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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. so they were all lies when the left keep saying here that he's "paying down the deficit" then? You don't increase debt when you pay it off.
  2. what does he need a teleprompter for. Is he mentally unable to speak without one? Looks a proper cognitive mess to me.
  3. Would have been better had he not mocked his opponent for being unsteady on his feet. ""Look at how he steps and look at how I step. Watch how I run up ramps and he stumbles down ramps," Biden joked. "Come on." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/flashback-biden-who-fell-stage-once-mocked-trump-carefully-walking-down-ramp-commencement cringe
  4. more like fear of yet another extra-democratic intervention by those that can't stay in their lane
  5. Yes indeed. The laptop he provided back then to them was genuine too wasn't it, stands to reason this is authentic also. I hope dishonest interference -smears and inuendo from alphabet agencies, ex CIA spies and msm will not be carried out like back then and the document is finally taken seriously after all this time the FBI hid it. Can but hope
  6. Voting McCarthy was a mistake of epic proportions. A proper conservativr speaker would never have cosied up to the biden regime like this. I have to admit that I thought biden's "paying down the defecit" would look different to this !
  7. Compromising the anonymous sources is bad? Always? "Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who also was on the call, chimed in, “While the FBI has apparently leaked classified information to the news media in recent weeks, jeopardizing its own human sources, it continues to treat Congress like second-class citizens by refusing to provide a specific unclassified record.” From my above linked NYPost article.
  8. FBI have confirmed the existence of this document you seem to keep trying to say doesn't exist. Your move....
  9. Please cease with the personal and abusive off topic comments. Thank you. Now you must be aware by now that the FBI have confirmed the existence of this form describing biden's pay for play in detail, which the FBI are desperately trying to keep private. So no, I am not talking "rubbish and nonsense". "While Director Wray – after a month of refusing to even acknowledge that the form existed – has offered to allow us to see the documents in person at FBI headquarters, we have been clear that anything short of producing these documents to the House Oversight Committee is not in compliance with the subpoena,” Comer went on. “If the FBI fails to hand over the FD-1023 form as required by the subpoena, the House Oversight Committee will begin contempt of Congress proceedings.” https://nypost.com/2023/05/31/fbi-director-wray-offers-to-let-congress-see-biden-bribery-allegation/ The document exists. Period.
  10. A sensible idea. But doesn't go anywhere near far enough. Anyone that has family members that applied for govt staff positions knows you have to "buy" your position. SIL paid a half mil to get a cushy govt job paying less than 20k a month with good benefits. Supposedly over 1,000 applicants for 2 positions available. Total and thorough investigations of all civil servants with the power to hire is necessary. My concern with this checking police bank accounts is that any half sensible criminal copper will have gotten the ill gotten payments sent to their wives, sons, nephews, grandchildren etc which as we know from the USA is the GOLD STANDARD of honesty and integrity and does in no way suggest corruption.
  11. The corruption, double standards, lies and desperation mount. Why on earth this is not headline news I have no idea whatsoever?! This is the President of the United States and would explain how the world is in such a dire state since his term started. So much for the most transparent administration ever, what a joke. "Republicans to hold FBI Director Wray in contempt of Congress over Biden document Document allegedly describes a criminal scheme involving President Biden and a foreign national" https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-oversight-committee-taking-steps-to-hold-fbi-director-wray-in-contempt-of-congress-over-biden-document The FBI are a disgrace. Just like the msm. Hope we get to the bottom if this disgraceful families corruption and punish every single soul that helped with the coverup and disinformation campaign to falsely create a narrative that biden and his family never took money from overseas nationals(which we know is a BALD LIE)(1) supporting evidence for inconvenient claims made ie this is not a "conspiracy theory" no matter how much the left state falsely that it is (1)https://nypost.com/2023/05/10/bank-records-release-is-judgment-day-for-biden-white-house-rep-comer/
  12. errrrr.. excuse me, who said these were "false accusations". What o earth happened to the #believeallwomen?? Does that not extend to women accusing democrats of SA too? I believe Ms Reade is correct, she is right to feel unsafe in biden's america, and good luck getting justice against biden. Just so sad seeing the destruction of the American justice system to favor the left. There is no pretence any longer of blind justice.
  13. Mine is getting so much worse, haven't been able to wear a pair of shoes for at least 5 years. Did anyone have surgery to shave off the bone growth allowing you to walk without pain and wear shoes again? How much was it? Where did you have the operation? How long was the recovery? Please share your experiences. TIA
  14. Let's be VERY clear. The investigations into the Biden's corruption/inexplicable income from foreign adversaries is to keep America safe by not allowing a corrupt president that would be able to be blackmailed or otherwise compromised by America's enemies. That it will also damage him politically being forced to account for all these payments the left moved heaven and earth to deny occurred is a consequence. That is why there are anti corruption/money laundering laws for politicians.
  15. Probably worth listening to him. The invasion which began under Obama's term, paused under Trump's term and then resumed once the democrats got back in power. That says it all. Trump understands the art of negotiation and has history of achieving what was previously considered impossible. I trust Trump when he says he would end the Russia/Ukraine/NATO war within 24 hours. This would be bad for arms companies but would save many thousands or millions of lives(a good thing).
  16. I don't see what Trump is supposed to say if he never met this woman? I also have MAJOR concerns over the legitimacy of her claims after she posted online she was a massive fan of Trump's Apprentice television show. It would stand to reason that had Trump SA her as she claims that she would likely have been revolted by him afterwards not a big fan. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trumps-defense-grills-e-jean-carroll-old-social-media-posts-trial-rape-rcna82254 Plus along with having no physical evidence the event took place as she claimed, she could also not remember when it happened so Trump was unable to give an alibi proving his innocence. How very convenient!!
  17. I wonder how this major U-turn affects the Brexit is a failure narrative? If memory serves wasn't the FTSE one of the world's best performing stock exchanges - outperforming most of the Eurozone exchanges - last year also?
  18. Have you considered that President Trump might have a stronger case than biden because a)Trump was President when he allegedly took the documents, rather than just a senator, and b)the documents Trump had were in a safe locked room in a highly guarded luxury estate rather than in a garage in a house rented by Hunter Biden?(1) I'm just saying it's not a black and white situation like you are saying. Also no need for the standard "kool aid" insults IMO. Let's try and discus issues like adults on this world news discussion forum instead of resorting to playground insults. 1)https://nypost.com/2023/01/13/hunter-biden-lived-at-delaware-home-where-classified-docs-were-kept/
  19. Not sure it's appropriate to call Congresswomen "broads"? Also wishing violence such as tarring and feathering on somebody because they do not share one's own extreme world view does not smack of tolerance and acceptance IMO. A free and fair discussion and sharing of ideas would be more mature, rather than resorting to violence. Finally, you are not in a position to tell this lady that she was not intimidated by the democrat gentleman. That is for the victim(MTG) and her alone to feel.
  20. More corruption. "President Biden failed to list free vacations at the homes of businesspeople on his annual financial disclosure form this week — drawing a rebuke from ethicists and Republicans amid an ongoing political firestorm over Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ similar non-reporting of free trips from a businessman. Biden enjoyed three beach getaways at the homes of the wealthy and politically connected owners during the past-year reporting period. In two instances, Biden is known not to have paid the owner and in the third case it’s suspected the president did not pay." https://nypost.com/2023/05/18/biden-omits-free-vacations-from-financial-forms?utm_source=gmail&utm_campaign=android_nyp As we all know, enjoying a free vacation with your pals is an incredibly serious crime.
  21. As his claims are proven true, and the "conspiracy theories" and 7 years of wild false allegations against the man fall apart this is a strange headline. It is no surprise that more ridiculous indictments coming from weaponized DAs desperate to nail the man anyhow and anyway possible would please the left, but any reasonable being should be able to see the alphabet agencies obsession and persecution is way outta control and has never happened before. If justice is not blind, it is not justice. I wonder if there is a tipping point for the left, 7 years of vile baseless accusations against a President is not a good thing if you want to be thought of as credible.
  22. I believe conspiracy theories are inflammatory by their very nature. Walker88's post claiming without evidence to have inside information in this case certainly fits the bill.
  23. I see posters repeatedly claiming that there has never been a case of a conspiracy theory becoming fact. Seeing as it is on topic let's have a quick look at one of the Trump Russia collusion conspiracies that became established fact. How it started "So, claims like this one — “Hillary Clinton was behind the entire Russian collusion hoax all along” — made by Republican Rep. Doug Collins of Georgia, along with a call to “#LockHerUp,” are unfounded." https://www.factcheck.org/2020/10/partisan-claims-of-russia-hoax-revived-ahead-of-2020-election/ How it's going. "The Russia-Trump collusion narrative of 2016 and beyond was a dirty trick for the ages, and now we know it came from the top—candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. That was the testimony Friday by 2016 Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook in federal court, and while this news is hardly a surprise, it’s still bracing to find her fingerprints on the political weapon." https://www.wsj.com/articles/hillary-clinton-did-it-robby-mook-michael-sussmann-donald-trump-russia-collusion-alfa-bank-11653084709 The only surprise is that some on the left are still falsely claiming that the Durham investigation was a failure. I wonder how it feels seeing Trumps victory lap? "It's a great vindication and it feels good, and the report has been widely praised,' Trump told Newsmax in a phone interview on Tuesday night, his first televised interview since Durham issued his report on Monday. 'All of these people are -- I guess you could call it treason. You could call it a lot of different things. But this should never be allowed to happen in our country again,' added Trump." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12091885/Donald-Trump-hails-John-Durham-report-slamming-FBI-Russian-collusion-probe.html
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