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Everything posted by jerrymahoney

  1. And same may go in the reverse.
  2. No. It is their mortgage. My name nowhere appears on the mortgage documents and I have no binding legal obligation on the mortgage payments. And since the house is not in the wife's name, there can be no sin somros type obligation for me if there is any default on payment. So for me it is almost like a rental in which I pay less than 100% of the monthly mortgage payments.
  3. My wife's family bought the house. I help with the mortgage payments. Also I paid for an extra air con, refrigerator, 2 shower water heaters, etc.
  4. I met (I guess) a mid-30's woman at her shop. She said she had lived in USA with her American husband for many years. She said her big problem was discrimination. I asked: Discrimination for whom? She said: For me as Asian. I said the places you tell me you lived all have significant Asian populations. Without getting too personal, if your husband is much older than you, you were likely to incur discrimination for that more than for your being Asian. She said nothing.
  5. Thailand Civil Code Section 1568. Step Parents Where a person who already has a child marries another person the parental power over such child is exercised by the former person.
  6. Her Thai boyfriend left her about 5 years ago and left her with a kid to support with no financial help from him and some debts she had co-signed with him which he has never helped pay.
  7. I'm just going to post this for reference: Seven Corners Travel Medical Insurance Designed for travelers abroad, offers medical insurance when traveling outside your home country. For nearly 30 years, Seven Corners has provided the best travel insurance for domestic * and international travel. The Seven Corners Assist team also has helped millions of customers with travel-related situations, including medical evacuations, translation services, and more. * Domestic including foreign travelers inbound to the US. Please be aware this coverage is not a general health insurance plan, but an interim, limited benefit period, travel medical program intended for use while away from your home country. Insurance Underwriter: Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s, London, rated “A” (Excellent) by AM Best. https://www.sevencorners.com/plans/travel-medical-insurance
  8. Or as I tell her: No honey, no money
  9. And then you cancelled your WrLife policy per your August 8 posts.
  10. Don't have no Mercedes or a car for that matter, but for me, a swimming pool is essential. With the big move last June, I now have a 25 meter saltwater pool about 100 meters from my house. So some people have to be near water on a coast, but for me, this is even better.
  11. This is from the WrLife English language Policy document: ANY INSURANCE FROM AN INTERNAL BROKER We are also licensed broker and we can find covers from any provider even from competitors. The WrLife global architecture also owns brokerage companies. One is in France for example and has the insurance broker license for all Europe.
  12. Maybe. Thank you. When i worked with US oil companies, they used to lend money to the banks overnight.
  13. We import high quality beef from Australia. The beef cattle are grain and grass-fed from farms that meet our strict quality standards. Our beef patties are seasoned with salt and pepper. https://www.mcdonalds.co.th/goodFood
  14. Verbatim from English language policy on wrlife.net website: The Main Insured must, when joining, complete and sign online on the web site: www.wrlife.net the application form can include a medical questionnaire validated by the Insurer. An additional medical examination, paid by the Insured, may be requested. The Insurer reserves the right to make acceptance conditional upon the production of any additional information it considers necessary. 1. For any pre-existing, chronic conditions and injury before the start date of the policy, the condition has to be studied and can either been covered with or without moratorium, or loading, or excluded. 2. For aged under 65: Health checkup is not required: there is a three month waiting period for specific diseases. 3. For aged 65 and over: 2 choices 3.1 Health checkup required prior to coverage to determine pre-existing conditions. (or) 3.2 A six month waiting period prior to coverage for specific diseases. Specific diseases: Hypertension & Cardiovascular Disease, All Tumors, Polyp or Cyst, Hernias, Hemorrhoids, Prostate Disease, Diabetes, Cancer, Cholecystitis, Cholelithiasis, Calculi of the Urinary Organs. ______________ BTW 3.2 was what was in the RED BREAKING NEWS notice a few days back.
  15. From the English policy document on the wrlife.net website: Definitions: Pre-existing condition: A medical illness or injury that you have before you start a new health care plan may be considered a "a pre-existing condition".
  16. I know you were just kidding but I had wanted to post all this and was waiting for a suitable topic.
  17. And this was my US Government Certification as referenced in the above post
  18. That and the temples of course Well not so much temples but before and after moving to Thailand I was skilled volunteer (with US Government certification) at under NGO under the patronage of (the then) HM the King assisting disadvantaged populations. But with your 'temple' line above are you suggesting BS that Thai femaledom did not enter the equation? Of course it did. But I had been in SE Asia working for about 15 years before moving to Thailand so I was well familiar with the place. So I'm going to post this now that it was almost 20 years ago. This was my "Dear Jerry" letter as I had made the mistake of asking them to supply me with a formal visa which they had absolutely no intention to do. So letter was Thanks for your help; now go away. But I continued to informally help some of their top students with obtaining academic scholarships both domestic and international. But not like living in USA would I ever have an experience like this.
  19. Post redux Been in Thailand 18 years now and, while certainly there are the financial advantages, I came here for the anonymity. People became very intrusive in US as to who you are, what do you do, and the 'can this person help me more than I can help them' equation. Here in a Thailand, nobody much cares who you are unless you want people to know who you are.
  20. Well presuming this is a case in a Thai court, this is the standard on a Thai insurer application: WARNING: Office of Insurance Commission (OIC.) The applicant should disclose all the facts you know. Any nondisclosure shall make the policy issued hereunder voidable. The Company has the right to void the contract according the Civil Commercial Code Section 865. So just from the above, the insurance company could say you knew about such pre-exiting conditions. You just chose not to disclose ALL of them. But since this is a WrLife topic, their application form states: MEDICAL PREEXISTING CONDITIONS (IF ANY): past or present sickness, past surgery, medicine taken: NB: with no time reference i.e. last 5 or 10 years Personally, I had no problem with the above from WrLife as I had just completed a life insurance application at age 70 (accepted) where I provided a medical history going back to arthroscopic knee surgery in 1998.
  21. So just from the above info, the case may involve a claim denied by the insurer, while the broker assured the policy holder the claim, for that type occurrence, would be covered.
  22. Why -- the real stunners in Isaan don't leave Isaan. They don't have to. While Isaan is low per capita income, there are pockets of extreme wealth in Isaan and the stunners know it.
  23. Self-insurance is a good deal. Until it isn't.
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