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Everything posted by Woof999

  1. You personally know of 13 people who had major health issues because of the vaccination, or you've just read about them on the interweb? If 13 of your real acquaintances have had such bad reactions, I hope I don't know you, because that would appear to be the compelling factor.
  2. Even if that were proven to be true, it doesn't add any weight to the existence of any supernatural being. God of the gaps isn't any more of an intelligent "proof" today than it was 1000 years ago. To paraphrase Ricky Gervais, years ago people believed in many gods. Today, most religions believe in one (although not the same one). They are getting closer and closer to the real answer with each passing day.
  3. Indeed. Just looked again and it asked me how much I was looking to spend. Model results changed yet again:
  4. There's a few shops at the bottom end (nearer the temple) of Pattaya Thai that seem to cater... bought my vicar collar there a while ago.
  5. The new ones look smart. Saw the new Everest for the first time last week. Looks great too.
  6. I could be wrong, but when I follow your link it doesn't include the Legender. It's also not included in their drop down list of car models when I look: If I search for "Legender" in the search box then it does come up in the results, but not from any of the main pages.
  7. Maybe you're are wrong. You're missing the 1 Legender plate ???? Is that your solution? I mention a few relatively minor things I'm not happy with (along with some that I am) along with a dealer that doesn't give a monkey's and you think I should sell the car as I'll never be totally happy with it? Perhaps I should just stop shoring my opinion here.
  8. Different markets IMHO. Looked at the CR-V before we went with the Fortuner. The petrol CR-V is closer to a car than an SUV, both in terms of the way it drives (which is a positive) and the driving position (which for my wife is a negative). Petrol vs diesel too.
  9. I'd be interested to know if yours comes with 3 Fortuner kick plates and one Legender (as per the "design" according to the dealer). The new set of 4 has apparently arrived now. Not been there yet to see what they all say. Would also be interested to know if you can get Android Auto to work wirelessly. I've found an app that lets me add more features (such as YouTube and pretty much any other Android app) to Android Auto that can be controlled from the Fortuner ICE. Makes it much more powerful than it was as standard.
  10. I'm sure "Clunk, click on every trip" changed quickly to "Grope, blow on every show".
  11. Jail for fishing illegally (and through him in there too!). How about, if what he did was illegal, a fine of 5k baht or so?
  12. If they get fake visas then it doesn't really matter whether the real visa is 15, 30, 45 or however many days. The illegals will overstay regardless.
  13. I'm bi. I like both fit birds and fat birds.
  14. No, they want you out of there ASAP. I was refused roughly 4 years ago on multiple visa exempt. Flew back Phnom Penh > Suvarnabhumi and was denied entry. Taken "downstairs" to immigration holding where the supervisor looked at me with a "why did they refuse you". face on. Booked the next flight back to Phnom Penh on my phone and was escorted to the gate after about an hour. Not a particularly pleasant experience, but not the worst either. They wouldn't even let me move my car from the short term car park or meet anyone to give them my car keys.
  15. Can we please start calling the USA just SA? Nothing United about it at all. Ah that might annoy South Africa. I'll ask some word specialists for alternatives. Trump knows specialists. He has the best specialists. Some of the most bigly specialists ever. COVFEFE
  16. Dedication, mmm dedication, dedication, that's what you need. If you want to be the best, if you want to beat the rest. Oh, dedication that's what you need. If you want to be a record breaker yeah...
  17. An interesting point. To face any kind of consequences you first need to be caught. If you're in a closed group of like-minded people then that's not likely to happen, or at least it wasn't before people started filming everything. Where you would come unstuck though is if your words caused one of your colleagues to go out and do something. In many jurisdictions you would be guilty of incitement. An example would be "The Orange One", whose words likely (IMHO) incited a number of his followers to commit crimes on Jan 6. I'm not a lawyer and this is just my take.
  18. Free speech is alive and well and offers a number of protections. What it doesn't protect is you libeling or slandering someone. There are other restrictions, such as inciting racial hatred. If someone feels they need to spurt hate and offense (at a level that would clearly cause widespread offense) then I for one believe they deserve all they get. I'd far rather the laws were there than not. The UK certainly allows far more expressive freedoms that, say Russia, Thailand and many others.
  19. She's with Bob Smith.
  20. Almost certainly not. Unless you looked like a low-life or had entered many times recently they probably wont ask much at all. You cancelled your accommodation. Are you thinking of staying in a tent?
  21. I hardly speak a word of Thai and get deliveries from Lazada at least weekly. Most of the drivers and riders can just about pigeon English enough to me to understand if I'll be home. If it gets more complex I just get the wife on the phone. As long as you don't get addicted to all the things a modern phone can do (which is easier said than done), it can actually lessen your reliance on technology and let you get out and about more as you're no longer tied to a home computer.
  22. Read and formed my own opinions from watching. He's clearly an educated man and I agree with quite a few of his views. Just not those relevant to this topic and some others.
  23. Went from the 125i to the 150i late last year. Agree with comments on the keyless start and had the battery go dead within the first 6 months. Unable to use bike in that state (as no kick start) but dealer swapped same day as we called them and within warranty. Pulls better than the 125i but not all that noticable. Top speed not that much more than the 125i but gets there faster. Only use it for popping down the shops when the wife has taken the car. Perfect size and shape for me. Would never consider a PCX.
  24. Beautiful scenery. I think it would look better viewed from an automatic.
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