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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. So by your Thai apologetics tapdancing, you feel he should be allowed out on bail again? 555 You read it that way if it pleases you, but I did not give my opinion. which is irrelevant any way, I was commenting on the law that permitted him bail initially. Where has it said that he is out on bail again, the link says that he's back in police custody!
  2. I give up............... If you've got a rational point, make it, don't just give up!
  3. Totally irrelevant, the court is considering the offence in question nothing to do with previous offences. One of the reasons given is to "prevent further offences being committed whilst he is on bail" Garbage. The fact that this man has not been found guilty of any previous offences is very relevant and would be in the UK also. Are you assuming that this Thai man has been given bail again when the link clearly stated that he was back in custody?
  4. How do you know that this alleged case WAS ALL ABOUT MONEY???!!!!! Edited for the correct number of exclamation marks.
  5. And he was offered a full refund that he rejected!
  6. Make up your mind, which one was it, allegedly because you are a foreigner or because you had a medical service that would not be free for any nationality?
  7. But, in this case, he has not been found guilty of any previous offences and, I can assure you, in the UK, that would be taken into consideration!
  8. Glad that you got the point eventually. By the way, if bail is available for unconvicted "killers", why shouldn't he be entitled to make use of it if the court doesn't object?
  9. Thanks for confirming that you weren't just passing on her details willy-nilly (which is what I was referring to), you asked her permission first.
  10. https://www.thephuketnews.com/two-killed-in-phuket-bus-terminal-shooting-78768.php So? How about posting a link to where it confirms that he has been found guilty of murder in a court? So far, that has not happened so he has not been found guilty of murder yet.
  11. Can you read the link?According to the police he already confessed to the two murders. You really can't read the link, can you? He has not been found guilty of any murders, he has bail in order to prepare his defence against the first charges.
  12. "Typically Thailand!" ? Typical Thaivisa response, "I won't bother to read the provided link before posting". "But don't sell a beer in your restaurants". What? Get up to date, beer is available in restaurants.
  13. You can't read the link? He has not been found guilty of any murders!
  14. He has not been found guilty of any killings yet, he was on bail in order to prepare his defence to the first charges, so he has not "done any jail time and subsequently been allowed to roam the streets again".
  15. Only after they're been convicted, though, and, so far, this one hasn't been.
  16. 3 cheers for the Thai "Justice System", hip hip hooray! Bail can, in certain circumstances, be granted to those charged with murder in the UK, US and European countries also! "Hip! Hip! Hooray!" for their justice systems also!
  17. No, there are other countries in which the same thing could have happened also.
  18. Quite right. Who would pass on an agent's details to a complete stranger on an anonymous forum? No agent would want that, either. Having said that, all the OP asked was "are there any good prices here" and the answer to that is, "yes, there are". Google would probably help the OP to locate agents whose charges he could compare. .
  19. Why doesn't she use the statement or passbook entry that her ex-bank provided her at the time that she, surely, would not have disposed of so irrationally?
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