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Everything posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. “Genetically modified mosquitoes.” an anti - malaria experiment in urban Indonesia concluded last year.quite successful I believe but yes naff all to do with covid……can hardly use this to deliver covid vaxx !
  2. recommend using only top rated crypto exchanges operating in US/ UK, like Coinbase. this will shield you from trading scam cryptos and completely protect your holdings from being taken. be prepared for daily 30% value swings, of even Bitcoin / Ethereum, with one tweet from Musk or one nation announcing a crypto ban…….only invest in crypto what you can afford to lose.
  3. thought Nana Screw was a bar in “Soi 4”…….
  4. Owner - mandated Agent is entirely Owner problem. if thats the case. Why is Agent “my agent”. Why would Owner permit Rent / Common Fund / Deposit Collections by a non- Owner Authorised third party. More detail if above first sentence ( somehow) not applicable !
  5. just read Mayo Clinic online Tinnitus explanation. 15_20% all people affected (to varying degrees). caused mainly by “underlying condition”. old age. or accident. diet & exercise may mitigate. have very minor hearing loss in one ear. detectable only at extreme audio test range. hoping by keeping fit and healthy I can avoid Tinnitus. dreadfull continuous mental torture.unimaginable to me. and not something my personality type could readily handle. always wanting to “ fix” problems ……falls under my “preventative” lifestyle though, like avoiding Diabetes or Fatty Liver or Lung/ Heart issues.Plant Based Diet with HIIT Exercise. No Junk Intakes. Readily Attainable with Longstay Thailand. No Guarantees though …….just moving the odds away from serious illness……
  6. Sheryl spot on. Identify any “treatable causes”. My take : if none, then best assist body to heal itself. one case here where it “went away”. body healed itself seemingly……
  7. “BS. Stop with the conspiracy theories. Several big pharma lost a lot as their products didn't work.” yes and the AZ vax was non-profit. “nothing but increased profits for big pharma” then an outright LIE. and even if true, so what !? without Profits these pharmas would not exist…….
  8. “Sadly, the unvaccinated by choice are one of the biggest problems now.Delta kills everyone.” seriously ? are they ? does it ? would never have known ……. My post was about how we must vaxx kids against Delta. and that unvaxxed adults must “take their chances”. with their lives / freedoms/ jobs/ society. The “problem” they represent to the vaxxed, herd immunity and health systems can never be resolved without undemocratic extreme group measures such as treatment denial, forcible vaxx or isolation, which I cant see ever happening. so it is what it is. vaxxed / healthy have made a maximum effort. so personally I can no longer pointlessly care about these unvaxxed adult fools or their societal impact …. govt law action urgently required to penalize these idiots so incentivize them to vaxx.
  9. covid studies which deal with symptoms & hospitalizations but not deaths ……why are they incomplete ?:….like above UK PHE study….need to see Deaths…..a 10% hosp. rate with AZ might well mean zero % death rate ? required knowledge for proper vaxx selection and confidence.
  10. “and you think that plastic 'carry card' is more acceptable than a yellow vaccine passport?” just explained that in plain english. learn to process simple explanatory posts before replying. dispute facts & challenge as required. silly dismissive rhetorical questions with childlike emojis do not enhance reputations.
  11. Dr. Berg You Tube Video. Plant Based Diet w/ Fish,Eggs. No Junk. Sleep. Water. Relax.HIIT Exercise. No Sugar. No Alcohol. No Carbs (except Nuts). No Grain. No Red Meat (Cancer). No Sweets/ Cakes.
  12. 65k ? do it ! some other thread had a Dutch guy “fixing” a six year overstay for 60k.
  13. insufficient “stop spreading” justification to vaxx kids. who they gonna spread it to ? unvaxxed by choice adults …..they can take their chances…..and spread it only to others like them…… no, real reason is that Delta kills kids…..
  14. “the main forces in the universe, creation, preservation and destruction” wrong, wrong & wrong again. this four thousand year old religious drivel needs an update from Relativity & Quantum Theories. Try Gravity, Inertia, SpaceTime, Star Physics , perhaps ?
  15. “The 45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) or 45 Auto (11.43×23mm) is a rimless straight-walled handgun cartridge designed by John Moses Browning in 1904, ..” For all you Guns & Ammo pistolheads out there ….who should know this. 11mm = .45 ins. for ammo definition purposes
  16. “Never a Borrower or Lender, Be” C. Dickens, I think ( Macawber character from “Hard Times”) ?
  17. USA Vaxxes are 96% effective against death. Clearly the vaxxed Powell at 84 with myeloma cancer fell within the 4% not protected from death. Eight year old could figure that out. No other maths required. However, if he had taken AZ he should have survived as AZ near 100% effective against death from all covid variants.
  18. Obviously a common Scam. Delete without Opening. Think you know this. Especially when you aren’t expecting a y delivery, right ?
  19. yeah BritMan, well put….didnt want to specify myself the waiting imagined disaster there…. but far worse are the thai jails waiting to accomodate any rash emotional farang actions in this case or other situations……
  20. likely state- sponsored Russian or Chinese hackers, doing some private work off the books…….. too sophisticated / extensive for the locals. these small individual amounts are covered by Thai Bank Insurance (1 mill baht per case) ?
  21. after careful consideration and speaking to my educated thai lady, believe CharlieH has nailed it. Nothing can be done without inviting Retaliation & Escalation, No Legal Recourse. Anything Else and you are Prime Suspect / Soft Target. Check out Thai Jail Foreigner Experiences to ram this home…. So the Ignore/ Wait It Out option seems best. this guy clearly has little business or common sense so assume this karaoke venture is done in three months and he’s just living there or hopefully gone with land for sale.dont buy it as the same could be repeated…..with car breaking or ice crushing …. just saying it could be worse mate. and regarding your resort incident, (and your subject case) even my lady says “avoid living near thais”. thats the key here really. also, sorry to say, but moving to your wifes village then compounding that by buying near unsaleable land/ house there, are common but massive strategic farang errors.
  22. and the smell was indescribable…..maybe it was fish oil mixed with honey ….or something else……
  23. Read once about a love revenge tale involving honey undetectably placed inside curtain rails. House became infested with all manner of insects which no pest control activity could ever remove. House Uninhabitable & Unsaleable. Abandoned.
  24. “Those red hat guys don’t believe in facts or logic.” True , but neither do many (high profile) Dems either…… that Andrew Yang makes sense though……but who else…….. ?
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