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Everything posted by Woof999

  1. I would endeavour: Brown = +ve Blue = -ve Yellow / Green = earth (connected to the metal housing) The yellow one you can test easily with a ohm meter.
  2. Are bars allowed to open (and serve alcohol) after 2am for the World Cup match tonight? Anyone know any bars that are doing (or at least trying to do) this? Thanks.
  3. Please excuse the humour, but as Roy "Chubby" Brown once said: "I'm not a qualified gynaecologist but I'll have an f'ing good look at it".
  4. I've never lived. Not once have I seen a mushroom stream.
  5. "Monkey Business" surely?
  6. 100% correct. First hand experience here. Lots of of visa waiver entries 5 or so years ago and was refused at Swampy. Phone app showing plenty of dough readily available but the lack of cold hard cash (had at least 15k on my but less than 20) was the nail in the coffin.
  7. Shazam picks up at least 2 of them (Nek Narlepol and Bell Nipada). Give it a go, amazing app.
  8. I'll support activists to a greater or lesser extent depending on whether their views fit with mine and my own sense of morality. I'll listen to the views of most activists because only then will my views be "up to date" and my morals adjusted where necessary. I might then think: 1.) You're a nutter 2.) You have a point but it's not something I want to be involved in 3.) You have a great point but I'm too happy in my comfort zone to give a monkey's enough to do anything 4.) Off to the art shop to buy a white board and some paint - which I've never ever done. Should also mention that how activists try and put their point across also makes a difference. Have a peaceful protest, lobby the government and wave some banners and that's great. Glue yourself to the road and I'll run you over. Having said all that, if people don't like my morals then I have others.
  9. Little point until Thailand dramatically increases its international transit. I've had 200 / 500 / 1000 and there has been little difference in any of them for traffic patterns that actually matter to me.
  10. Should you use an RCBO? Yes. Ice cream will last in a freezer for hours (up to 48), but easily 8 hours+ after it loses power. UNLESS that is, someone keeps opening the door. If you know the RCBO has tripped and you still keep opening the door...
  11. Trick cyclist, but all my customers were nutters.
  12. My best guess with the info given (ignoring anything nefarious) so far is that your PC is missing some of the SSL intermediary certificates. When was the last time that Windows Update was run?
  13. Just checking that you are using https://online.lloydsbank.co.uk/personal/logon/login.jsp this site yes? You've written Lloyds three times here so far and all were wrong ????
  14. After close to 10,000 posts here it wouldn't take someone (with both motivation and access) too much to effort to find a real identity. I might be wrong, but online posters have been traced even when their user name isn't their full legal name and their profile doesn't contain their social security number.
  15. Wasn't the circus created by Trump's own actions? You still seem to be in support of him. Is that the case?
  16. But advertise the fact you did it on here. Genius.
  17. He was born in Southampton to parents that had immigrated two decades earlier. He's no more from a foreign country than I am.
  18. ( To balance out the messages that start like this.
  19. Woof999

    looking for

    Seems to be a few here: https://www.motors.co.th/th/bikes/HONDA/CRF250L
  20. He's very much trying to sell. He has stated that he's not trying to sell here, but that is a missed opportunity. The answers to questions posted here should be the same as questions posted anywhere. Why not treat this online site as a possible avenue to find people that might be interested to buy? The questions asked here are likely to be not all that different from anywhere else. Putting up defensive barriers wont help. People buy from people before anything else. Anyway, I wish the OP all the best.
  21. All good my friend. It did make me laugh though)
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