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Everything posted by Woof999

  1. ...and legs and High Streets
  2. No you can't and yes you do. If you only print photos occasionally then just go to the local shop. Much much cheaper in the long term. Colour laser printers are ok for leaflets and presentation type stuff but pretty useless for photos, which is why I stick with black laser and the local shop for the very occasional (usually immigration) colour photo needs.
  3. 1.) Yes but they mostly do the same thing. Some might have colour. Some might have fax. Personally I always go with black only and no longer bother with fax. 2.) It will have a toner cartridge that will last anything from a few thousand to 10,000 pages plus. Easy to replace and usually less clunky than replacing inkjet cartridges. 3.) Virtually none. 4.) Yes 5.) No but most now have wireless operation which would mean at least one less cable, so yes for convenience. 6.) Absolutely no. 7.) Depends very much on your needs. I usually stick to Brother or HP and have had no issues. I use all the time and typically spend around 9000 baht but you can get much cheaper. Officemate is where I've bought my last ones but they are in Power Buy, invodeit.co.th and load of other places. 8.) Enjoy laser. So much easier than inkjet.
  4. The skin doctor at Pattaya Memorial Hospital (if you're near) is excellent. Can't remember her name but I think she works maybe 3 days per week - Mon, Wed and Fri IIRC. She will tell you immediately if there is any issue and uses liquid nitrogen to freeze them off. No numbing needed, no pain and much cheaper than laser. I've had malignant melanoma more than once so I have every inch checked regularly and she's zapped her fair share on me.
  5. It was not a rampage! It was a Special Grocery Operation.
  6. Had 2 trees blow over last year and one growing at a 45 degree angle straight towards the main subdivision power lines. One stump was small (about 4 inches max diameter) but the other two were at least a foot across. Paid the local handyman to dig them up just last week (including as many roots as he could find). Took him almost 2 days and with loads of sweat, all for the princely sum of 1000 baht (he asked for 500). Some of the work was done with a small chainsaw, but the vast majority was with a hatchet and loads of effort. I've had the large clay pot treatment and still have a few of them, but back to flat lawn looks so much better and easier to maintain, when the grass finally comes back. This is the result of his hard work on one of the large ones and the small one. Any time I moan about living in Thailand I remind myself that there are so many benefits, including very cheap labour.
  7. Perfect outcome. Toddler - safe. Scum who held toddler hostage with a knife - dead.
  8. Landlord (or their "agent" in your case) to tenant relationship needs to be at least amicable. It doesn't matter how much you like the condo, it sounds like this situation is going to create headaches for you non-stop. You should absolutely have a signed rental agreement before you move in and absolutely before you hand over any deposit. "Too busy" just doesn't cut it for something so important. They will also be too busy when you need anything else, such as repairs. If I were in this situation I would cut my losses and move to another condo in the same area, if there is one.
  9. If someone believed that then they almost deserve to be scammed. Almost.
  10. You've just won the internet for this week.
  11. Or even know where the UK is ????
  12. I have to agree with the last sentence. Reading back my own post I wrote "speak" which wasn't right either.
  13. I surrender. Was just trying to point the OP in the right direction but would expect him/her to do some of the legwork too ????
  14. Saying "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less" - this one just makes me laugh as it means the speak doesn't understand their own language. Saying "anyways" instead of "anyway". Just sounds... wrong, to me at least.
  15. You are very welcome. I'd show you a redacted copy of one of my certs but I don't get them unless I use them and I haven't taken copies that I can find. However, below is a redacted copy of one that I was given when I bought a car. Some things to note: 1.) This is neither from Korat nor Bangkok. 2.) It shows the date of entry AND the date permitted to stay until - from memory mine did too. 3.) It shows the type of visa the person is on (NON-ED) in this case. I can't remember if mine did but I think so. 4.) This particular one I think also indicates that the person's stay has been extended due to COVID. Not 100% sure on that one but looks like it to me. 5.) Note the photo and the red stamp. I've never seen a valid CofR without one, but maybe different offices vary. 6.) Also note that on asking for a CofR before with only a few days left on my permission to stay, I've even been warned by the person doing the certs that I only have a few days left too (because the cert reflects that fact). 7.) All mine that I can remember were from buying / selling vehicles. The certs for my licenses were almost 5 years ago and I cannot remember what details they included. 8.) I hope I've redacted all the personally identifiable info on this cert. If I've missed something I'd be grateful if someone can let me know.
  16. I am writing from personal, first hand experience. I have had multiple residence certs while selling vehicles where my extension of stay had less than 30 days left and on every one of those occasions the cert was only valid until the date of extension of stay. You mostly give good advice on this forum yet you've called "rubbish" and "fact over what you imagine" on replies to me in this post. Please don't make it a third time unless you are 100% sure that you know I am wrong, which also means you're now calling me a liar.
  17. Please re-read what I wrote. I said the MAXIMUM.
  18. The maximum length of a Cert of Residence is up to the last day of your permission to stay. If you only have 6 days left, for example, you wouldn't get 30 days validity on the cert, only 6.
  19. One of the links I provided above was 2650 baht. You wont get too much cheaper I wouldn't think.
  20. Something like this? : https://www.invadeit.co.th/product/wireless-networking/netgear/nighthawk-m2-mobile-hotspot-4g-lte-router-mr2100-p053927/ This is the full category listing: https://www.invadeit.co.th/search/router/ I've used InvadeIT many times for more than 7 years. Always good service. Here's another one from the same category that wont break the bank: https://www.invadeit.co.th/product/wireless-networking/d-link/wireless-n300-4g-lte-router-dwr-920v-p051780/
  21. Desi Valentine - Fate Don't Know You Suits (TV series) fans might recognise it.
  22. Less than an hour by the looks of things. I spat my tea out (almost through my nose) when I saw the contents of the first one.
  23. I hope that somewhere out there I have a mate like you.
  24. They did the same to me about 7 years ago even though I'd specifically asked them about my account standing based on my changing circumstances and had been told there was no issue. Their wording to me just 6 or so months later was "we are focussing on our core 56 international territories". When asking them what those 56 territories were, they wouldn't tell me. I had been with them for more than 40 years (a convert from a very old Woolwich Building Society account).
  25. Just did mine today and for the first time ever had my paperwork accepted first time. Poobear is correct. Make some kind of transaction (I usually withdraw a few 1000 when I'm there at the time I'm asking for the letter). It doesn't matter whether it's a deposit or withdrawal. Remember to get the letter (original with stamp) plus one copy, and a full statement of 2 months (I get 3 months as I've had the 2 months questioned before) - original with stamps on each page plus a copy. My IO also requires 2 copies of the front page of the account passbook plus EVERY page that has a transaction in the whole year preceding my application (which sounds nuts - sometimes they only want the few months before the renewal, but this has changed more than once). This year that was made awkward because my passbook filled up, so had to copy most pages from both books. The bank paperwork alone was more than 20 pages of A4, some double sided (plus the copies). Good luck.
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