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Everything posted by Woof999

  1. "while a driver was turning into a gas station" The sidecar exploded while the rider was trying to perform a magic trick?
  2. Interesting. If Microsoft Authenticator or equivalent isn't availabe then SMS is my go to choice. I'd much rather have 2FA, even if there is a (very small) risk that it is unavailable than an account protected by nothing more than a password. If me being locked out for a short period while still knowing my account is far more secure then otherwise then all is good. Typically there is still an option to regain control of an account quickly even if 2FA isn't available. However I'm totally with you that a decent Authenticator would be my absolute preference. All of my critical apps use it. Email I can always get to with other methods. Bank account I can still access via branch or ATM card and my PornHub account I can probably do without for maybe up to an hour.
  3. Two factor auth is not a tiny bit of extra security, it stops you being the low hanging fruit. IMHO, for any account that is important to you or would cause any kind of loss if it was hacked, if 2FA is available then ALWAYS use it.
  4. Is this a one off or are you likely to create more? If the latter, look on Lazada for a mini CNC. I have one that also has a laser engraver head. Useful for tasks like this unless it is a one-off whereby you'll spend a lot more time on setup than you will actually making anything.
  5. What do they call that in France Rodney?
  6. Rubber degrades over time. I would say you've had your money's worth in 5 years. 7 is definitely too long regardless of remaining tread.
  7. That depends on the treatment. I've needed urgent hospital care in the UK twice in my life. On both occasions the treatment was immediate and first class. One needed two weeks of in patient care including 2 x 100 mile transfers, the other needed 3 years of follow up care and at least two additional operations.. All free (no addition costs on top of National Insurance payments). The NHS is far from perfect but it's so much better than many think. There is also nothing to stop one having their own medical insurance, which is sometimes the only option in other countries. I owe my life to the NHS. Other's experience may vary.
  8. [sarcasm mode="extreme"] Mods, are you able to make this thread accept replies from dog owners only? [/sarcasm]
  9. You say that you've owned one (which you loved so much that you gave it up) but now seem to be vouching for the whole species.
  10. Bought mine from Makro about 5 years ago. 7 feet tall, with all the trimmings and still going strong.
  11. Your students don't respect you and probably never will. Your employers don't respect you and absolutely never will, coupled with the fact they don't resent you because the logic needed to know that particular truth was never part of their upbringing. Your choices are: 1.) Keep grinding away with the hope that you can make a real difference to just one child's life, which will make all the BS worth it, 2.) Continue your beloved profession in a land where they might learn to appreciate you. That almost certainly wont be here in my lifetime or yours. 3.) Change your vocation and/or the geography in which you pursue it. 4.) Just take the pay check and ignore everything else (and lose your soul). You are attempting to swim against a flow that has existed for millennia. Just the fact that you are already in that boat.... I tip my hat to you. We live in a land where, just a handful of years ago, while admitting that English skills were lacking in teachers, let alone students, the powers that be announced that they would look to hire more top notch native English speakers from...... the Philippines. I totally appreciate the fact the you clearly give a damn and wish you all the best, regardless.
  12. Pattaya Memorial (corner of Klang and 2nd Road). Possibly the same Dr as at the others but I was very impressed with his professionalism.... which doesn't happen too often here.
  13. It's inside the Central department store itself now. Can't remember which floor, maybe 3? but well signed inside.
  14. If proven true, name and shame.
  15. I'm not sure I could live with myself if I found out he had died and there was something I could have done to help. I'd probably call one of the rescue foundations and let them decide the best way to proceed. Sawang Boriboon is one of the local ones to me.
  16. Not government hospitals, but I know of several doctors locally that practice in multiple private hospitals and the fees vary considerably depending on the hospital. My opthalmologist and dermatologist are but two.
  17. Walk down Beach Road Pattaya after dark and you'll know exactly what it means.
  18. As an Englishman, a Brit and a UK national (not sure all here actually know the difference), I vote: 1.) Kick the Scots out of the Union. Far too much noise from too few people. What do they actually offer the Union other than bitterness? 2.) Rejoin the EU (if they will have us).
  19. Personally I would take her up on her "offer" and then, once finally received, I would write an email to FedEx in the US detailing what happened. The email would be concise and polite. I am a "guest" in a foreign country and I fully get that they run the ship how they run the ship. However, if they want to represent a global brand then they need to at least appear to be living up to global standards.
  20. The listing notes specifically say it's 12vDC input, but there again they also reference both IP65 and IP68. Are the lights multicolour and auto-changing? If so, perhaps the 3rd lead is for sync. For the sake of 148 baht, I'd connect a 12v DC supply to brown (+) and blue (-) first.
  21. When I'm 80, every day will be full of rock&roll, beer & hookers. Just like it is now.
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