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Everything posted by Woof999

  1. After 3 years of being cancelled due to COVID, the man from Del Monte finally said yes!
  2. Just make sure you get a receipt on something official looking. Ideally with the condo management co's details on it.
  3. A law is almost meaningless without consistent enforcement. Enforce the existing multitude of traffic laws and safety here will improve dramatically. Little point in adding new laws unless the only intention is to keep law makers employed.
  4. Most of the ones I've tried either don't have a non-Lazada store or don't want you to find them. The ones I have found are by searching for several of the products they advertise on Lazada and seeing which non-Lazada stores overlap in the results.
  5. Or 300 for a falang.
  6. I kind of understand the concept. My immediate first 2 thoughts are: 1.) Why do you label the conscious mind as ego? 2.) Science does not appear in any of your tools, yet it has played a huge part in our understanding of both the physical world and the abilities of our brains.
  7. Indeed. I never realised the regiment was so large.
  8. The skin doctor at Pattaya Memorial. Her name is something like Dr Pattararangsee. I thought she was there Mon/Wed/Fri but now I think it is Tue/Fri.
  9. I would 100% agree. I would also say that if someone's best quotations need to come from a book that is clearly mostly fable / fairy tale then they might want to look for a more reputable source. A few times it has been suggested that this thread is almost worthless. I'm erring on that side and only now posting when I literally have time to kill. It is a two hemisphere echo chamber with little but headbanging. The non-believers position is often "you can't prove what doesn't exist" or "your belief is nothing but a fairy tale", with the believers being "if you haven't experienced it then you cannot possibly understand", or "science doesn't have all the answers". If this is true, the two diametrically opposed positions can almost certainly never reach accord, hence a discussion is almost meaningless. However it is still better than two separate threads containing two echo chambers. One the believers and the other the non-believers, existing purely to pat each other on the back.
  10. There are still reasonably frequent quotes from the bible in this thread from those that you likely wouldn't deem bible thumpers, used to justify / explain their beliefs in their spiritual god. Cut out the need to refer to a story book in your quest to prove your grown-up spiritualism and then perhaps it might be harder to knock?
  11. I believe the fees are based on what the local authorities value the land / property at. If not, all sales would be registered at 0 value and the money transfers would be done off the books to avoid fees.
  12. I remember seeing Nicollette for the first time in my youth. She sure was (is) good at fetching because I came very quickly.
  13. £200 fortunately, up from £185. It's £601 if the plane weighs more than 20 tonnes but carries less than 19 passengers. If you're flying on one of those then the £601 doesn't mean much anyway.
  14. If they knew they were helping to distribute counterfeit toothpaste then I hope they don't.
  15. I've told my wife and kids that I will never buy anything Apple. Mostly because none of the current tech in the house (and there is plenty) is Apple and I don't like their ecosystem.. I've bought them all decent Samsung phones of a quality that matches their ages (anything from 8k to 35k) and the son got a 30k PC for Christmas, which he knows will also be his birthday present. Your cash, do whatever you will. For someone of that age I'd probably tie it to an achievement though, as some others have suggested.
  16. That would be more coincidence followed by something you cannot possibly prove yet seem to state as fact. Surely nobody knows? You follow two generalisations with a request to not generalise?
  17. Some of them were doomed to fail without the need to blame COVID, Putin, black cats or anything other than their appalling business models. FlyBe (reincarnated) is a perfect example.
  18. That second photo is bloody awful.
  19. This is no joke. The person who flamed Loger Labbit is now facing defamation charges.
  20. He has spent more time in the monkhood than the lifespan of most people alive, so respect from me. Not really my cup of tea, but I can appreciate the devotion and sacrifice.
  21. I know what you mean. However the info he gives is very good. I was especially impressed when I next fired up my (less than 1 year old) potentially overpriced dealer fitted camera and heard the startup sound.
  22. Freudian slip sir?
  23. Can you provide an example that couldn't equally be explained by coincidence?
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