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Everything posted by NONG CHOK

  1. Hi there, I did drink a lot be beer and never really took care of my diet in my younger years. Now I'm 80 years old, reduced my weight by 20 kg's and still walk 90 minutes daily. Over the last 5 years I've developed chronic acid reflux. I'm very careful what I eat and reduced my beer intake to a few every day. I've been to several hospitals and many doctors but I've never improved. I take Omeprazole 20mg daily with no success. Any suggestion of any other treatment or OTC medicine. Thanks.
  2. I've been living in Pattaya for the past 20 years, I own my own property and rarely eat out away from my condo. I've noticed the biggest increase besides pork is beer in bars. I go out when I want to but do most of my drinking in my condo and I do drink less.
  3. Hi there, Does anyone know where the Pattaya to Korat bus leaves from and what times they depart. I was going to drive there next month but her indoors can't wait. A typical Thai reaction. Thanks.
  4. My wife had a food shop at a university until covid put paid to that. Granted she's very experienced having many shops over the years and she also knows how to buy at the market. Her prices ranged from 30-50 baht and the serves were designed for students who were young adults, she rarely had any complaints. Many Thais simply can't cook and have no idea how to buy decent produce at the right price.
  5. I was aware of this 12 years ago. My wifes grandson was staying with us for a few months. After seeing what was called "lunch" I told my wife to pack him a school lunch from home. I then advised my wife to instruct her daughter to stop paying and when junior goes back home to get off her lazy ass and take care of her son with decent food from home.
  6. The other day I was halfway through my daily 90 minutes walk when I seen a Pit Bull wandering aimlessly in my estate. There was no one to attend to the dog so I presume it was out for it's daily exercise alone. I did a U turn and retreated immediatlely. It begs 2 questions why would a person let a Pit Bull roam the soi and secondly who in their wildest dreams needs a Pit Bull.
  7. 30 Mbps. There's 2 ways to do this, firstly you can go to a DTAC shop and pay the full price. Secondly you can buy it online using Lazada etc where you will buy it cheaper.There are quite a few different SIM cards, it's up to you how many Mbps you require, of course the more Mbps the more you pay. I've used mine in Bangkok, Pattaya and even when I visit my inlaws at their farm 40 kms from Korat and it's never failed me.
  8. I use DTAC unlimited 1,400 baht for one year. I buy it from Lazada as the recommended price is 1,800 baht.
  9. I go to the outskirts of Korat on a regular basis, every Buddhist holiday the males and to a lesser degree females are totally sh*t faced by 10 am. So it appears they buy their booze the day before and getting hammered on Buddhist holidays is ok. It makes me wonder do the politicians who make these rules is their members bar closed too. Sorry I forgot they pay for nothing the tax payers pay.
  10. An Aussie friend of mine told me the first thing to do is rent a room a short walk from where you will be doing your late night boozing. He was experienced as he hit Pattaya in the mid 80's and came here for at least 4 months every year until his death in 2015. He also said don't wear anything expensive, keep away from the beach side of Beach Road and don't use motor bike taxis. I first hit Pattaya in the year 2000 and I've never once been caught up in a confrontation. Thankfully I heeded his words.
  11. Firstly totally forget that idea and secondly is actually illegal.
  12. Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket should have designated tourist areas where all the rules pertaining the purchasing of alcohol are the same as normal. Thais can still observe their holidays and can profit from the farangs who frequent their bars or shops. Do these rules apply to cannabis too?
  13. As own 2 properties one in Bangkok and the other in Pattaya I change my address 5 or 6 times every year without notifying the Jomtien Immigration Office. What is the penalty for this serious breach of Immigration rules. Also as I always use an agent would this keep me free from inspections.
  14. I see her regularly near my condo just off Naklua Road. That last time I seen her was mid morning, she had some sort of T Shirt over her shoulder and was naked from the waist up. Her Bristols suggest she is totally under nourished, as she had tits like a teenage boy. I'd say it's substance abuse over many years. Thailand is a very cruel country for these types of people,they will die in a soi some where but nobody cares.
  15. Sorry I've no answer to your problem. In my case I'm getting innundated with French spam mail.
  16. I will need to renew my 5 years licence soon. I've held my Thai licence for the past 22 years. What will I need to do to get my renewal. Thanks.
  17. Does anyone know where I can buy generic aircon remotes in Pattaya. I've looked around but I haven't found anything yet. I would prefer an air con shop where the attendant knows what he's talking about. Thanks.
  18. I walked along Beach Road, on the shops side 30 minutes ago. I was approached by at least 10 middle aged ladies who wanted to go with me. It's good to see the area is clean of prostitution. Seriously leave them alone and go harder on the ladyboys. My sister inlaw was picked up on the beach 30 years ago and they're still together. By the way I married a Beach Road lady 25 years ago but I met her over the road from the beach and we're still together. Was that legal?
  19. " Watch this space " as our American friends will tell us, it's not over until the fat lady sings. I can't imagine the Army taking this result the way it's taken in democratic countries, Their history against their own people isn't anything to brag about.
  20. Thailand would be better served by a reserve force. I did 2 years national service in Australia, I learned nothing except drastically improving my drinking capability.
  21. The same thing happened in Australia over 12 months ago. Now the conservatives qre in total disarray.
  22. Why have an opinion if you don't get a vote. Also if you don't get a vote let the Thais elect who they want.
  23. How about all us smart ass farangs shut up, it's not our business. We were born elsewhere, so in reality we are guests of Thailand. If the majority want a so called criminal as their leader so be it, at least he was voted in by a democratic process that's accepted in all democratic countries. Look at all the countries around the World where the military are in control, they're totally out of control. I've been married to a Thai lady for over 20 years now and I've never seen anything like the way human resources have been totally decimated by the current mob. That affects 80% of the nation who are lower income families. If they've got any spare cash they hit 20 baht shops not the places where hiso's spend their ill gotten gains.
  24. Maybe when he fell out with his girl friend he deicided to try it out with a boy.
  25. Many younger tourists upgrade their drinks from beer to shots all day because of the price difference from where they come from. The last thing they need is a motorbike. Whether the tuk tuk driver over re acted is irrellevant. The hero in the black shirt should've done a runner.
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