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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. "...it didn't warrant him complaining when they were Thais..." What makes you think that he hasn't complained about Thai thefts previously?
  2. How does it affect you, you never patronise the place, do you? Go and clean your own place.
  3. That's his prerogative. If you bothered to red the article you'd see that he hasn't "reported " anyone, he's just sent a message to this foreign thief.
  4. His actions do not reflect, in any way, on the rest of us! I'm sure no one in your area now assumes that you're a thief, I know that no one now thinks I'm one.
  5. Forget it, if you did not get my point you did not get, I can't help you anymore. You can't help me "anymore"? You haven't been able to "help me" at all!
  6. I'm almost sure he meant 60-100,000 but forgot the last zero. (see he put a coma like this 100,00) Yes, I can read (and write), I was commenting on what he actually posted, not on what he meant to post.
  7. Don't worry about me..... but carry on with that important compulsory link reading monitor responsibility. I don't worry about you, but you carry on not bothering to read important parts of articles before bashing those involved in the incidents for no reason.
  8. Try being on your early 20s with only a basic education from some school in the middle of nowhere and no qualification to do almost anything. On top of everything be lazy too and refuse to work more than 2-3h a day. If this isn't called working smart I don't know what the word is. You really think that "working smart" is earning "B60 to 10000" [sic] (sixty to ten thousand - read his comment) a month?
  9. Internet package on his phone?
  10. What's so "smart" about making "60 to 10000 baht per month"?
  11. But SWIFT cannot be used so if you are in China you have full access to CIPS. This thread is about Bangkok Bank and Russian financial transactions, not China. SWIFT has only sanctioned seven Russian banks, so far, not all of them.
  12. The Chinese "SWIFT" is CIPS, not Union Pay, which is a bank card system.
  13. The OP claims "sanction busting". I know. There are no Russian sanctions imposed by Thailand. Don't see what a Chinese subsidiary of Bangkok Bank Ltd, Thailand has to do with it.
  14. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, Is the Russian tourist's claim accurate...I'd doubt it.
  15. Thailand has imposed sanctions on Russian banks or financial services to Russia? When was that announced? Edit: Seriously, Kinnock, as you found my question "sad", when were those sanctions announced?
  16. I said like most other negative stuff. So, if you see it as positive, i am happy for you. Neither do I see any reason for you to revoke my freedom to call it what I see fit. What do you say? Should we agree on that, or are you going on the next stalking mission? I haven't "revoked your freedom to call it what you see fit", I was just making a factual observation. Responding to comments on this forum is not stalking!
  17. Yes, like most other negative stuff There's a big difference between "negative stuff" and facts such as meteorological peculiarities.
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