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Everything posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. again yet another prestigious study combines death and hospital risks, using the lowest common 90% denominator. WHY ? Different Events / Vax / Risk. Politics veneered on Science …again.. and groups all three vax as if equally effective. WHY ? Above the Common 90% They Are Not. For Example, AZ 100% effective against Covid Death ( FDA Phase III Trials), 90% for Hospital (same). Pfixer 96% for Death ( same).
  2. Yes. if you google “thailand electrical standards”, you will find 2nd item is AseanNow Electrical Forum Post from Moderator Crossy which appears Definitive.
  3. article says nothing of substance. opening on what terms ? for success, this needs to be fully vaxxed tourists encountering the previous normal here : - no restrictions, no quarantine. no testing. no sha+. no masks. all venues / all provinces. is it ?wait & see until 1 Dec perhaps ?
  4. lived here 17 years. right. odd newbie question then. three on Google Maps came up, simply by Googling “ vehicle inspection ploenchit”
  5. If True, this “request” comes from the school of Unbelievable Brass Neck or college teaching All Farangs Are Rich Idiots Just Waiting to Handover Money in Scams. Only or Best Recommended Response is Loud Sustained Raucous Laughter in Face of Conspirator Wife. Not worthy of any Verbal Response…..
  6. life rule here: never make prior public- place appointments ; take your best guess re. documents / copies, just go to source facility, progress issue from there….also forget websites and forums….. Immi- DLT - Municipal - Hospital- Vehicle Insp. Centres - Vax Centres….. Doctor - Dentist; never make appointments, just GO,unless compelled by the facility process or in person once there…… assumes you are based in a civilized modern location here, where all these places are 5-20 mins drive away, consolidate these initial visits where possible……
  7. Replace misleading insufficient termd “double vaccinated” with “fully vaccinated”
  8. unmarried fathers in thailand with their name on childs birth certificate have no automatic paternity rights but its not true to say that “ carries no weight at all “. Gives Right to apply for Court Paternity Rights and Right to use Dependent Thai Child as basis for related Stay Visa (or perhaps Avoid Jail) or in Municipal matters…..
  9. yeah….it is. Worked all over the world as Engineer. TEFL are the lowest general grade of teacher with matching reputation. Mostly LBH (Losers Back Home) with zero teaching quals and often no teaching experience. Now of course there are Great TEFL and Other Teachers with outstanding quals / experience / reputation. No Doubt.However this OP and Teacher Members Comment are not helping on the Teacher Reputation Front.
  10. “ english ( language) teachers” TEFL types are a universal joke everywhere. they will seldom admit their occupation.always broke trying to live beyond their means. the job requires minimal quals / experience ( native english speaker ? yes . your hired….) reputation is looking for free sex with the local women ( inc. their students) they do well in this regard in Japan I understand but the S. Korean women run a mile ……..
  11. Courts will simply not allow a child owner’s property here to be sold.period. Heard farang / wife putting house in childs name with both parents legally attached somehow but makes no difference. back to first sentence. its done to avoid the thai wife otherwise having it all in her name and throwing out the farang husband who then loses the entire investment and his home……
  12. Mainland Chinese do have terrible behaviour; anti- social disruptive unclean loud selfish uncouth, the works really. I worked in Beijing and travelled in China. Same. Other Chinese : complete opposite. CCP Govt. lectures their citizens on best behaviour habits when travelling abroad. No Effect. I have witnessed them standing in the aisle, with the aircraft ascending at 45 degrees, unpacking their overhead locker bags, with the Chinese Filght Attendants screaming at them to sit down…… also seen them drive through / around legally crossing pedestrians. … smoking & spitting everywhere.
  13. say its name ! “ Alien Registration Number” !! weird use of “ 13 digit number” term. dont call your social security number “ the 8 digit no,” do you ?
  14. introducing “social distancing” element is not relevant. deflect & obfuscate elsewhere. article “depends” on nothing. Govt. says in absolute terms No Parties. No Drinking. No Gambling. so article concerns absolute govt interference, in principle, in important personal choice issues. failing to challenge that emboldens further steps towards totalitarianism……..
  15. drinking & gambling naff all to do with covid….or govt. all to do with hypocritical moralizing bs….from govt……its really too rich.
  16. “Every dog has it's day, and sometimes it's better to quit on a high, otherwise you become like a Muhammad Ali.” ……. yes, or Morgan Freeman…. in bloody everything although he looks 90 years old ( like Clint but hes always welcome as more selective in appearances) ….. Freeman must be single handedly stopping ten black male actors from progressing !
  17. SUPPLEMENTAL ; Other Western Problems Avoided: Cold Freezing Weather / Central Heating / Heavy Clothing / High Calorie Food / Mental Health Risk / Western White Women / Western Marriage / Dating Rape Accusations / Getting Sued / Limited Parking Restrictions/ Inconvenient Motorbike Riding / Wearing Suits & Ties
  18. once again my main point in this case is missed, i.e. HOSPITAL LETTER ( Not Headman Letter) is way more “ practical” ( see below). btw any idea how ABSURD, to an educated normal western mind, who has not Gone Native Here, is the statement “ get letter from village headman”. clearly not…. and how much sway does a “ headman” letter have 300 kms away if journey challenged by Authorities…. <deleted> all I suspect …. versus a universally accepted Hospital Letter……
  19. WHY I STAY Simple Safe Cheap Family Weather Property BeachSeaJungle TropicalLifestyle Health Diet PeacefulCulture Food NoStress NoReligion QuietMuslims PoliticsIgnored NoSocialists NoFeminists ConservativeSociety MinimalVisaGrubbing Buddhism Passivity Respected AgedWellTreated plus WESTERN PROBLEMS Avoided Here KnifeCrime Congestion Pollution RoadTraffic Tax Commuting Expensive Unhealthy Stressful Demanding Religion MSM VocalUngratefulMinorities RabidMuslims Mass Immigration CultureIdentityLoss Socialists Wokeness AgedTreatedBadly PovertyRisk FeralYouth Diabetes Obesity Western Things Missed ( Visit -Available) ProSport ( Rugby / Football / Athletics/ Tennis) Theatre Museums Institutions Food Countryside London RailTravel Family NationalHealthService Education Parliament
  20. “The Longman Dictionary defines 'discriminatory' as: 'treating a person or a group of people differently”. terribly wrong & quite stupid “defintion”. an adult for example will be justifiably treated “differently” to a new born baby…..also there are in fact two meanings, prejudice & differentiation.
  21. fail to see anything “sad” or”funny” in my subject posts. firing off your emojis from your miserable shack room no doubt. enlighten me with reasoned challenge or, if nothing of value to offer, just be quiet.
  22. in memoriam of the movies with Dead Poets and Dead Presidents, I hereby name the “ Dont Buy In Thailand ( Or Sky Falls) Crowd”, the “Dead Capitals “ after their view of said matter, which completely ignores the Huge Humanistic & Saved Rent Value of Owning Your Own Thai Home……. Money Aint All.
  23. Larry SR knocks it out of the park…. again…. incredible maximum account of every possible nightmare extreme & continuous noise/light business next door to the dream house !! Car Breaking. Ice Crushing. more common though is :- “once you buy your dream house with a lovely scenic view, somebody will come along and build a 30-storey condominium or hotel right in front of you. “ oh yes ….had house built next to mine… good bye side of house hill views….. then had condo block built out back, half blocking my lower floor sea views. compensation was the side house guy was Completely Obliterated from his Clear Seavie .in UK we call such unfortunate victimized houses “Blighted”, diseased, impossible to sell……forced to reside or rent indefinitely…….not so bad in my case with lady and kids and separate apt…..still have stunning hill jungle sea views from top floor……. had a great pre- covid vacation rental business in the upstairs house….. after 13 years the property owes me nothing and the asset is still worth the total investment……my great lady & son gets it when Im gone…
  24. I have buildings all round me. small “gated” complex. all with old expats like me.so no noise at all. quiet hillside villa townhouse complex, away from village, with large shared pool and sea/ jungle/ hill views. not on just near main road. get privacy and quiet by location, noise proof windows, heavy wooden shutters / linen curtains. security is cctv , caretaker, night lighting, one road access, other few residents. so KEY is no city / no town / village, no thais, no young people, wooden shutters & linen curtains + cctv and night lighting all around……no condo tower blocks….. house semi or detached , with thick concrete construction. no dogs. no pets. no farm or truck machinery.
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