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Everything posted by Woof999

  1. Holy smokes, just look at where that pole is in relation to where the driver would have been sitting. Respect to the rescue services for dealing with something that must have been grotesque to say the least.
  2. Samsung's "The Frame" sounds perfect. 19000 baht and it will look more like a window than a small photo frame: https://www.powerbuy.co.th/th/tv-and-entertainment/televisions/lifestyle-tv?gclid=Cj0KCQiAtvSdBhD0ARIsAPf8oNlXn5GfPBZWMEDBNc0ZhCyZAp3CsqoyJqSIjzFnqqsm0myzrO3jOHsaAtiGEALw_wcB
  3. I usually agree with most of what you post, but on this one.... The virus size may well be smaller than the gaps in the mask, but the droplets of human snot / saliva / smegma that much of the virus would be encapsulated in would be significantly bigger. Symptoms from COVID seem to me mostly consistent with the initial viral load, so if a mask stops even 10% of that load you'd be better off. As for the insurance policy, if I could get one that reduced my chance of a serious illness by even 5% that involved me doing not much at all and spending no $$$, then please sign me up.
  4. I'd love to agree with you because I believe your intentions are sound, but there are some things I'd correct (based on my own knowledge and opinions which I'm not saying are necessarily better than yours). "Many just see no need to have this particular vaccine as they are not in a high risk group" - high risk groups were based on age and pre-existing medical conditions, yet the vast majority of the world's health experts absolutely told pretty much everyone that a vaccination was in their best interest. There have been countless examples of perfectly healthy 20 and 30 year olds becoming incredibly sick and dying from COVID. On the flipside there have been many reports of side effects. Nobody could really say that COVID was not a danger to them and so they couldn't make an accurate decision about side effects being more inconvenient to them without having experienced both, previous experience with vaccinations excepted. I totally get that it's their body and their decision, but I don't accept that, with the knowledge available at the time, their decision to vaccinate or not vaccinate was more scientifically sound than the medical professionals. I'm sure there are many other diseases that would affect the high risk groups. I'm not so sure that too many of them were as infectious as COVID. Also bear in mind that this happened over a relatively short period of time, when many nations health services were stretched beyond breaking point. If me getting vaxxed stopped my (3 so far) COVID infections requiring me to be hospitalised, and so freeing up those medical services for someone more in need, then tip top. I don't rebel against a government's mandate purely because it comes from the government. I don't for one moment believe they are out to get me even if they (politicians) are only in the game for their own benefit. To liken a requirement for a vaccination to living in North Korea... well, a bit too far extrapolated for me. If my government advised me to do something, then that wouldn't be a "so I must do it then" signal but it would be a good indication that it might well be good advice. The fact that I may or may not be doing the same thing as millions of others wouldn't really come into it. Again, the government recommendations came from sound medical advice based on the information to hand at the time. It wasn't politicians alone making medical decisions on my behalf without expert opinion (and no doubt at least a small amount of corporate greed to go along with it). I'm not saying that anti-vaxxers specifically believe in flat earth or deny the moon landings. I'm saying that I put them in a similar category. That might be somewhere between dumb and misguided. If their decision not to vaccinate was based on past medical history then no problem from me. I've nothing to "get over" in terms of your last paragraph. Outside of this thread I rarely give it a second thought. Apologies for the long reply, but there it is ????
  5. He shot an old, unarmed man 4 times in the back at a time when he was clearly no longer (if ever he was) a threat. You're trying to apply logic and common sense to later actions of that same "man". I wouldn't believe a single word of what he said without additional proof.
  6. Some people cannot get the vaccine for various reasons. Those who can, but choose not to, do put others health at risk. This doesn't affect me or any of my loved ones currently, but if it did, I'd likely have a word or two to say about the anti-vaxxers too. I put them in a simlar category to flat earthers and moon landing deniers.
  7. Just don't argue with the pharmacist like I did or when he gives you your cream he'll tell you to shove it up your a$$.
  8. "Do BA sell tickets from UK to Thailand?, it is a YES or NO answer." YES. Do Trailfinders sell tickets from UK to Thailand? (that's also a YES or NO answer). YES. Can I fly Trailfinders to Thailand. NO. Your original comment was "You can fly with BA to Thailand via Doha or Hong Kong." You can fly codeshare on another airline with tickets purchase through BA. They might even have a BA flight number, but the aircraft wont be BA (or IAG), they wont even be wet leased by BA. They will be wholly operated by (from your examples) Qatar Airways or Cathay Pacific. By the way - if there is no such thing as BA metal because IAG owns BA and Qatar Airways is the major shareholder in IAG then "you can fly with BA to Thailand" must be even more impossible at the moment because IAG owns BA and Qatar Airways is the major shareholder in IAG. That logic would hold true even if it were a BA liveried aircraft, which it wont be because... BA do not currently fly scheduled service to Thailand.
  9. I hope the police recover all of the stolen money and pass it on to some displaced Ukrainians ASAP.
  10. Those will be code shares, at least on the leg into BKK. https://simpleflying.com/british-airways-defers-bangkok-flights-goes-double-daily-singapore/ No BA metal into Thailand for at least another couple of months.
  11. Working as a waitress in a cocktail bar. Now 5 years later on she's got the world at her feet.
  12. When I turned 50 I was lucky enough to only look 49.
  13. Watching the first series (and then probably the rest) of 24 again, for the first time in more than a decade. It's still as amazing as it was more than 20 years ago.
  14. Perhaps they should do that to all soi dogs. Those proven not to have rabies can have their heads put back on again.
  15. To be honest, it did cross my mind.
  16. Not trying to be picky, but you don't use Big C Extra exclusively then?
  17. Have you see it? (imdb says it's a TV series, perhaps there is a movie too?). "Woke" is such an overused term. Can't stand it and have never used it to describe anything. At first glance your post appears to uncover some prejudices. By the way, she's also an amputee, but adding that to deaf, chubby (really?), Native American and female - which of those terms should preclude someone from not taking a lead role? Or is it that Alaqua meets all of them that offends you?
  18. "The train driver, 43-year-old Mr. Weerawat Worawong, told The Pattaya News that the victim marked the 20th casualty in his 10-year career as the train driver." Kind of puts everything into perspective. Where I come from, a single incident like this might well have the train driver traumatised and never to drive again. Here it happens more often than a performance review. Incredible figures and so utterly avoidable.
  19. If someone wants to take thousands of photos of themselves then have at it. However a selfie stick is often like an umbrella or a backpack. The user with it has no idea (or care) that they are poking me in the eye or turning around and clouting me with their backpack. I used to take a few photos but then realised that I hardly ever looked at them after the event and, during the moment, you miss so much of what's really going on around you because you're too busy trying to frame it on a small mobile screen.
  20. No such thing as a good selfie stick. One of the worst inventions ever. Just my humble opinion of course.
  21. This thread: From last year possibly isn't too outdated?
  22. So almost 7 out of 10 accidents were caused by sobriety?
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