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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Interpol have also commented previously that not all Notices are shown on the public website. They don't need to be as no police forces get their data from a public website!
  2. It's as popular here as constant, unjustified Thai-bashing and it's almost always by people who have not had any bad interaction with insurance companies (i.e it's urban myth) or people who have had dodgy claims denied. They don't realise that, on average, over 90% of motor claims are settled by insurers in favour of the policy holders.
  3. Read the Interpol website! It only displays 160 Red Notices out of around 7,500 issued. Just because the publicly accessible database doesn't show it doesn't mean that it is not there. No police forces get their Interpol information from a public website!
  4. The bank in question is not unknown, there are numerous articles on what happened. The banks whose names do not begin with "Ka" won't give a toss. Google.
  5. You guess wrong. The UK's FSCS provides limited protection if a bank fails and cannot pay it's customers, just as Thailand does. The bank in question in the OP has not failed.
  6. What I'm suggesting and what other members would read into my posts is usually written in clear English. I'm no expert and I didn't sell him the car. I had never even heard of or met the guy. So why did you say that "he probably had some idea of why the price was what it was"? You're clearly suggesting that there was something wrong with the car because of the price and that he knew it.
  7. Obviously you don't live in Thailand or your woefully uninformed. Wrong, on both counts! Obviously.
  8. ...and opening a bank account for him according to what he said in the OP.
  9. Not really, it's not just the visa he'd be charged for, he's asking the agent to open a bank account for him also. That is not usually included in a visa agent's package.
  10. "..he probably had some kind of idea why the price was what it was". What does that mean? As you're suggesting that the price may not have been normal retail, what was the price he paid for it, did he buy it new or used, what was the condition and the mileage? Please share that information that you have with the rest of us.
  11. The roads may be fine, That's what I was talking about, the roads, as was the poster to whom I responded originally.
  12. Complete drivel. I am in the US right now. The vast majority of the highways are superb. And they continue to improve. Complete drivel. I am in Thailand right now. The vast majority of the highways are superb. And they continue to improve.
  13. that has been my experience with insurance companies. "...my experience with insurance companies". You've, personally, had more than one experience of having legitimate claims denied or are you referring to urban myth? Insurance companies are so profitable (and insured!) they have no need to reject valid claims.
  14. The term "manhunt" has been in common use all my life. Has something changed? Was "manhunt" used in this story? I was referring to the word "hunt", a word that brought ridiculous condemnation when used in a story about visitors from Africa recently.
  15. Absolute and utter nonsense. You're right, it sure is absolute and utter nonsense to say that my comment was "absolute and utter nonsense".
  16. There's plenty of soapies/oilies open right now, maybe not B470m-big but the business sure isn't over
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