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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. You mean the emotional trauma and financial loss that they alone caused themselves? If they had not offended they would have suffered no trauma, nor loss.
  2. Absolute nonsense. It was OTT and unnecessary. Waste of time and resources (immigration and the courts). Dumb stupidity. Complete nonsense; it was compliance with the law, necessary, not over the top and certainly not dumb stupidity.
  3. Since when do tourists need work permits?
  4. Considering the steady increase in visitors over the last few years since Covid restrictions, which are the laws that make Thailand "tourist unfriendly"?
  5. Plus a large number of Farang, myself included "...myself included". Their plan will work, then! The chance that they would be relying on your patronage is very remote.
  6. Then their plan is working, keeping the riff-raff out.
  7. What does not make sense in this instance?
  8. "...now there are too many rules that is limiting the enjoy of a relaxed holiday..." Huh? What are those "rules" that are in place "now" that haven't been there for decades and do not "limit the enjoyment of a relaxed holiday"?
  9. Please remember that the credit of interest does NOT count as a transaction in this situation, at least in the case of SCB. I wasn't suggesting that was the case.
  10. I was thinking more of the Thai 'friend' who stands in as the owner of the company with controlling influence. It was also announced that nominees were being investigated.
  11. No less so than any other politician, especially those on the other side of the aisle. What was he convicted of, again, anything of any consequence that will not be overturned on appeal in due course?
  12. William...William who? AIS's involvement? Cheated by whom? Couldn't be less specific, could you? Nominee company case?
  13. Mentioned one earlier. Then there is the land and resort on Phuket wherein the British barrister met with an unfortunate accident. Good enough for you or do you need more? No, not good enough, the British barrister case was not a nominee company case as an example of a "pretty common phenomenon". What was the one you "mentioned earlier", why can't you mention it in your reply to me?
  14. Prosecution of lawyers (if that's what you mean by "proxies") setting up such companies has been reported when similar raids have been made in the past
  15. Perhaps the reason is that so many of them are complete pains in the arse to other motorists who are allowed to use the road? What's so special about "bigger motorbikes"?
  16. Fear-mongering nonsense. There is no suggestion, whatsoever, that agent-assisted, legitimate bank accounts are being targeted. Where has freezing these legitimate accounts been mentioned? There is no law prohibiting banks from opening introduced accounts but 'mule' accounts are a different matter and that is what the OP is about.
  17. That's what you think, it is no longer that easy. Unless, of course, you can specify the bank/branch that will open a new account for someone with an appropriate visa presenting just their passport.
  18. The OP is about opening new bank accounts, not visa agents assisting with extensions.
  19. Any transaction on a bank account keeps it active as long as the balance doesn't drop to zero. Regarding the rules for your specific bank's current account, you need to ask them through their call centre or FAQs on its website.
  20. Common examples of this "pretty common phenomenon" in which successful businesses are stolen from foreigners? Just a couple that you have knowledge of would be great.
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