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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. in which case many crimes would not get solved..................what a great world that would b eh...............see no evil hear no evil....etc get over run with crime
  2. 1000 baht a month ensures instant response with anything
  3. Can you vouch for their uni schooling edukatshun though? that's my laugh icon btw.
  4. and who mostly never use the NHS saving the UK millions, its an absolute farce,
  5. is that why when I went to the Maldives in 1989 they told me it would be gone in 20 years................must be very slow rising then, still good for handouts when they can blame "the west"....... then increase tourism massively, it aint sea level thats the problem there its ridiculous over building. Still can now view the webcam on the very same beaches I walked down 36 years ago, went from 60 odd rooms to several hundred yet it remains the same size
  6. wait until youve done it a few times and report back, especially when they change things form last year, or just make up some new crazy idea. I was once told that as the corner of my bed was not in the photo for marriage visa that It had to be redone , a drive of 40km.despite previous years being fine.
  7. and lets not forget https://www.timesofisrael.com/father-of-fallen-soldier-terrorist-decapitated-my-son-tried-to-sell-head-for-10000/ All that uni education and they still say "you is complicit"
  8. id say many are as thick as sheite
  9. keep pushing and pushing them, dont give up, theyll get bored and do something. As an aside I had on the 5th floor water backing up into my sink once, reckon all the other people in the building threw their cooking oil down the drains blocking or restricting the main pipe which all floors feed into. Office said it wasnt their problem, told em to go to the access point and rod the main pipe.They did nowt until we started to push them however I couldnt wait any longer, in the end I rerouted the sink waste into a washing machine wastepipe as I have the full plans for the building and the two arent linked and as such no one can chuck cooking fat into that separate pipe. Both are grey water so its no problem . Id rather sort out problems myself but as yours is an exterior wall its THEIR problem, get a lawyer to send them a letter, kick up a fuss otherwise theyll just keep smiling away forever and a day
  10. well she wont be making dumb mistakes on choosing her friends next time
  11. so's a shotgun...........but should we use them
  12. and thus somchai the criminal carries on "running".......the type that do this dont care for anyone so why should the Police.
  13. yeah when they get this "paradise" they want there will be no way out for them.
  14. They wouldnt be able to protest anything if they lived in some of these countries they so happily defend.
  15. renewed 2 pick ups this year no problem both had speeding tickets, no mention of them when renewing, one in BKK the other at Pranburi, both tickets were not in the same locationsd/province as the tickets
  16. Its just a game in Thailand, nothing more.
  17. seems to work ok if you tax it NOT in the province you were caught in but YMMV
  18. wish I could have brought this here even just to polish............alas sold it in 2006 "The Final Edition Katana" Limited edition of 1100 made in 2000
  19. to ram everyones mobile phone up their arse, curse of modern society..............failing that a big ferk orf yacht and I mean $20000000 upwards and cruise the world forever with no fixed address.
  20. try and get your car tax NOT in the province you got the ticket in as it seems many areas are not linked up yet. I got a ticket in Bangkok but renewed tax at Pranburi twice with no problem. never paid the ticket, that was a speeding ticket though
  21. ill let u know if i drive into a concrete post that so many Thai drivers seem to do, I rarely use it but cant bear to sell it, done 4000km in 9 years, I like polishing it though, may stick it in the lounge as an ornament, run it once every 3 weeks for 10 miles
  22. much easier than my cbr650 especially with age and the interest in out and out acceleration has declined with age too
  23. yep!! However.......... wife sells condos rentals etc, had aJapanese man closing his business in BKK and he had a fleet of scooters for his staff, In passing my Wife said to him thats cute about one of the scooters, not thinking ahything about it as she has a car, next thing he says is............oh you can have it if you want. So she had a choice of about 6 and I chose the one in the best condition then changed all the plastics in a puke yellow for a nicer colour which cost 4-5000 inc ripped seat and got a new bike. And for the why dont you get a real bike brigade, I have a Honda cbr 650f as well...but rarely use it. I stripped off the tatty exhaust and repainted it and cleaned the rest, only had 7000km on it
  24. no problem, another 20 years going thru court and theyll all be dead
  25. werewolf eyebrows
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