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Everything posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. further proof of numerous <deleted> poor up country “expats” (migrants) sqatting ( sorry, “living”) rent free in their wifes house, living month to month on uk state pensions…. no intention of ever leaving thailand after arrival 20 years ago on one way flight…..so actual tolerated illegal immigrants……no wonder the three month visa extn / reporting Immigration cycle exists……to keep tabs on all these deadbeat wasters (sorry, “respected local community members”). whats their Insurance status I wonder for long illness here ? or do they just pop their clogs in their sleep…… ? sounds like an extended version of “ One Foot in the Grave” up north here c/w long suffering wives……… must have a thai will for thai assets,+copy to your lady. my lady has nothing in her name, all,in mine, but she gets the lot on my death…….we have young son so income needed from me….. probably thats keeping me from being poisoned……he he …. only joking… I think.
  2. Municipal offices well known to have widely differing requirements for Marriage Reg. and Foreigner Registration House Book. For the Yellow Book it ranges from NO to Yes ( 1 day : believe it / never seen it) to Yes (arduous intrusive twelve week “ selection” process:……)
  3. another nice earner “research” paper from the university of stating the bleeding obvious ! quantifies something already known in principle , like “running makes you tired”
  4. anti - vaxxers are completely discredited by scientific facts. the term “:anti vaxxer” is clear, succinct & definitive. the infinitismal risks of vaxing or not vaxing are published in summary by the gold standard impartial covid- trialling medical institutes like FDA (USA) EMA (EU), MHRA (UK). western govt. statistical covid data is sufficiently reliable. avoid random layman comments or pseudo - scientific opinion.
  5. atlantis: I am not wounded / outraged / dumb/ offended / faux / feeling trolled / misinformed. I can handle over-lengthy misguided patronising posts all day…..with clear fact - based arguments. compulsory vax for a few thousand (surviving) anti - vaxx loons, endangering others, for community protection, is not comparable, or morally equivalent, to denying the vax protection to millions of normal sensible people,thereby sentencing some of them to a cruel death. Anyone who thinks that is a suitable subject for “ legendary” mockery , with solitary post “trophy” , is indeed to be pitied………or certified…..funny it ain’t. I would disagree with compulsory vax on basic freedom grounds. I am fully vaxxed with AZ so these morons cant kill or hospitalize me. BUT the due consequences for them should be full isolation, as a group, from civil society. ……….after first visiting the dying covid victims in ICU begging to be vaxxed…. neither am I troubled by, or involved in, misinformation or disinformation. I have a trained rational educated mind, capable of establishing/separating key facts from fiction. hope we are clear and done now.
  6. “context” ? clear murderous statement was made then reinforced. if he’s a comedian he’s not funny. and completely and stupidly on the wrong side of the argument……. couldnt care less about intent or deeper meaning or “sarcasm”. seriously ? give that post a trophy ? arent you then “part of the problem” ?
  7. yes, market would be incredibly small, taking us back to my original “uneconomic” judgement……….so much simpler to just get a cerified vax ! avoid jail,time if caught at border with fake covid cert…. they would throw the book at you in prevailing covid terror climate !
  8. yeah but we’re talking about govt.agencies ( Imm.) digitally checking vax certs with other govts. ( moph). same activity for validating passports. they are not going to be fooled by an indian scammer site.
  9. fine statistical proof post Chomper….. but reduces to the single stat that seals it : “97% hospital covid deaths in UK / USA are UNVAXXED patients “
  10. terrible US single family covid deaths story above….. with so many covid deaths in one family the cause seems obvious……..obesity / diabetic pandemic in UK and USA is certainly taking its toll with the highest worldwide pro- rata covid deaths …..
  11. “Got a friend who felt forced and got double vaxxed in Europe, returned just a month after Phuket sandbox and is now in a BKK hospital with covid. So much for the brilliant experimental vaccines.” yeah apologies that the AZ or Pfizer is not infallible and that 99.99 % effective against death or serious symptoms is just not good enough, is it ? these vax ARE “ brilliant” …….and hardly by now “ experimental” ……..the “friend” was unlucky to be that one in ten thousand unprotected case…..or unvaxxed. AZ is 100%.. Pfizer is 96%….. but the point is clear……jeez
  12. was always an experiment, to generate “lessons learned” , for continous improvement. targets ? unnecessary & stupid ,predictably invited widespread ridicule of whole scheme, when not met, which undermined the necessary idea being experimented…….those lessons need to be properly implemented though…….
  13. Surely Expats should be entirely unconcerned with Politics here. Safe Cheap Quality Relaxed Tropical Family Lifestyle is All. Here we have an ancient primitive people, w/limited IQ, from the backward wild parts of south china. Adopted the indigenous Khmer / Mon / Indian culture / architecture, when arriving here around 1200. culturally unable to modernize or change (unlike advanced north east asia nations, with high IQ, and even they had modern change FORCED on them by the West). key test: invented nothing / explored no other countries limited change here has all been compelled from modern western influences. every people get the govt they deserve. here the major causal problems are Poor Education & Passive Corrupt Culture,. allowing no real deep outside influence. Civilian Govt. was far worse than present Military Govt. Every MP self- serving & corrupt. Country was Chaotic/Divided/Paralyzed. Nobody talks about that, only how bad the current govt is. Well Let’s Stop Complaining. We are Not Wanted only Tolerated. THIS is as Good as it Gets. Accept It or Go. And many have left for other ASEAN places…… Too Late for some of us. Malaysia would have been my “ hindsight” choice.
  14. tbl:”that's all in the past, IMO. Britain now ( or at least when I lived there ) is not that country any more” ….. yes, it still is, in a big albeit reduced way…..loving there has nothing to do with it…..UK still a world class country in all areas…… 1.3 mill. snp fanatics, etc.hardly make a dent…….
  15. jwest: the UK “pathetic”….seriously, in what way ? UK easily the most successful political union EVER, 315 years old, enabled worldwide British Empire / Culture/ Language / Science / Industry, etc, etc. Seemingly threatened, yes, by the failed “devolved” national parliaments, who if independent would be insolvent backwaters, pently reliant on English Taxpayers to survive.Now THAT’S Pathetic……..
  16. CHUBB PA Insurance. Best / Cheapest Thai / International Cover. Child or Age 40 (my Lady & Son) 7,500 baht each yearly. Age 65 (Myself) 15,000 baht yearly. 300,000 baht cover per Accident. Accepted by All Thai Hospitals for Direct Insurer Payment. No Deductible. Just Present your Chubb Carry Card at Hospital Reception & Sign Bill. Have Done It ! If Minor Accident use Private Hospital for greater Comfort / Service / English. If Major Accident use Best Public Hospital (Vachira Phuket for example) to consume cover limit at govt. tariff rates ( around one third private hospital rates). Recommend Mr. Eric Dohlon, my expert Swedish / Thai Insurance Broker. Website insurance- in - thailand. mobile 089 649 3012. CORRECTION ( Following Sheryl Reply to My Original Post) —————————————————————————————————- Supplemental LMG Low Cost Health Insurance (Thailand Only). EXAMPLE : 7,700 baht yearly at age 65. 640k baht cover per incident. Less 200k baht Deductible. 15k baht yearly with 100k Deductible (age 65). DOUBLE Cover at Half those Premiums. for Age 40 ( approx.) Must Contact Broker for Your Specific Case.
  17. thai govt vax certs have QR codes linked to vax centres, vax batches and passport data on thai govt health ministry data base. near impossible / uneconomic to forge a cert that would survive such passport level encryption, assuming foreign immigration seek & have such access…….. problem is that foreign govts dont trust thailand to comply western -style with vax mfr. program ……
  18. “ white space / paragraphs” objections. seriously ? nobody with a basic education should require that or struggle with the lack or stop reading…..nor be complaining about it…..not an essay contest here……accept people posting here emotionally and imperfectly…..thats where our Comments come in….. petsonally I couldnt care less about OP composition skills…..his message is clear & heartfelt, if in this case, misguided in places with his high commitment errors with unrealistic high expectations……. do sympathise though….. given a maximum effort with insufficient return …..and no gratitude it seems.
  19. ha ! cruised past RV last night. saw my gym rat friend sitting outside, with table of friends, with his operated arm strapped up, after bike spill. decided not to disturb the ( full) table. went instead to Veranda Kata 250 baht Friday BBQ with unlimited fish / pork / chicken/ kebabs/ liver/ salad……. only live music in patong I found was Sweetie Bar ( bangla) and Terrazzo ( Hol. Inn Beach Rd.) stacks of fine looking bar girls in bangla…..alas I’m no longer Single here…….no gogo though….. Freedom Bar Rawai great Live Rock restarts 6:30 to 10 pm next Friday 8 Oct. Spead the Word !
  20. Understand the sentiment but over- committed financially, with unrealistic expectations, literally throwing away millions of baht buying so many new vehicles & properties. The Poor Politics and Education here not my concern. People develop Culture which is ancient & backward & unchanging & utterly incompatible with Modernity, Democracy, Reason, Non- Corruption and Quality. Came here for the Cheap Safe Tropical Lifestyle. No Marriage. No Shop Businesses. No Thai Companies, No Employees. No New Vehicles. Residence Purchase Only with used car / bike.
  21. Pity they dont include or practice “advanced learning of maths, english, sciences, technical disciplines & commercial / financial subjects”. Defeated often by Burma ( their only real enemy, ever), No Military Record ( since 1780) , Never Colonised ONLY due to BRITISH DECISION that Thailand be a Buffer State between British Empire ( Burma) and French Empire ( Cambodia & Laos), without which the French would have taken the country in a day, like theJaps did. A backward ancient people from the primitive southern chinese south who will never modernize or change.
  22. “ Fees are much lower …..”. lower than 3-4 bucks are they…. right, just rushing to spend two hours changing from Wise to save my five bucks a month…. NOT . highest cost element here is the Exchamge Rate not the penny ante fees……
  23. thing is, WISE is a currency exchange & money transfer business / service. not intended as a FOREX trading platform ……. warn then cancel those accounts abusing the intended service….. ?
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