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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Warfarin is also known as Coumadin, you might try asking for that.
  2. ICP will always be weak. Prolly the best coin to short when BTC falls. Look at past price action.
  3. Roche CoaguChek fingerprick tester. Cost is about AUD $550 plus $135 for 24 test strips. Most people test about once per month. I have been on warfarin 1 or 2mg daily for 2 years following an abdominal blood clot. I saw the haematologist last week. He was planning to take me of it until I told him I would go back to Thailand so he decided to leave me on it. He offered me Rivaroxaban but I decided against it as I am used to warfarin now. He did explain that the risk of cerebral clots was higher but abdominal clots lower for warfarin than Rivaroxaban. There is a Roche office in Bangkok and I did get a canister of test strips delivered to Pattaya for the same price as in Australia. With Rivaroxaban you don't need to test INR and therefore no need to buy the tester. I have found that food interactions are minimal and modern advice is to eat anything and adjust the warfarin. I tend to eat more or less greens depending on my INR level as the metabolic time for vitamin K is half that for warfarin (4 to 5 days).
  4. It's almost like a religion for anti vaxers. This is an utterly nonsensical statement.
  5. Singapore and the UK are showing the world what happens when you open up with too low a vaccination rate. And 38% of people here somehow think that the economy will thrive with a high case load if only we will open up?
  6. If there weren't laws against not wearing seat belts people wouldn't wear them. If there weren't laws against drink driving people would drive drunk. Both those laws entail a "loss of freedom". Your argument is weak. There is no loss of freedom because you got 2 vaccine shots.
  7. New study finds that COVID-19 can damage brain cells, impairing cognitive function. Studies have previously found that up to 84% of COVID-19 patients suffer from neurological symptoms, anosmia (loss of sense of taste or smell), epileptic seizures, strokes, loss of consciousness, and confusion https://www.businessinsider.com.au/covid-19-can-kill-brain-cells-impairing-cognitive-function-study-2021-10
  8. A petition signed by 350 psychiatrists and other mental-health professionals claiming that President Donald Trump’s mental health is deteriorating rapidly amid impeachment proceedings is set to be submitted to Congress on Thursday. Dr Lee told Business Insider by email on Friday morning that the number of signatories had risen to 773. Where? I'll wait. You can't make claims without substantiating them or I will call you a liar. That's reasonable. If you can't debate in good faith you shouldn't post.
  9. Healthcare Costs, Premiums Likely to Rise for Years Due to COVID-19 https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/national/2021/08/16/627324.htm https://theconversation.com/can-health-insurance-companies-charge-the-unvaccinated-higher-premiums-what-about-life-insurers-5-questions-answered-165959
  10. These 350 psychiatric professionals put their credibility on the line. Where are the professionals who called them out on it?
  11. Does this constitute a good enough consensus? Do you think all these people are politically biased. https://www.businessinsider.com.au/psychiatrists-submit-warning-trumps-mental-health-deteriorating-2019-12?r=US&IR=T
  12. Ok, there's none. Your post implied that there may be some researchers who did not agree with them. Otherwise, what was the point of your post?
  13. show us your homework or it's a lie. If you make a controversial claim without substantiating it don't be surprised if you get called on it. You should know that it's poor forum etiquette. Lies don't get equal time with the truth.
  14. What has this got to do with C-19? It is nothing more than points scoring since Fauci and the NIH deny that it was a gain of function and a dentist and a scientist opine otherwise. You simply prefer to believe the less qualified and credible sources. This is nothing more than an argument about semantics.
  15. The NIH does not use the term gain of function and nor did Fauci. Both explicitly denied that it was. In any case the research was not related to the outbreak of C19.
  16. Biden has "flip flopped" because the medical profession has recommended mandates. Here is some additional context for you to reflect on if you think the mandate is a novel approach. Of the 16 immunizations the CDC recommends for children and teens, all 50 states (plus the District of Columbia) mandate diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio, measles, rubella and chickenpox. In addition, every state except Iowa mandates immunization against mumps. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/10/08/states-have-mandated-vaccinations-since-long-before-covid-19/
  17. He never said there was gain of function because there was none. In the May hearing, Paul pressed Fauci on NIH funding for gain of function research at the Wuhan lab. In his testimony at that hearing, Fauci replied that the NIH “has not ever and does not now fund gain of function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.” https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/20/if-anybody-is-lying-here-senator-it-is-you-fauci-tells-sen-paul-in-heated-exchange-at-senate-hearing.html
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