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Everything posted by VinnieK

  1. You mentioned the official figures re: non performing loans and such. I believe they are much higher. Central banks and gooberments routinely cook the books....'for the greater good' In any case, I put more credibility on what I observe on my peregrinations around town than any govt figures. The economic situation is terrible imo and a monstrous storm is coming
  2. That was the thinking alright.. As an aside, whenever I see a distant traffic cone reflection in the dark, I slow down considerably Who knows what traps await ahead. Thais of course, head into the maelstrom at maximum speed ????????
  3. @NigelForbes Plenty strong no more imo. All these repo'ed cars are liabilities. Collapsing commercial real estate is a liability. Non-performing consumer and credit card loans are liabilities. Wars, rumours of wars, high energy prices, dead-ish tourism don't help. It was in the news a few weeks ago that Thais are indebted to the highest degree ever. All this mess will end up in the banks' front door. In a banking crisis, the govt will provide unlimited liquidity but savers (and the baht) will get the shaft
  4. A storm is coming alright. Just walk around any city and observe...many shops shuttered for good and very little foot traffic. Obviously Covid had a major impact but online shopping is where the rot begun. A lot of this commercial real estate is on someone's balance sheet (banks) Many hotels are still closed or struggling. Again..many are "assets" on bank balance sheets. Walk into any bank branch..quieter than any time in the past....granted, digital transactions are partly to blame. Used car lots packed with cars. Draw your conclusions.
  5. Late applications are invalid. Don't wait in vain .it will be rejected. Go in person to report
  6. Painting markings in the dead of night.? Even driving is not advised let alone perform such tasks.
  7. Check your Lazada acct,.. there must be a notification in the 'to receive' box with all the details if the item If nothing's there.. it's a scam
  8. https://www.facebook.com/groups/823288537691901/permalink/5633905049963535/?sale_post_id=5633905049963535
  9. Irrespective of this case, this is a serious issue in general As we approach zero hour, insured or not, family here or not , a lot of things can go pear-shaped. I know of a few who finally capitulated and went back. The only wise option after a certain age...assuming you are capable of carrying it out of course (money, no mobility/senility issues etc) Going home, that is.. Of course there is always the 'Buddhist monk' option.. It works for the Thais..????
  10. There was a guy flogging edu. Visa services on fb in recent months.... can't find his posts though HatYai based.
  11. Finally did it (yesterday) .I got the usual mail ,confirming my application, but as of now no approval.
  12. Good luck to the CEO trying to reform an over-staffed, heavily indebted ,govt company. Half the fleet will have to go too. Global recession and tourism still in the doledrums from covid. Doesn't look good.
  13. Riding along with the traffic in the fast lanes had many drawbacks. 1 .Stressful..got to be on full alert. 2. Good helmet and other protective stuff. 3.Still in danger by these speeding/drunk mofos. Ambling along in the far left at 40 kms suits me just fine..obviously I keep an eye out for surprises Wherever I can I take back road routes...still ride slow though. No important appointments await me ???? As an aside,I think traffic has become more dangerous over the years. Anybody with a pulse is driving/riding. At least, road surfaces are better today
  14. I used this one you recommend ed and it remembers my logging details....amazing Thailand Didn't proceed to reporting as I'm out in town now.. Thanks to all who replied.
  15. Password is saved in the app from previous reports. Even when I tried to reset it ,just in case, the app didn't recognize my email either...????
  16. Tried it this morning and gives me the 'wrong password' bs My previous two reports have been successful Any other ppl had problems lately?
  17. Prayut has the opportunity to bow out gracefully. The court has given him the verdict he wanted. If he gets te-instated as a PM ,he's courting trouble (protests etc)...even dissent among govt members. We'll see how this plays out. I'm standing on the view that he's not coming back.
  18. They are around but are few and far between. It takes a very long time to land one esp if you are relatively poor. Needless to say ,in such cases, the lady has to be older. Obviously if you are young and rich farang ,things should be much easier and you can target the young demographic.
  19. Yeah..variant 17EH45.. First discovered in Ban Moo Phet, Loei province. Someone would question though how a health center in the boonies has such lab capabilities. Just kidding obviously but a similar event happened about a year ago with one of the 'variants'
  20. Very. Btw.. I'm talking about the short to medium turn 5-10 yrs down the line I cannot tell. Old age seems not an obstacle these days (Mahathir, Le Grand Bidet etc)
  21. I don't think P. is coming back though. Face-saving exercise (the verdict ,that is)
  22. While at it, they should print way more 50 b notes. There seems to be a shortage for many yrs now.
  23. Duh.. Gooberments have allowed these funds on the casino table. What could go wrong ???? ..on the same tack, why should blood-sucking parasites (ie speculators) be allowed to decide how much we pay for basic commodities. I could go on... Derivatives, CDS, ETFs....a witches brew.
  24. Nice try pal. I stand by my statement.
  25. Thais are not natural philosophers.. Nor any other country to the east of here.
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