I'll support activists to a greater or lesser extent depending on whether their views fit with mine and my own sense of morality. I'll listen to the views of most activists because only then will my views be "up to date" and my morals adjusted where necessary. I might then think:
1.) You're a nutter
2.) You have a point but it's not something I want to be involved in
3.) You have a great point but I'm too happy in my comfort zone to give a monkey's enough to do anything
4.) Off to the art shop to buy a white board and some paint - which I've never ever done.
Should also mention that how activists try and put their point across also makes a difference. Have a peaceful protest, lobby the government and wave some banners and that's great. Glue yourself to the road and I'll run you over.
Having said all that, if people don't like my morals then I have others.