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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Why should a couple of UK rags have any interest in expat pension increases, what would make it worth their while to support a non-supportable argument?
  2. Got some stats for that claim? Didn't think so. Why are you so concerned about the costs to the government as justification for your assertion? Just move back if you want the increases that were never promised to you as a non-UK resident.
  3. Almost as shameful as the shameful admission by so many voluntary expats that they ignored the notification that annual pension increases are not paid in some countries and then choose to chronically moan about it! That's my observation and that does not mean that I condone the lack of increases that I, and others, chose to forgo.
  4. We do get our full pension entitlement. It's pointless going on about a regulation regarding pension increases that we are not entitled to, something that is made perfectly clear to all pensioners voluntarily deciding to live overseas and forgo those increases.
  5. Absolute nonsense. I'm an expat, so are many other members and we get our state pensions here.
  6. Garbage. Illegals immigrants do not receive those benefits. Asylum seekers are not illegal immigrants.
  7. ...only until they are deported. Illegal immigrants are not granted permission to stay permanently in the UK in normal circumstances.
  8. True, they are not "entitled" to benefits, that doesn't mean they are not getting them. They are housed in hotels and other accommodation at the tax payers expense, THAT is a benefit It's a benefit that is provided to illegal immigrants only until their cases are finalised and they are deported from the country. You clearly aren't able to make the distinction between illegal immigrants and asylum seekers, they are not the same.
  9. Nonsense...unless you can back that up with specific evidence, not hearsay.
  10. All those people receive the pensions that they are entitled to. That we choose to live outside the UK where pension increases are not paid, (a factor that the governments have made very clear for many years) is a self-imposed consequence that we have to live with.
  11. "...that’s the response probably written by some press officer or a junior secretary..." It doesn't matter who you consider to have written the response, 10,000 names on a petition for something that has been debated by the public and various governments for 70 years was a waste of everyone's time and received the acknowledgement that the department was obligated to give.
  12. Feel free to not click on it in future then. Feel free to not be concerned about what other members click on.
  13. You've also got an Orangutan on your profile, both can't be accurate! B1,000 will cover it.
  14. Excellent news, now there's just the rest of that ilk to get off the streets and back into prison.
  15. Perhaps it's a Thaivisa admin/OP thing, just as they like to mockingly refer to the RTP as "the constabulary", a term that hasn't been in common use since the 1800s!
  16. Safe to presume that his name is known but it's far from safe to assume that his whereabouts at the time, before his surrender, were known.
  17. It doesn't make any difference to this thread but I'm curious what Asian language it is?
  18. I'd guess that he doesn't need the MoL staff to tell him why he applied for the job he's been offered!
  19. This was the second search of the place that turned up these products and that is the subject of this OP. The media's priority in this context is, therefore, "in order". The first raid which found the corpses has been covered and reported on previously and was the priority in those articles. As was well-reported at the time, that investigation is ongoing.
  20. You either didn't watch the video or have no idea what you are talking about. I did watch the video, I do know what I'm talking about and what I posted is not inaccurate. Your "quote" does not state that helmets do not protect against broken necks.
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