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Everything posted by Woof999

  1. "Oh yes he does". In the post of yours that I quoted earlier, you suggested that one doesn't need to be as intelligent as Einstein to believe in god. That is a poor choice of words because, not only did Einstein not say he believed in god, he specifically said that belief in a personal god is childish. In other words, your post would have made sense to reference someone of intelligence that was a theist, whatever their definition of god was, not an agnostic in the belief of a higher power and a true disbeliever in the belief of a personal god. ...and that is misleading. As written, it would suggest the person believes the existence of a higher power is more probable than not. I could equally write it as "to be agnostic is to believe that it is possible there is no higher power". An agnostic would believe that, with the knowledge we have at hand, and potentially into eternity, one could not prove either way.
  2. You'd most certainly need to be not Einstein to believe this. He was famously agnostic and widely quoted as saying belief in a personal god was childish.
  3. As long as he doesn't completely forget Gramps.
  4. This is worth a watch before you make a choice:
  5. Hell no. I judge each of mine by the quality of the plop. Extra points for a "round the u-bend in once piece".
  6. I hate the overuse of the racism card too. However, favouritism based on race (and so disadvantage based on a different race) is pretty much the dictionary definition of racism.
  7. Woof999

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    https://www.sfcinemacity.com/showtime/movie/HO00000819/9914 Yes
  8. Facebook has Like, Love, Care, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry. Discord's are customisable to the extent you could have 1000s. I'd really like a "muppet" emoticon. I'd probably use it profusely.
  9. See you next Friday, 18:30 sharp ????
  10. Tell that to Facebook, Discord or pretty much every interweb social interaction app. Emoticons are a thing, they've been around for years, they'll stay around for years too I'd think.
  11. I'd use confused to mean "what the heck are you on about?" or "that makes no sense". I'd use sad if you posted that your dog just died. it's not really rocket science... surely?
  12. That would be the intelligent solution.
  13. I posted in one of the other threads words to the effect that someone who gets triggered by emojis must have some underlying issues. I can only imagine that now each time they get a notification that "somebody" reacted to a post, without knowing exactly who it was, that trigger will be even worse. I know it makes me a bad person, but that kind of makes me laugh even more.
  14. Grrrr... I'm now being trolled by Somebody!
  15. I would have laughed SOOOO much if you've used the username "EmojiTroll".
  16. I shall be starting an emoji troll victim support group. We shall hold meetings at Spider bad on Soi 6 Pattaya each Friday evening from 18:30. Rounds to be bought by all who admit to be trolled by emojis.
  17. There are large objects being ridden at the end of Soi 6 every day.
  18. It seems annual travel patterns have a yearly cycle. Who'd have thunk it?
  19. My extension expiry used to be just before Christmas. A couple of years ago my wife was away during that time so I went to immigration and asked if I could get an extension. They gave me a 30 day extension (for 1900 baht) which manifested itself in my passport as another "under consideration" stamp dated 30 days after the one before Christmas. Since then my extension expiry has been mid January, which is much more convenient. This was at the infamous Jomtien office.
  20. Time of year is also really important. I use aircon all day every day and the bills are considerably higher from late March until late August than they are for the rest of the year. Also remember that we had discounted electricity for a period during COVID.
  21. I believe they each use their own infrastructure. True fibre has been available at all 6 houses I've lived in on the dark side. 3BB in at least 1, AIS not available in the 2 that I asked them about. Allegedly a man once said to me that True know they are in a position of power and their attitude to customer service reflects this.
  22. I believe that a kilowatt hour is a kilowatt hour regardless of the number of phases. Typically a household 3 phase supply in Thailand will still be using a single phase for a single circuit (no 3 phase motors running, or example). I cannot think of any reason why a 3 phase supply would be any cheaper. In fact, outside of Thailand, a 3 phase supply would attract extra fixed charges. I have a 3 phase supply at my home. The bill looks no different than it did at other homes with a single phase supply, as far as I can tell.
  23. The terms can be ambiguous. Downtown used by someone that doesn't also use "uptown" or "midtown" would typically mean town centre (I think). Uptown, midtown and downtown might well mean north, central or south, such as in Manhattan.
  24. Are they investigating the real taxi drivers who are using real taxis for "doing illegal taxi services" ?
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