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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Thanks. I had received e-mails from PayPal, but really didn't bother to check what the changes were. You made it very simple to understand. I rarely used PayPal, but nice to know that it is still an option. Don't be too thankful unless you've got a Thai ID card, what he posted is not accurate.
  2. Nigeria is not Uganda... "...Pathum Thani immigration north of the Thai capital Bangkok detained a 40 year old Ugandan..."
  3. That may say more about you and your ability to recognise excellence in teaching than those "many excellent teachers"!
  4. What's "so weird" about the hotel staff telling him to return to the petrol station to collect his passenger who he's left behind?
  5. They are mostly private in the US. And I don't see that happening here. These guys are not serious enough. Yes, I know that, in fact all those charging stations are private enterprises, they are not state-provided facilities. Why would any EV manufacturer wanting to sell their vehicles here in Thailand not ensure that their customers can charge the sodding things? It's ridiculous to even suggest that the vehicle manufacturers would be that short-sighted.
  6. Nothing against the Camry. I had one for 7 years. They look good, are comfortable, reliable. I'm just saying there will be a lot of buyers for Model 3 at that price. Saying Teslas arent anything special is dumb. Depends on the buyer's desires. I've driven a 2018 Model 3 and a 2021 Model S Plaid. Even the M3 was special. The instant acceleration from zero to 60kph is something you would use constantly. The handling compared to a Camry is incomparable, the infotainment experience, Spotify, presetting temperature so you get into a cool or warm car as you like....the tech is way ahead of the Camry. I posted nothing about the technology, I responded to your post that referenced "looks" and compared Tesla's looks to the Camry's.
  7. Go on then, give some detail to back that claim that you have been refused emergency care when taken to hospital emergency rooms "lots of times".
  8. Toyota will always have more credibility than anyone who uses the phrase "zero cred"!
  9. I don't sit on a barstool. Do you have any proof that the BIB don't regularly steal money from raids. I didn't think so. No, I do not, but then I do not have to prove a negative, you're the one who asserted that "the RTP do regularly steal money from raids or seized assets". so the onus is on you to evidence that claim!
  10. not really other than troll. you dont like it on yer bike. let others talk. Dam how old are you! You posted here asking about the claims record of WR Life after finding nothing derogatory anywhere about the company and were given positive opinions about it from me that you acknowledged. You also want to pay monthly premiums that no other company offers, here's a tip for you, go with WR.
  11. Source: Trust me bro You can dispute it with the licencing authority if you doubt it. You got anything that contradicts it?
  12. Maybe because there's a slight difference in maintenance/operation or rather reliability of the electrical charging stations? I don't know... There is? What the reliability difference that you're aware of? Oh, sorry, you "don't know", so why post it in the first place?
  13. That's an important question. Will Tesla build an extensive and reliable network of charging stations, they same way they have done it in the U.S.? I'd say, not a chance. "I'd say, not a chance". Why would you say that of a company that wants to sell it's electric vehicles here? The government doesn't generally equip a country with its EV charging stations for private manufacturers!
  14. It was discussed in previous threads why people have concerns, look it up I don't need to look up anything, I'm commenting on the subject of this thread. If you've got information that may be helpful to the OP from other threads, post it.
  15. No, they're not... "We’re a fully-licenced independent insurance group with over 30 years experience of providing specialised insurance for expats".
  16. Not it's not, if you are looking for serious cover 2-3 million and the cover is nowhere near that then the cover they offer is not very high. Yes, it is subjective, your view of the level of cover may be different to mine and everyone else's, that makes it subjective. And nothing to do with the thread subject of claims.
  17. Very good point also, where do you see a 100% success rate btw? From this thread... "No real information available. Only one person on here said they had made a successful claim, but no unsuccessful ones admitted to". I haven't researched the company's claims record but I take it that you have tried to and you haven't found anything to dispute it?
  18. Why are you on the fence when there has been absolutely no evidence that making legitimate claims would be problematic and the exact opposite, in fact, seems to be the case? I don't even know if there has ever been confirmed evidence that any insurers deliberately denied legitimate claims that policies covered.
  19. So an apparent 100% success rate! You can be sure that if they were denying claims social media would have made it very clear as it has done with positive results! It makes no sense assuming that they will be making claims difficult.
  20. That's a subjective view that bears no relation to any claims record.
  21. I do know several personally. I will not put the hospital names and the names of affected here for obvious reasons. But let's say one is in off Petchaburi road, another is in near Rama 9, one more in Thonburi. I wasn't asking for names, obviously, but you didn't give any information about your personal experiences of emergency care that was refused, or the circumstances in general, and you referred to two, not "so many" so I'll read into that that you do not personally know of "so many" after all.
  22. Requirement for a work permit. I know, but you made a particular point about it after posting that all the required test had been done!
  23. Don't see many petrol pumps left for weeks unmaintained here so why should that apply to charging stations? "Maintenance is not something they are really good at after all". Really? What do you base that on...any relevant examples?
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