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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. What makes you think that Bangkok's taxis wouldn't run through the night?
  2. What a great idea. You are full of inspirational content. Thanks, someone's got to post rational comments, I'm happy to oblige!
  3. Nonsense, it's a commercial business decision promoting those involved (as is everything else that successful commerce does, charitable projects excluded). Why don't you suggest that Central just closes down the entire business, sells everything and gives all the cash to the homeless, that would make just as much 'sense'. Do businesses in your own country give their marketing budgets to the poorer members of society and the homeless, and, if they don't, have you contacted them to suggest that they should?
  4. 'What a waste!' : Ian Dury "It's their promotional money" - Liverpool Lou.
  5. "Bar owner in one well known BKK entertainment suburb showed a few of us the rate card for staying open a few years back. The cops had actually felt secure enough to print it." (From topic on bars not staying open until 0400). If the cops are brazen enough to print cards showing rates for bars staying open after 0200 do you actually believe that the cops wouldn't take cash from raids? You are living in a fairy land. Thanks for confirming that you cannot back up your specific claim with anything empirical but you have to resort to years-old hearsay of a completely unassociated subject. I did not say that they may not be in a position to that, or that I don't believe that they would do that, I just asked you for evidence of your very specific, but speculative, accusation that they regularly purloin seized assets. You have produced none.
  6. Great satire. Bordering on Carlinesque! No satire, whatsoever.
  7. Because he didn't have the brains to figure that out for himself without being told. You think that he didn't have an obligation to report the missing passenger to his boss and that he wouldn't have then been given instructions, whether he "had the brains" or not?
  8. Yes, I do not believe there is racism within the UK Royal Family My comment that you quoted and responded to there was to Credo, not you.
  9. Are you just reporting the Royal calendar or was there a point to your comment?
  10. You may need to pick up your case again and explain who you are accusing of being a paedophile prince.
  11. I simply have an understanding of racism, Based on the content of your post in question, you clearly do not have any understanding of racism in the current Royal family, or Queen Elizabeth's
  12. That is one of the posts where you aren't sure whether they are being serious or not My guess is that he is being serious but he is seriously deluded.
  13. The only part of your comment that isn't total, non-empirical nonsense regarding the previous and current Royal family is, "I suspect the rifts in the Royal Family will heal with time".
  14. This is not true. Banks will under certain circumstances freeze funds upon request by law enforcement. I'm well aware of that, and what I posted is true! I said that funds that are not in her account cannot be frozen by her bank. If she has a nil balance there's nothing to be frozen there.
  15. A bank cannot just freeze the account of another bank's customer. From what the OP is now reporting, as a result of speaking to her bank and the police, it sounds a though she may have made the transfer herself, hence their not being able to do anything about it.
  16. Funds that are not in her bank account cannot be frozen!
  17. It's a "VAT" scam because it involved an alleged scammer claiming to be from the VAT department. That seemed quite clear in the OP.
  18. Wishing all the Mods a very happy Christmas and New Year (Trans left them out of his greetings).
  19. Sarcasm, right? Or brown-nosing!
  20. Isn't having to provide a Cambodian address, phone number and Cambodian bank account a bit of a disadvantage for those here in Thailand?
  21. Thanks. I had received e-mails from PayPal, but really didn't bother to check what the changes were. You made it very simple to understand. I rarely used PayPal, but nice to know that it is still an option. Don't be too thankful unless you've got a Thai ID card, what he posted is not accurate.
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