to DJT not knowing what crime he was being tried for, had no way to prepare a defence. Real kangaroo court justice to please simple minds and the liberal hivemind.
  22. More of an IQ/honesty test to be fair
  23. I'll bet they are not snipping his answers in televised interviews and inserting different answers to make him seem smarter either. No need, as Trump is as sharp as a tack with Energizer bunny stamina. Anyone that still claims left wing msm is a "credible source" after asking a senile old man pretending to be the leader of the free world what icecream is his favorite needs their heads examined.
  24. So Im the only one that found the messages funny? Esp the Dianne Abbott one, haha. Ok it looks bad now its made public, but that wasnt the intent. Thank Goodness my whatsapp groups aren't made public😅
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